"Let's go." Lan Wei urged the water side to help him find the Tongtian Lingyan snake as soon as possible, so as to get the Huoyan bead as soon as possible

Go to the demon clan and rescue Chen Yu.

"What's the hurry?" the water side is a little impatient. Of course, the water side's impatience is justified. He certainly hopes to delay more time. In this way, Chen Yu will have more risks and receive strong damage in the demon clan. If so, when Chen Yu really lets the demon clan die, he can rely on this paper, It's reasonable to inherit the chassis of the Yanzu. At that time, the children of the Yanzu will conform to the aquarium and learn the skills of the aquarium. Maybe if the idea is better, they can meet several more talented students and revitalize the aquarium.

"Now Chen Yu is in the demon family and his life and death are uncertain, but what are you talking about here? What do you mean by the water side!" ah Shui heard the water side's remarks, and suddenly a fire came up and stared at the water side, his eyes full of hatred for the water side.

"What do I mean? Don't I want to save Chen Yu? Chen Yu is my good brother." the water side smiled and smiled at ah Shui hypocritically.

"I don't know if Chen Yu is your good brother, but I know that you certainly don't want Chen Yu to survive." ah Shui smiled with resentment in his eyes and said to the water in front of him.

"Why don't I want Chen Yu to survive? Can you laugh again?" the water side said to ah Shui as if nothing had happened. On the surface, he didn't care about Chen Yu's life and death at all.

"You don't have much nonsense. Lead the way quickly!" ah Shui shouted at the water side. He found that the water side deliberately delayed time. Ah Shui really couldn't bear it.

"Do you dare to scold me? Do you know your identity?" when Shui heard ah Shui scold himself, it was obvious that some of them were angry by ah Shui. After all, they came to ask themselves to do things, but now they have been scolded by ah Shui in turn. Whoever they are, they are not convinced.

"Can't you stop arguing? Don't you recognize the situation now? Chen Yu is in danger now. Can you really die?" Lan Weiwei shouted at the two people's congresses in a hurry. After all, things have happened at this juncture. They are still arguing. LAN Weiwei must be in a hurry.

"It's not that you don't save at the sight of death. You can see what the bottom layer named ah Shui's attitude towards me? He wanted to save Chen Yu, but now you see what his attitude towards me?" the water side also began to put on airs and said righteously to LAN Weiwei.

"Ah Shui, apologize to the aquarium leader quickly." Lan Wei said to ah Shui.

"I apologize? What did I do wrong?" ah Shui was said by Lan Wei, and asked Lan Wei with a misty face. He didn't understand what he did wrong in his heart? It's just to make the tardy aquarium leader water faster.

"What do you say? Didn't you shout at the water side just now?" Lan Weiwei winked at ah Shui and said helplessly to ah Shui. In fact, LAN Weiwei also knew that ah Shui didn't do anything wrong, but now it's just to save Chen Yu's life.

"Or this girl named LAN Weiwei is sensible." the aquarium leader smiled and said to LAN Weiwei.

"Sorry, aquarium leader, just now I was too impulsive to yell at you. Can you help us find Tongtian Lingyan snake now?" ah Shui reluctantly apologized to the aquarium leader, and then hoped that the aquarium leader could help himself find Tongtian Lingyan snake and get the Huoyan bead.

"That's right, isn't it all over to apologize? It's good to say. I'll accompany you to find the location of the spirit burning snake." the aquarium leader smiled and said to ah Shui.

Ah Shui glanced at the water side with his disgusting eyes, and then helplessly lowered his head.

"Come on, come with me. The Tongtian Lingyan snake is right ahead." the water side smiled and said to the two people.

"Right ahead?" ah Huo said to the water side.

"Haven't you noticed that mountain?" the water side pointed to the mountain in front and said to several people.

"The mountain ahead?" the sight of the three people suddenly gathered together and looked at the mountain ahead.

"Do you mean that the mountain in front is the location of Tongtian Lingyan snake?" Lan Wei asked towards the water side in disbelief.

"What do you say? The Tianfu alliance belongs to the territory of the Yan family. There are so many in total. It's not on the mountain. Where do you say the Tongtian Lingyan snake is?" the water party smiled and said to several people.

"Let's go."

"OK." the water side nodded slightly.

Several people came to the top of the mountain.

"Have you seen the cave?" the water side pointed to the deep invisible cave and said to several people.

"You said that the Tongtian Lingyan snake was under this cave?" blue micro asked towards the water side in disbelief.

"Of course, the Tongtian Lingyan snake is under this cave. Believe it or not."

"What do you want us to believe in you? It's such a broken hole. The spirit burning snake will be under this cave?" Lan Wei looked at the water side very incredulously and said.

"I have brought you here, and my task has been completed. As for whether you believe it or not, it depends on yourself. This decision still needs to be made by yourself." the water side reluctantly spread its hands and said to several people.

"Won't you go with us?" ah Shui questioned the water side. After all, he has arrived here, and the water side is also useful to himself.

"Why should I go with you? I didn't say I would go with you. I don't want to provoke the Tongtian Lingyan snake again. Last time I went down, I almost didn't kill me. This time, I won't go." Shuifang said helplessly.

"It turns out that the clan leader of the water side, you have also challenged the Tongtian Lingyan snake and suffered losses." ah Shui smiled and looked at the water side and said.

The water side hurriedly covered his mouth. Unexpectedly, this matter was inadvertently said in his mouth.

"Well, look at your expression. I guess it's the hole. That's right. Well, we'll go down." Lan slightly looked at the water side and said to the water side with a look of fear and helplessness.

"Well, well, you go down quickly. Don't say anything about inspiratory share reform." the water side tilted his mouth and said to the two.

"OK, let's get ready to go down." Lan Wei waved to several people behind him.

"OK." ah Shui nodded and said.

LAN Weiwei, ah Shui and ah Huo went down from the top of the mountain to the cave in turn.

"Sister Wei, why is it so dark?" ah Shui asked Lan Wei.

"This is a cave. It's strange if it's not black." Lan Wei smiled and said to them.

"But doesn't the Tongtian Lingyan snake live in the lava? Why is it still so cold here? I don't feel the heat at all. And look at sister Weiwei, there's no way ahead." ah Shui said to LAN Weiwei somewhat mistily.

"This... I don't know. Let's go ahead and have a look first." Lan Weiwei was a little confused, but he had prepared for the worst. He was cheated by the water side, but now it seems that it is very possible to be cheated by the water side.

"Sister Weiwei, be careful!" ah Shui shouted loudly at Lan Wei.

While Lan Wei was thinking constantly, he suddenly heard ah Shui shouting at him. He slipped under his feet and fell into a hole in an instant.

"Sister Weiwei, how are you?" ah Shui shouted at Lan Wei loudly.

Lanwei suddenly fell into the cave just now. She looked at it with a misty look. Her heart kept beating. Moreover, Lanwei could feel it. The temperature here has become hotter than before.

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