Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 476 7.130 Viking Fury (12)

At this point, Loki can confirm it.

In Asgard, when the inferior giant transformed by the lizard-man Sullivan was extinguished by Aunt Favna with several basins of cold water, his confession did not lie.

The Lizard Scholars' research on "God's Water" is stuck in the control of the brain.

The brain has always been the most unfamiliar organ to humans in the medical field. Even in the 21st century, the most cutting-edge brain science is still at a very primitive stage.

Humans only have a rough understanding of the basic components of the brain and the main functions each single part is responsible for. But I am still confused about its operating rules.

After several rounds of technological explosions, brain science cannot be said to have stagnated, but it has basically not made any significant progress. Autism still has not been solved in any way, and major mental illnesses still require the use of psychiatric drugs.

All we can do is to keep these patients alive without unduly endangering others.

This is still the case after several rounds of technological explosions. In the Middle Ages, it was impossible to cross the huge gap in brain width simply by relying on a few lizard bachelors.

This is one of the original mysteries involving the origin of the universe. No matter how much lower organisms evolve, they will never be able to reach the threshold of higher organisms. The difference is mainly reflected in the brain.

The same goes for Mutu who transformed into a light giant. He has lived for 200 million years, and his body transformed with a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures is enough to support his complete transformation into a light giant.

But his brain is still fundamentally different from this ancient god.


He's crazy.


"Everyone, retreat to the city gate!"

"Get out of the city!"

Loki shouted with all his strength to the crowd standing stupidly around him. Falling from a height of several hundred meters to the ground, even though he had the body of an ancestor, he was still knocked unconscious.

After stumbling away the people around him, he turned back to look at the sky and found that Mutu was still fighting with the rock Behemoth that had broken into two halves.

It was a one-sided massacre.

In order to protect himself, Rock Behemoth summoned all the stone statue armies in the city to his side. However, this group of troops who had just been slaughtering mortals had no fighting ability in front of the light giant.

Wherever the light swept, the stone statues were turned into ashes, even if some of them approached the light giant and tried to climb onto his hot skin.

After climbing less than a few dozen meters, it would melt onto his skin.

At this time, Mutu, who had completely lost his mind, was still violently attacking the rock Behemoth that was broken into two pieces in front of him. Since the transformation, this huge monster was the first living thing he saw, and it was also the creature with the strongest psychic fluctuations within hundreds of miles.

When he lost his mind, he naturally became his main target.

In the wind and snow, he frantically poured his fists onto the "Rock Behemoth" beside him, completely smashing half of his body and then dragging his tail, dragging back the fleeing other half, and then continued to punch it.

This was the first time Loki saw a mad god showing off his power. He used ten percent of his strength in every punch. The rock Behemoth hundreds of meters high was shattered into slag by his iron fist and eye-edge attack!

Even the falling snow that accumulated in the city of Paris was almost completely melted by the fiery light emanating from the giant!

However, at this moment, Loki keenly noticed that there was a problem

The golden light on the light giant seems to be much dimmed!

The body of the ancestors gave him extremely strong physical fitness. After squinting his eyes, he looked carefully and confirmed again that what he saw was not false.

That golden body is indeed quickly becoming dim!

"No matter what the universe looks like, whether it is a high-magic world or a low-model world, the basic laws that maintain the operation of the universe will not change!"

"Matter is immortal and energy is conserved"

"This is still the basic physical law that everything in the world must obey!"

The thing that Mutu turned into seemed brave, but due to brain defects, it was still a mindless creature that could only obey instinctive attacks. Simply because he noticed that the rock Behemoth contained such extremely high spiritual energy, it "seemed" to be extremely threatening. It consumed a large amount of spiritual energy in random attacks against this old god.

The cold city is gradually becoming hot at this time. The ice and snow on the streets melted, and in the sky, a large number of sticky snow masses floated into the air, evaporating into mist before they could reach the ground.

All of this also requires a large amount of spiritual energy in the light giant's body.

The source of the energy in the light giant's body is Mutu, the "King of Earth and Sea" who has lived for 200 million years.

After discovering this rule, the changes in the lizard man Gurez after drinking the "God's Water" and the changes in Loki himself after drinking the "God's Water" were all answered.

God's water can only awaken genes roughly

But energy cannot be generated out of thin air!

In Asgard, Sullivan only launched two eye-beam attacks after drinking the potion. After he destroyed Master Qinghe, he cut off Loki at the waist, and was then mercilessly extinguished by the Vikings with several basins of water.

Because the spiritual energy fluctuations of Saliwan's body are not very strong.

Compared with Mutu, who was 200 million years old, he only lived for a few thousand years. Not to mention launching an attack, even if he completely transformed into a light giant, the spiritual energy in his body would not be able to reach it. Therefore, after the transformation, his whole body was broken, and many of his organs still maintained the terrifying state of being half lizard man and half light giant.

On the other side, Loki was much stronger than him.

In the submerged city, when he swallowed the inner elixir of the ancient god and was transported to the three bloody creators: "King Rafasal", "Emperor Fire Sui" and "Shadow Demon", he was exhausted.

The three bloody creators put a lot of effort into making this "Earth Agent".

They used all kinds of natural materials and treasures in the blood mist illusion, and even crushed powerful mythical beasts that did not exist in this world as forging raw materials.

Therefore, the psychic energy content in Loki's body is extremely high. When he drinks the "God's Water", he can seamlessly transform into a powerful Viking ancestor.



Eye Behemoth had already been shattered into pieces by Mutu's brutal attack, but this crazy giant was still tirelessly raising his left foot and chopping hard at the squirming rock fragments on the ground.

He opened his mouth and gasped, trying to draw psychic energy from the thin air. However, the earth at this time is completely different from 200 million years ago, and the spiritual energy contained in the air is several orders of magnitude lower than in the ancient times when alien gods were rampant.

The spiritual energy in the body can only go out but not in, and the eyes that are difficult to control accurately are still spraying blazing lasers randomly!

After killing Rock Behemoth, the light giant at this time has also become a powerful crossbow!

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