Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 472 7.126 Viking Fury (8)

Chapter 472 126 Viking Fury (8)

The blood ax filled with spiritual energy struck Mutu's neck, and once again opened a wound in the golden scales on his neck.

The terrifying power given by the body of the ancestors allowed Loki to easily break through the scales of the lizard men with the blessing of the blood axe.

When more blood flowed out, Mutu raised his right hand and planned to launch a counterattack.

However, Loki looked like a ghost, and his next ax was aimed at the palm he just raised! In the almost pure black blood mist illusion, the traces of the blood ax formed a blood moon.

When the blood moon disappeared, three golden fingers were cut off in the air!

The lizard man's bright red blood flowed out and adsorbed on the surface of the blood axe, causing the color of the stone ax to quickly change from dark red to almost pitch black.

"Lord Mutu, you just need to practice this kind of thing regularly!

When was the last time you fought? ! Do you still think I can give you a second chance? ! "

After escaping from the crystal coffin, Loki knew that this was his last chance to bring down Mutu.

During the period of his coma, he had no idea how much effort the Norman vassals had put in to reach this point in this war of "mortals against the Old Lords".

At this time, all the subordinates had been pierced by light spears and were lying in a pool of blood.

They sacrificed hundreds of people in exchange for his second awakening.

He must fight to the death for his people.

The dark blood ax struck at various joints on Mutu's body again and again! Golden scales shot out and splashed like broken eggshells, and the flesh and blood under the scales were quickly chopped into miserable cracks.

Red blood continued to flow out. This is the blood of the Old Ones that has survived for 200 million years.

In ancient times, the spiritual energy on this planet was much richer than it is now. Blood containing pure spiritual energy flows out and rises into the illusion of blood mist. The thirsty blood ax obtains enough energy and becomes sharper. This battle that was as easy as massacre caused Loki to fall into a brief madness, thinking that he could easily chop the golden lizard to death at his feet just like he led the fallen titan to kill Leviathan.

At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten that Mutu, the "King of Earth and Sea", was a creature that truly came from ancient times.

His lifespan is even longer than most of the gods that have ever existed in human civilization.


From the first day any living thing is born, the first thing it has to face is how to survive.

Young birds in the nest must learn to push away their brothers and sisters, because an extra mouthful of food from the female bird will allow their hungry bodies to carry on for one more day.

Because maybe one day the female bird that goes out hunting will die.

By that time, any extra effort will give the baby bird more hope of survival.

200 million years ago, the same was true for the lizard people who decided to escape from the cage repaired by the light giant under the leadership of the "Clan Chief". In that warm nest, they can enjoy the food created by the "Light Giant" and live in the pleasant illusion created by the "Light Giant".

Freedom of choice naturally means facing many difficulties.

The first choice made by the lizardmen who escaped from the cage was to strengthen their defense and combat capabilities. They spent a long, long time evolving their bodies and learning how to fight more efficiently.

In this society structured like an ant colony and a wasp, everyone serves the 12 sect masters at the top of the pyramid.

Compared with the clan leader, the fighting abilities of ordinary tribesmen are worlds apart.

Although the bodies of the Viking ancestors were strong, they were not on the same starting line as the ancient gods who had survived for 200 million years!

After all, in the last round of civilization, the ancestors were able to drive the giants away from this continent.

At that time, the number of ancestors was not one, but millions! The Illuminati was able to survive from that era. In front of the 12 sect leaders, the "body of the ancestors" was a rarity at best.

It really can't be called a threat.

If Mutu wanted to kill Loki, even if he was injured and had his fingers broken, he would have more than a thousand ways to end his life immediately.

He didn't choose to kill him.

Because he couldn't bear it.

When Mutu saw that he and the 12 masters of the Illuminati still existed in his consciousness, he firmly believed that in that bizarre society, it was like someone had sent Loki back, and that person must be himself.

In his thoughtful mind, he has even seen him using the knowledge stored in Loki's brain to lead the tribe to the top of the world.

Because he firmly believed that what Loki saw in his mind was the weird world that was their real future.

Therefore, killing Loki is an absolute must.

It is true that reverse travelers will appear in this world every few hundred years, but it is extremely difficult for these travelers to accurately walk in front of you in the vast sea of ​​people. Even with the "Illuminati" "Can't do it even with its size.

However, Loki at this time was also so powerful that Mutu had to face it.

This man once strayed into the Submerged City and was transformed by the Bloody Creator. Then he entered Asgard, drank the divine water, and awakened the ancient bloodline in his body. Mutu understood all this information.

But he didn't expect that due to a series of coincidences, Loki's combat power would be so powerful.

Before drinking the Water of God, he was just a mortal who inherited the ancient gods. Through the transformation of the Bloody Creator, the genes in his body are 90% of the Scarlet Apostles and 10% of the Viking ancestors.

The Water of God created by the Aesir for the "Frost Giants" made his physique reborn. After the two-level reversal, he controlled this new body with 90% Viking ancestors and 10% of the Scarlet Apostles, plus the almost infinite blood axe in his hand.

Even if Mutu is a powerful old god, he can't stand the damage he caused.

Now Loki has completely fallen into a state of boiling blood with blurred mind. Mutu tried to communicate with him, but Loki, who was bathed in the rising blood mist, could not hear any sound in his ears.

The large amount of blood that flowed out made the blood mist illusion in the cave as dark as ink. Mutu secretly said that it was not good.

There is another terrifying life on the holy mountain.

It is bathed in the pure spiritual energy in the dark blood mist.

It is gradually waking up.

(No way!)

(If I continue to waste time like this, I might really be killed by him!)

(Maybe I can only use my last trump card)

With the falling axe, Mutu suddenly stretched out his hands and clamped the hot axe blade tightly.

At this moment, the ground of the stone chamber suddenly trembled regularly. Deep in the dark cave, an eyelid covered with rocks was slowly rising.

A golden vertical pupil with a height of nearly 30 meters appeared behind the two.

Loki's eyes instantly shrank into needles. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he had been to Paris!

There is only the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The whole city is as flat as a girl's belly, and there are no hills at all!

This shows a very simple problem.

This mountain is not a mountain at all.

The Grand Palais in Paris is actually a terrifying monster disguised as a mountain!

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