Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 489 8.8 Red Flame Army

Chapter 489 8 Red Flame Army

"This group of lunatics from the Vulcan Cult! How dare they ambush the army of the Eastern Tang Dynasty?!"

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Harsh looked at the battlefield below his feet with dumbfounded eyes.

In contrast, Loki, who was not far away from him, calmly took off the rope from his waist.

His calmness still comes from the knowledge in his mind.

When he opened his eyes alone from the sand dunes, what was missing from his mind was all the memories of the past 13 years. In addition, he can still clearly remember language, combat, and the knowledge stored in his brain in his previous life.

According to Mr. Hash, this year is AD810.

At this time, nearly 60 years have passed since the "Anshi Rebellion". If the memory in my mind is true, Tang Dezong and Li Shi have abdicated, and now they should be in the "Yuanhe Zhongxing" period when Tang Xianzong was in power.

The Yuanhe ZTE began when Tang Xianzong "Li Chun" launched a series of "wars to reduce vassal vassals" during his reign.

In March of the first year of Yuanhe (AD806), Yang Huilin's rebellion was put down.

In the first month of the first year of Yuanhe, Jiannan and Xichuan were pacified.

In the summer of the second year of Yuanhe (AD807), the Zhenhai rebellion was put down.

In the 6th year of Yuanhe (AD812), Zhang Bojing's rebellion was put down.

With the continuous suppression of chaos, the "separatism of vassal towns" that began after the Anshi Rebellion was temporarily put down, and the country's power was briefly restored.

But then again, this is just to force this huge kingdom back from the edge of the cliff.

An unavoidable tragedy is that the once great Tang Dynasty could no longer maintain its military deterrence against the surrounding vassal states.

In the eyes of Tubo, Uighur, Chechi and the small Sogdian kingdom, the huge empire that was once as unbeatable as a god is now like a giant that keeps hurting itself with its fists.

When this giant is sane, he can easily crush these ants with one finger. However, now, the ants can take advantage of the giant's self-mutilation to easily crawl onto his body and bite off large chunks of flesh.

This is still the case for small countries in Central Asia, not to mention the Arabs, who were extremely powerful at this time.

As the deterrent power of the Tang Dynasty in the East became weaker and weaker, they became more and more courageous. In 810, they even dared to openly attack the camel caravan of the Tang Dynasty trading company in the Nile River bed in the northern continent.

Stretching out his big hand to hide all the companions in the caravan, Loki walked to the edge of the river bed alone.

He squinted his eyes to observe the fighting situation in the field, and found that the group of bearded Arabs under his feet were completely different from a folk caravan like Hash.

This is a huge camel team, and the number of cavalry in the team is close to 300.

Not only are there a large number of people, at least half of them are the chosen ones under the "Xinwang 6 Sequence".

Even if there are no mortals in the team who have acquired extraordinary abilities, they are still very skilled in bow and horse combat skills. Facing the swordsmen of the Tang Dynasty who were rushing towards them with swords, they formed a defensive array with shields in hand and defended with ease.

"They are from the Red Flame Army." At some point, "Abdullah Sahe", a veteran of the caravan, touched his side.

"I have seen them in Jerusalem. These are the personal soldiers formed by Harun Abbas's brother, Prince Campion."

"Nearly 80% of the cavalry in the Red Flame Army are the chosen ones under the 'Fire Knight Path'. Not only do they have excellent personal abilities, they are especially good at team fighting on the battlefield."

"Prince Campion grew up in a military camp. He is a general who has extremely strict requirements for his troops. If I remember correctly, the Red Flame Army will be forced to retire once they reach the age of 40, and they will fight with swords in the field. This group of people is obviously not young anymore.

Like us, they are all veterans who have retired from the army! Only this group of people can form an array to resist the Tang sword cultivator's offensive. "

Although Sahe spoke Arabic, Loki could still understand it at this time.

What Sahe said was similar to Loki's guess.

The world in the eyes of soldiers is different from that of civilians. A veteran like "Mohammed Harsh" who has been working in shopping malls for half his life can always keep a smile on his face when facing merchants from East China.

If the officials or eunuchs from the Eastern Tang Dynasty can give him a small discount on his goods, he would not even mind kneeling down and kissing their feet.

But soldiers are different.

Every day on the battlefield, they had to face the sharp arrows and swords of the Tang army. Will my companions who gathered together in the camp to drink and smoke last night come back from the battlefield tomorrow to continue telling only half of the story?

No one can tell clearly.

For professional soldiers, this group of aliens with different skin colors, different beliefs, and speaking different languages ​​will always be mortal enemies, no matter when and where they see them.

The first word that pops up in their minds must be "find a way to kill the other party"!

Especially in the wilderness.

Especially when the other party is also escorting valuable goods.

What has to be admitted is that the intuition of veterans allowed this group of "Volcan Cult" chosen ones to exert their greatest power.

The sky-wide yellow sand falling vertically from mid-air successfully blocked the sight of the flying sword cultivators. In this way, the sword cultivators' greatest advantage, the attack distance of nearly a hundred meters, was ruthlessly offset.

The Feitian swordsmen could only hold the flying swords in their hands like ordinary swordsmen, and approached the Arab soldiers to start a close fight with them.

In this way, we fall into the second level of difficulty.

The number of accompanying warriors from the Arab Chamber of Commerce was far greater than theirs.

Traveling in the Tang Dynasty trading company has always been simple and efficient. The reason is that the sword cultivators kill people like mowing grass. No matter how large a caravan is, as long as there is one person at the head and tail, ordinary bandits, pirates, and even ancient creatures will be mercilessly cut by flying swords before they get close.

Loki narrowed his eyes to observe, and the power of the ancestors was activated, allowing his eyesight to penetrate the yellow sand.

He found that the same was true for the merchants of the Tang Dynasty who were surrounded at this time.

The Tang Dynasty trading company was called "Hengcheng Hao" and even exceeded the Arab caravan in terms of scale. The camels were lined up in a row at the bottom of the dry river bed. From the beginning to the end, the number of horse carriages alone was close to 200.

However, for such a large team, the Tang Dynasty only arranged five sword cultivators to be responsible for the security work.

They had to face the pursuit and interception of 300 Arab cavalry, all of whom were veterans of the battlefield.

Their combat effectiveness is extremely efficient.

The "Red Flame Army" has been stationed in Congling for a long time. It needs to fight with the Tang army every three or two days. The cavalry have also figured out how to resist the flying swords of the sword cultivators.

First, they try to wear loose robes and a huge, soft cloak.

When running, the clothes fluttering in the wind will greatly conceal the position of their bodies, because they know that when the thin flying sword passes through their bodies, it will only cause damage to them once.

If they miss, they'll remain safe for quite some time.

Secondly, the shields in their hands are also very particular.

Unlike the brittle steel knight shields of the Western Continent, the Arab cavalry learned from the Viking shield axemen and used flexible and thick beech wood to make shields.

The thickness of the beech wood shield is nearly 30 centimeters.

Feitian's stabbing sword can easily penetrate steel and explode it to pieces, but it is not easy to escape from flexible wood, especially when the wood is thick enough.

The Arab cavalry used this method to firmly control the flying swords that could kill people in large numbers.

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