Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 437 7.91 The Reign of the Empress (4)

The two have been talking to each other so far. Old Gore's shoulders and corners of his mouth even began to tremble slightly.

At this time, he was completely different from the blacksmith who was forging iron in the river valley three years ago.

When he left three years ago, he only had a three-masted ship exchanged from Loki and 20 sailors.

Now, he has a fleet of 50 ships and 600 "employees". He led a team to and from the New World and Constantinople. He saw all dignitaries and entered and exited the royal palace.

He has a deeper understanding of what is hidden in the obsidian pyramid.

"Your Majesty, I am thinking"

Leviathan's hiding place should also be a fairly high-level secret for most members of the Illuminati. After all, money moves people's hearts. If there really were such a large number of treasures hidden in the obsidian gold tower, mortals would be unable to resist this temptation.

Therefore, the only people who know where Leviathan is hiding are members of the level of the 12 Sect Masters.


50 years ago, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty Li Longji spent huge sums of money to compile the "General Map of the Whole Country under Heaven". He handed over the mysterious task of "defending the country's volume" to the traveler Xiao Lu. However, this Xiao Lu happened to be a holy bishop monk.

Even Mutu, the "King of Earthsea", had not thought of this.

But if you think about it carefully, it is unlikely that this will happen.

As the old saying goes - money moves people's hearts. How can there be any reason to share such a huge amount of wealth with others? As the leader of France, Mutu must have put this money into his own treasury.

Another strong evidence is that when he used an army of monsters to fight Loki, even if he finally ran out of ammunition and food, the other 11 sect leaders never offered him a helping hand.

They may not know that the Asgard portal is in Mutu's hands.

Of course there is another possibility.

Mutu thought that Xiao Lu's notebook was just an ordinary ancient scroll recording the hiding place of the alien gods, so he distributed it to peripheral members of the "Illuminati" quite casually and asked them to search for it on their behalf.

"If those monsters were able to dig a tunnel out of the giant beast's body to escape, does that mean we can also go in through that tunnel, find the ruins of the obsidian pyramid, and take out the gold coins inside?!"

"Listen to me! With those dozens of gold mountains, who the hell would have to work hard all day long to build a shop and sell potions to do business! I dare to guarantee that even Mikhail III will have nothing to do with him in his life. I’ve never seen so much gold!”

"Not to mention the treasures piled up on the mountain of gold! I strongly feel that each of those treasures is a treasure lost in the long history of human civilization!"

"How's it going? Is there something going on?!"

Compared with the excited old Gore, Mohlantin was a little more cautious than a woman.

Gently kneading the center of her brows, she was first thinking about a crucial issue: whether the Illuminati could strike first and take advantage of it. Now it was hiding around Leviathan's body and preparing to carry out internal excavation activities.

This possibility must exist.

But after careful consideration, the possibility is not high.

This book reached the hands of the doorman of "Izumo Trading Company" in Yorkshire.

The guard has always had the highest respect for his Donglu seniors. He tried many techniques on this ancient book, such as "Zongheng School", "Shushan Sword School", "Moji Jishu", etc., but he was unable to understand its secrets.

In the end, Loki relied on his fluent Chinese and used his identity as "Old Walder's disciple" to trick the ancient scroll out of his hands.

It can be seen from this incident that almost no one in the world knows where Leviathan is hiding. Even within the Illuminati, not everyone may know among the 12 sect leaders.

Secondly, since Leviathan was destroyed by Feng Huzi, and then was drilled into the brain of "Sun Sacrifice" Youmu, and ate the life essence accumulated over 200 million years, "Mutu" has also had a lot of things happen. .

After Loki destroyed Leviathan, he returned to the valley and immediately encountered a joint invasion by England and Slavs. During this period, Bakanbush was deceived by the Storm Acolyte "Wise Man" Nibru, and decided to attack the Holy Mountain.

This unexpected situation revealed the true face of the Illuminati to all the Vikings.

Mutu was forced to deal with this big trouble personally.

Then came the invasion of England the next year. He came to Yun Province from France and used the earth-boring worms and all the troops he had on hand to fight Loki.

For Mutu, the unexpected appearance of Loki caused him one trouble after another, forcing him to put down his work and join the battle with the Vikings.

Mohrantin carefully sorted out everything that had happened in the past three years.

Secondly, the fact that Leviathan's hiding place can be revealed is inherently coincidental.

"Feng Huzi" was swallowed by a giant beast for nearly a thousand years, but he never gave up hope of survival. He recorded his experiences on the leather through words and pictures, stuffed the cloth into the bone cylinder, and then expelled it from the body through Leviathan.

I don't know how many such bone cylinders disappeared into the ocean. Finally, one drifted to the coast and passed through the hands of merchants from the Tang Dynasty. They took it back to their homeland and eventually fell into the hands of the Tang Wang Li family.

When one incident after another happens so fast and violently, even if Mutu can learn that there is a big problem with Leviathan through the monster coming ashore, he may not have time to organize people to go to the rescue.

The only thing that could happen is that he finds the other 12 clan masters to help him recover Leviathan's body.

They are completely uninterested in the Asgardian portal.

(Leviathan’s body is probably still floating silently in that sea!)

The last point that needs to be considered is whether the treasures may evaporate and be destroyed due to the explosion inside the giant beast.

This possibility exists, but it is also not high.

According to Old Gore's description, the city built on the back of the behemoth is located on its back and in the gap under its carapace.

Even if its internal organs are blown to pieces, there will still be a large amount of air in the buffer space between the cracks, and food and water will be temporarily retained. The incidents of monsters landing continuously in the past two years can even prove that a large number of monsters and alien gods have survived the impact.

In the eyes of monsters and outside gods, these heavy yellow metals are extremely useless garbage, and they will definitely not be interested in them.

(That batch of gold and silver is most likely still preserved in the ruins of the pyramid.)

Time passed by minute by minute. In the spacious study room, Mohrantin was still writing and drawing with banknotes in hand. This is a subconscious reaction that occurs when her brain is thinking at extremely fast speeds.

Upon seeing this, Old Gore walked to the balcony very wisely. He leaned on the tall railing of the balcony with both hands, stuck his head out from the gap, and looked at the bustling street under his feet as the lights began to light up.

This afternoon, Mehrantin rejected all other visiting envoys. When she initially judged that Mutu was most likely to be too busy, exploring the obsidian pyramid under Leviathan's shell seemed to become a very worthwhile task. A try action.

Afterwards, it is a longer time to "finalize the details".

Leviathan's corpse is very likely to contain a large number of surviving monsters. Once a battle breaks out against this group of terrifying guys, a large number of professional soldiers are indispensable.

Of course, the most important thing is

If the treasure is really discovered, how will the two of them divide it in the future?

From the time when the lanterns came up, to the full moon rising into the sky, to the day when the sky turned white, the discussion between the two was still unfinished.

Alfred, who had handed over his name card a day ago, sighed with regret, turned around and left the palace.

Old Gore owns a fleet of 50 ships, and his team includes sailors from different countries in the Western Continent, nearly one-third of whom are the chosen ones who believe in various gods.

It is easy for such a fleet to conduct ocean trade, but when it comes to exhuming Leviathan's body, this manpower is not enough.

He needs Mohlantin to send at least 3,000 skilled saber-tooth mercenaries to maintain the smooth progress of the excavation and mining work.

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