Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 455 7.109 Frost Giant Food Group

Chapter 455 109 Frost Giant Shopping

At the same time, 173 kilometers away

Alfred looked at the two frost giants beside him.

At this time, they were standing in front of a cave in the swamp.

The way frost giants hunt is completely different from humans. They will insert their dark blue hands deep into the soil, and then use their psychic energy to freeze the earth.

All creatures in the cave will move toward the cave entrance after sensing the cold.

At this time, the other frost giant guarding the entrance of the cave can harvest all the prey.

Alfred certainly didn't know what was happening in "Lorraine" and "Brittany" at this time.

Because the 2,000 frost giants he led finally found themselves completely lost after walking south for nearly a month.


At the Conqueror's Fortress, Alfred was unprepared and was teleported to the Dragon's Breath Plateau by the "Fire-Bearing Bishop" Mycroa using a secret technique. From then on, he stayed away from Sky Knight Tuhat and all the guards who followed him.

He followed the frost giant to the Principality of France alone.

With no map or compass in his hand, and his knowledge of French was extremely limited, Alfred could only lead the Frost Giant Legion to break out of Calais Port and head south based on the vague memories in his mind.

The only way he could identify the direction was to rely on the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

This is a far cry from precision guidance.

What's more, the hungry frost giant is not a good baby who obeys orders.

These are a group of wild creatures that eat wherever they go, without any organization or discipline.

Three days after leaving the port of Calais and walking south, Alfred had already seen the very familiar wetland. He knew that as long as he saw this wetland that raised unicorns, it meant that Paris was not far away.

However, in the following days, the frost giants stopped obeying his instructions at all.

Because they found precious unicorns in this wetland.

Bachelors in the Western Continent have been studying unicorns for hundreds of years, and they have long discovered that this creature contains a large amount of pure spiritual energy. Although this kind of psychic energy cannot be directly absorbed by humans, the price of unicorn blood remains high. At least thousands of poachers die under the patrols of the Golden Scale Guards every year, which is enough to prove how precious this product is.

This is the best food for the ancient gods and ancient monsters active on the earth.

Draconic scholars will mix a small amount of unicorn blood into the dragon's feed. They only dared to add a small amount, because once too much was added, the dragon would become inexplicably violent. They will resist the instructions given by the dragon knight, and will also brutally attack all moving targets around them.

The frost giants following Alfred at this time were not food that could be fed accurately. In this long year since they left Jotunheim, they had never had enough to eat.

Therefore, when it was discovered that such a rare thing as a unicorn could survive in such a large area in a swamp, the frost giants could no longer suppress their hunger. 2,000 giants immediately dispersed into the swamp, almost completely destroying the entire swamp. All living things are swallowed up.

Alfred could clearly see the changes on their body surfaces.

The body that was originally like cold rock now had blue mist rising faintly. At the same time, the giant's orange eyes began to burn with fighting intent like fire.

Just looking at them, one can feel the soul-stirring killing intent.

Creatures hiding in wetland caves could not withstand the cold and fled one after another. The "Avalanche Oran" guarding the entrance of the cave hugged the pure white unicorn that rushed out, threw it into the sky while laughing, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

"Hey, praise Laufei!"

"Praise our Master Alfred! Hahaha

"10,000 years! I finally feel the power of awakening again!"

The frost giant king's originally dull skin was quickly becoming shiny, and even the loose wrinkles on his skin were gradually disappearing.

At first, Alfred would be worried that the scattered groups of frost giants would be ambushed by the French army, but as several small groups were killed in an almost brutal manner.

He once again had a clear understanding of the ancient god's fighting ability.

(It is said that the total number of frost giants, mountain giants, and fire giants at that time was 50,000. Such a large army, including Laufei, Surtur and other elite leaders, lost the Ragnarok.)

(It’s hard to imagine how powerful the Asa clan will become after finally defeating them)

The biggest battle outside the swamp occurred three days ago. The Duke of France, who had added reinforcements from the "Burgundy Region", led five thousand knights and met the frost giant king "Avalanche Oran" and three of his men in a narrow road.

