Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 440 7.94 5 Big Salary Kings

The Chuanhuo Gang is a very special group in this land.

Especially when promoted to a person like a 'fire priest' or a 'fire bishop'. They appear to be alone, but in fact there may be thousands of troops hidden behind them.

"Time is tight, but the enemy is powerful. When I discovered that the 'Campfire Insect Swarm' appeared in Versailles, I immediately hid myself and at the same time awakened my sleeping master - the 'Fire Messenger', one of the five great salary kings. '."

Alfred narrowed his eyes.

It is rumored that he is the great steward of the Vulcan Cult, in charge of the most valuable secrets discovered by the Pope in the past thousand years since its establishment. Creedan the Whitewasher is the foreign god with the highest bounty offered by the major kings of the Western Continent.

Not to mention catching him, anyone who can provide his whereabouts can immediately get inexhaustible wealth.

The fourth person is the salary king "Hramor the Lampburner" who has been missing for nearly a hundred years. It is widely rumored in the Western Continent that the King of Xin was killed by a hermit from the Eastern Continent in a conflict, but this statement has not been confirmed so far.

The fifth person is the most mysterious "fire messenger" in the Vulcan Cult.


Even the oldest bachelor in Constantinople knew very little about the "Firebringer".

First of all, no one knows what his specific name is, and no one knows whether he is a human being or an alien god who descended from the sky.

Secondly, the few first-hand information shows that this "fire messenger" is almost always in a state of slumber, and he will only wake up briefly when he is awakened by a personally designated disciple.

After waking up, he seemed to have no ability to move (for this reason, the bachelors concluded that this was probably a creature with disabled legs and mobility defects.)

His divination skills have even transcended "divination" and become a terrifying power in another dimension. Among the 6 recorded awakenings, the Fire Divinator launched a total of 5 divination attempts, successfully turning the tide of the battle each time.

The most famous one is recorded in the ancient Greek document "The Odyssey".

1,300 years ago, when Xerxes was helpless against the 300 warriors stationed at Thermopylae, the "Fire Bearer" who accompanied the team on the expedition suddenly opened his eyes.

He stretched out his three-fingered palm and teleported a hunched-over shepherd "Ephiatis" to the presence of the Persian king "Xerxes". It was he who pointed out a long and narrow mountain road near Thermopylae known only to shepherds.

Relying on this information, Xerxes completed a pincer attack from both front and rear, and finally crushed the resistance of the Spartan King "Leonidas".

A considerable number of Byzantine scholars believe that the "Firebringer" is very likely to be the oldest god in the "Volcan Cult", and may even be the cornerstone of this sect's ability to stand for thousands of years without falling.

But one thing that the bachelors are very sure of is that the "Fire Divinator" has unparalleled divination ability.

As the only church in the New God Faith that can rival the Holy Bishop in terms of size, "Volcano Cult" will naturally have all its components studied in detail by the bachelors of Constantinople.

During the period of studying in the "Pantheon", the bachelors have already introduced the five major salary kings and their abilities to all students in detail.

The first salary king is naturally the Pope "Archbishop Susas" who is resident in the Holy Land of Fire "Jerusalem".

This is the only human being among the five salary kings, and he is also the salary king who appears in front of the world the most.

The second person is called Agnes the Unburnt.

It is rumored that this person is the most powerful among the five salary kings, but also has the most cruel and evil personality.

His name is also derived from the English word Agnoy (pain).

The third person is named "Whitewasher" Credan.

For hundreds of years, the Crusaders, the Silent Sisters, the Scarlet Martyrs, and the Inquisition, all the internal associations of the Holy Bishops, have been trying to find traces of the "Firebringer", but have never made any progress.

Alfred never expected that the local confrontation between the Normans and France would disturb this god. It seems that the Xinwang split within the "Volcan Cult" is more complicated than I imagined.

"My dear Prince, what happens next may be beyond your knowledge, but please know that we are not your enemies."

As a gust of cold wind blew in from the window, the scarlet light of the red moon poured into the room. The originally stable candlelight in front of the two people began to flicker and jump. When it was about to go out, Micronia took off the red veil covering her chin.

Before she could see clearly what this woman looked like, she blew lightly on the red candle. The beating flame was immediately extinguished, and the room was instantly eroded by darkness.

Then the entire illusion in front of him shattered into pieces like a dried scroll.

Alfred felt like he was immersed in a warm spring stream. But he knew that this was not water flow, but the touch caused by the extremely fast surging of pure spiritual elements around him.

Looking at the green mountains and several towering peaks in the distance, there is no doubt that these are the Tianduan Mountains

So the question is, why did Microlia teleport me here? !

What kind of strong support could be hidden in this place where a bird doesn't shit? !

After wandering around this dilapidated and simple pier for two times in confusion, a loud horn horn suddenly came from the sea.


When the darkness disappeared and the light reappeared, he only felt that the sunlight in front of him was extremely dazzling.

After finally adapting to the sudden light, he struggled to get up from the ground.

"Where the hell is this?"

"Why are my clothes wet?!"

He relaxed his stiff neck and felt the cool morning breeze around him. Alfred first saw the endless sea. Looking back, he found himself standing on a simple pier.

"Isn't this the pier of the Conqueror's Fortress!"

"Where is this?!"

Why is this pier so simple? !

Squinting his eyes, Alfred looked around. It was early summer, and the women in Paris had even taken off their cloth clothes and put on gauze, but it was still cold here.

This means I am still in Scandinavia.

5 Chinese ships, all flying the flag of Normandy." Alfred looked around again and confirmed that he was not near Storm's End. He vaguely felt that all these questions might not be answered until the ship docked. Standing alone at the top of the pier, Alfred quietly waited for the ship to dock. When he could just see the figure clearly, a warm greeting suddenly came from the opposite ship. "My dear brother, why are you here? ! "

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