Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 482 8.1 AD810

Chapter 482 1 AD810

The sandstorm has been blowing continuously for 10 days.

The heaven and earth are shrouded in a fine gauze curtain, connecting the entire continent from top to bottom. Every summer in July and August, this natural phenomenon of "the sky and the earth hang upside down" will briefly form in the boundless desert of the northern continent.

There was no wind in the sky, but there was still yellow sand falling vertically from the sky to the ground. The ancient Egyptians believed that they lived in a huge hourglass. The phenomenon of heaven and earth that occurred every autumn was precisely because the sun god Horus turned over his hourglass of time, turning the sky into the earth.

In this way, the undead souls sealed in the City of the Dead can return to the world.

Wisps of yellow sand fell slowly, almost burying this desolate desert village in it. In the silence, only a few lonely piano sounds came from an abandoned temple in the village.

The sound comes from an Arabic harp. The tone was fragile but melodious, and the young man playing the huqin sang in obscure Bedouin. Even the elderly commander of the caravan could only barely understand a small part of it.

There's nothing we can do about it.

At this time, the Arab Empire spanned three continents in the east, west, and north. In terms of land area, it had surpassed the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Conquering so much territory in just a few hundred years. Even if King Harun wanted to promote policies to unify the language, it would take a lot of time.

But this doesn't seem to matter. It is enough for the caravan to have a leader who can speak. Others only need to have hands and feet, able to carry goods, drive horses, and draw sabers to fight when bandits block the road.

They are the ones who are useful to the caravan.

Judging from the layout of the room, this Arab caravan is not small in size. Nearly 20 carriages were neatly placed in the center of the temple. The 50 horses munching oatcakes are on the second level. On the outside are 52 Arabs wearing black robes and hats.

Among the queue, there was only one white man with blond hair and blue eyes who looked out of place.

The leader of the caravan, "Mohammed Harsh" took a deep breath from the tobacco bag in his hand, blew out a smoke ring, and then handed it to the man.

"Want a bite?"

What he spoke was Latin with a pure voice, which was the official language of the "Byzantine Empire". As a businessman who has been begging for food from the fingers of the Byzantine nobles for a long time, Old Harsh naturally needs to be proficient in it.

The big white man looked at the pipe pot and finally shook his head slowly.

"Haha, they say that Odin's people are not good at tobacco. This sentence has always been doubtful in my mind. The 'Yabuli cigarettes' in the hands of the Tang people are simply the most fragrant thing in the world. One puff is like a wisp of mellow heat. Spicy oil slides through the nose

So delicious, how could anyone not love it? ! "

"After seeing you, I really believed it."

Taking another deep drag on the cigarette, the old man closed his eyes and savored the mellow and slightly spicy taste. Opening his eyes, he looked at the dark roof of the temple, trying to find memories of the past in the mottled murals.

"Mohammed Harsh" is an old caravan in the Black Desert.

When he was 12 years old, because the land in his hometown was drying up, he got into a merchant ship bound for Constantinople alone in desperation.

He was like a tiny mouse, surviving on a merchant ship eating apples and walnuts for a month until he reached Constantinople.

However, when he arrived in this prosperous capital, his life did not improve.

He worked as a beggar who cheated, mowed lawns for nobles, pretended to be a preaching priest, and even worked as a brothel turtle for a while. However, this bustling city has always been out of tune with him. Eventually, he had no choice but to join the caravan heading south into the Black Desert.

That year, he was only 18 years old.

At first, he only saw two words: in charge of food.

I didn’t expect that once I entered this field, I would spend most of my life doing it.

There is a saying that has been circulating in Arab business circles for a long time: "Old people are not welcome in the Black Desert." This means that this desert is so terrifying that even the most experienced caravan merchants will often get lost in the wind and sand.

However, every year there are still a large number of merchants leading caravans to land from Tunis, Cairo, or Alexandria, in order to go deep into the desert and find the last temple guardian.

In their hands, they have all kinds of rare treasures that are unique in the world!


The ancient Egyptian kingdom had perished thousands of years ago. When Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh and her lover Mark Antony, were defeated by Octavian, Cleopatra, who was over 40 years old, could no longer display her ability to be charming.

Ancient Egypt was completely destroyed and became a province of the Roman Empire.

From that moment on, the Olympian gods had begun to replace the ancient temples of the Egyptian inhabitants.

If the last believers of the ancient gods want to continue to worship the "Temple of Amun", "Temple of Horus", "Temple of Anubis", "Temple of the Scorpion" or "Temple of the Sphinx" They had to retreat deeper into the desert to avoid search by the Roman magistrates.

The boundless vast desert provides them with natural shelter, and they have lived in the center of the desert for thousands of years.

Even until one hundred and fifty years ago, when the Arab cavalry took this territory away from the hands of the Byzantine Empire, even with the all-pervasive fire gang, they still failed to penetrate and find these ancient villages.

The vast desert on both sides of the Nile has no end at all. You can still see several villages and cities along the river, but once you reach the black desert area where the river bed is dry, all you can see is dark yellow sand.

There are no coordinates.

There is no direction.

After trekking for more than a hundred days, we found that there were many caravans returning to their starting point.

However, despite the extremely high death rate every year, there is still an endless stream of caravans trying to enter the Black Desert. Because there are still ancient temples of the ancient Egyptians among several remaining tribes deep in the Black Desert.

Several villages hidden in the desert have guarded their gods for generations, and several rare red goods produced by the villagers began to be highly respected by the relatives of the emperor in Constantinople and Jerusalem.

First of all, there are various medicines produced by the "Poisonous Scorpion Tribe".

Whether it is the "Black Scorpion Crystal" that can kill people invisible, or the "Poison Scorpion Bone Powder" that can treat rheumatism, waist and leg pain, or the "King Scorpion Magic Potion" that can give men a second spring of hair.

As long as it can be transported back to Constantinople, some dignitaries will visit late at night, begging to buy some potions that can relieve pain.

Of course, no noble would dislike having too many of his children. As an old man, who doesn’t long for a second spring?

This is only the first village in the Black Desert, the "Poisonous Scorpion Tribe".

If you continue along the dry riverbed of the Nile, you will find the Sun Priest and the Styx Priest in the Jedi deeper in the Black Desert.

It would be a blessing for the camel caravan traders to encounter them.

The "Tears of the Sun" in the hands of the Sun Priest is a luminous gem formed from yellow sand crystals that are infused with sunlight energy. When night falls, it is dotted in the room, and one as big as a fist can light up the entire hall.

The Royal Library in Constantinople is lit day and night.

The library stores ancient scrolls written by various Mediterranean sages from the ancient Greek era, and each volume is unique. Therefore no fire is allowed in the entire building. The bachelors who read ancient books here at night rely on this kind of gem that can emit bright light.

As for the Styx Sacrifice, they have even more rare goods in their hands.

The magical mercury that can be poured into a corpse to keep it from decaying for half a year, and the magical ointment that can make the skin as white as crystal when applied to the body. The Resurrection Gu, which can give a dead corpse a short-term life and then speak truth, dehydrates the corpse into the Sand of Anubis, which is a mummy that will never decay.

The most terrible thing was the water of Styx which they worshiped in their temples.

It is rumored that it is a terrible potion that can connect the two realms of Yin and Yang. If you get the water of the Styx and soak your feet in it, you can enter the underworld for a short time and listen to the mottoes of the deceased family elders.

??New volume, please give me a monthly pass



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