Alfred subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away, but Oran was not nervous at all.

After feasting on precious unicorns, the frost giants whose spiritual energy was fully replenished were completely different from their former hungry state. Stretching out its slender sapphire-like arms, the free water elements in the air quickly condensed into four 10-meter-long giant ice blades. The giants charged into the cavalry formation, their snow-white blades flying up and down. In less than 10 minutes, they cut the light-armored cavalry in half, both men and horses, like harvesting wheat straw.

The survivors wanted to escape, but were quickly frozen in place by the blue ripples spreading in the air.

The entire battle lasted no more than 15 minutes.

5,000 cavalrymen turned into 5,000 corpses without any resistance.

And they were facing only 4 frost giants.

In this huge wetland, there are countless such battles happening silently. The giants were scattered in the vast and dense jungles and waters, looking for food while destroying all the French dukes who came to reinforce Paris in the wild.

As for the dragons promised by Alfred,

A few days ago, there were indeed dragon knights flying over their heads.

A small number of groups of three or five people also tried to attack the frost giants walking on the ground, but these dragon knights who had no concept of the power of the ancient gods quickly died on the frost spears thrown by the frost giants.

As more and more dragons fell from the sky, the dragon knights who continued to reinforce Paris dared not approach the ground.

They flew above the clouds and did not dare to show their figures at all. Even if Alfred released all the reinforcement firecrackers to the sky, no dragon knight appeared in front of the frost giants.


"All the food is gone. Where should we go next?"

At night in the camp, "Avalanche Orlan" lay on the wet grass, looking up at the starry sky, muttering to himself.

Hearing his question, another slightly shorter frost giant beside him immediately stood up and ran to his side

"My king, I can feel that there are more dragons gathering in the southwest!"

"Two days ago, I deliberately shot a dragon instead of stabbing it to death in the air! I can feel that the direction he fled was exactly the southwest, because along the way, there was blood flowing from the air!"

Before the Frost Giant King could answer, Alfred jumped up from the ground like a spring board.

"No, no, no, the south is not a good choice!"

"We should head towards Paris, where the dragon riders are coming to reinforce us! After all, we can't eat these hooves, scales, and claws every day!"

"The humans you met on the coastline are just the weaklings in the world today! The truly powerful humans are actually all hidden in Paris. Most of them are elite fighters employed by the French nobles, and there are also many high-sequence God-chosen ones among the 'Golden Scale Guards' guarding the imperial city."

"The psychic strength in their bodies is not weaker than the unicorns and dragons you swallowed."

During the time he traveled with the frost giants, Alfred found that although they were extremely powerful, their brains did not seem to be smart. Talking to them should be like coaxing your younger brothers and sisters, and all complex logic should be eliminated as much as possible.

It has always been the easiest to simply use "eating" as a temptation.

From the beginning to the end, Alfred did not tell the frost giants that Loki had fallen into the hands of the Illuminati, because he remembered what Bakambusi had said before.

"In the face of ferocious beasts, humans must not show any weakness."

Along the way, he witnessed how these ancient gods destroyed tens of thousands of humans with a wave of their hands. Alfred, who grew up in an imperial family, had another calculation in his mind.

Frost giants are creatures that should never appear in the human world.

Compared with the creatures living on the earth at this stage, they are too powerful and almost invincible.

Supreme power will inevitably lead to supreme violence.

At this time, these blue-skinned giants can still be called his allies, but who knows that as their desire for killing is gradually magnified, will they become more and more like those who were once invincible in the world, destroying human cities at will as if for fun.

If they don't meet his requirements, kill them!

If they don't agree with his ideas, trample them to death!

He must try to drive these ancient gods to Paris, because only in Paris can "Lan Bixue", the top combat power in human civilization, sit there.

Perhaps only he and his powerful swordsmen from the East Land could effectively harm these ancient gods.

The frost giants and the defenders of Paris City fought until both sides were defeated, which was what Alfred wanted to see most at this time.

Only if Paris was in chaos, the Viking pirates who came behind him would be able to rush into the palace in the chaos and rescue Loki from the hands of the Illuminati.

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