However, Xiao didn't squeeze in when he spilled it, because there was no one. They should all go out. There is only one lower bed outside in the bedroom. It seems to be left to him. Who wants to delete it late!

Xiao SA was too lazy to care about this. He spread a straw mat on the bed and lay on it. He didn't take off his shoes and went to bed. After taking the train for nearly 24 hours and taking the bus to Jingda, Xiao SA was already exhausted. But before he could sleep long, he was woken up. A large group of people came into the bedroom. Needless to ask, the students in the same bedroom came back, and they seemed to come back together.

This makes Xiao SA wonder. It's reasonable that everyone is a newcomer and just met today. Why did they get together so quickly to go out for collective activities?

However, Xiao SA was too sleepy to think much. He continued to sleep with his eyes closed. Unexpectedly, his foot was kicked. He heard someone call him, "man, are you so big? Don't you say hello to everyone?"

We've been together for four years! Afraid there's no time? Fart Hello! Xiao SA scolded the children for being hypocritical, but he had to turn over and sit up, bow his hands and fist, smile and say, "brothers, Xiao SA is polite!"

A fat male classmate laughed and said, "Xiao SA, why did you come? You missed the first group activity in our bedroom! We've been waiting for you for a long time."

Xiao Sa: "are you colluding so soon? You can ha! I'm right before I wait. I'm too lazy to collude with others!"

"Hit him!"

I don't know who shouted a word. Several people rushed up together, giggled and poured Xiao sprinkle on the bed, repaired him severely, and almost didn't take off his underpants.

What a cruel gift!

There are seven people in the same bedroom. The fat one is Zuo Jie, from your province. Soon Xiao SA knew that he was a real left-handed hero. Except for writing, he was used to living with his left hand. Although he was not beautiful, he was actually a cow. He was the number one in Liberal Arts in your province. In contrast to him, there is a very thin and tall man named Hu Hongzhong, thin bone Lingding. He doesn't have much meat. He comes from Guangdong Province. He has low EQ and high IQ. He is obsessed with go and won the championship in the Guangdong youth go competition. Xiao SA later laughed why he wasn't obsessed with mahjong, red, whiteboard and Yao chicken. That's what it really is! Hu Hongzhong happened to be the youngest of his roommates. After Xiao SA started, everyone simply called him Yaoji. Hu Hongzhong almost didn't work hard with Xiao SA at first, but later everyone got used to it, and he unknowingly agreed. It became natural to get used to it.

Li junshuang is the most pretentious and sloppy person in his bedroom. It is common not to take a bath for ten days and a half months. He also likes literature. He often writes sour poems and contributes to the school journal. Everyone calls him a poet. He is very complacent. Poet Li comes from Western Shaanxi Province. There is little rain in that corner. No wonder he doesn't like bathing. It was Peng Xiaofang, a talented man who made friends with him. Peng Xiaofang was medium-sized and took the name of a woman. She looked a little like a woman. Unlike Xiao SA, who was very handsome with sharp edges and corners, she was somewhat mellow. Peng Xiaofang comes from Henan Province and has studied calligraphy since childhood, so she often writes and gives it to others. This guy is very good at pleasing girls. In Xiao Sa's impression, this guy hasn't been less than girls in four years of college, but he changes around like a lantern. Xiao SA doesn't know which is really his girlfriend.

The most arrogant person in the bedroom is Yang Fan from the capital. He is beautiful and talented. He is the son of the leader of a district in the capital. He is rich and powerful. Today's dormitory collective activity was initiated by him. He invited all the students in the dormitory to a luxury restaurant called "dangchao Yipin" not far from the school gate. Of course, Xiao SA, who was late, didn't catch up.

There is another classmate named Dai Dingyuan, who grew up under the roots of Huangcheng. He is very deep and cherishes words like gold. Contrary to Yang Fan's character, he doesn't publicize at all and doesn't tell anyone about his family. He is introverted but loves sports. He goes out running every morning, likes playing basketball and has good skills.

Of course, after talking so much, Xiao SA slowly observed and learned. Now he doesn't know any of them. He just knows each other with the name of ha ha. When Xiao SA introduced himself, he said almost nothing, only that he came from the countryside of Hunan Province and had nothing to do with it. Everyone saw that he was handsome, but he was black and thin. He was indeed malnourished. Few took him seriously. They even shook hands with him perfunctorily. Instead, Dai Dingyuan, who was deep and low-key, shook hands with him very forcefully, with temperature and sincere eyes.

When we were introducing ourselves and praising each other, we heard someone knocking at the door. The door was originally open. When we looked at it, our eyes lit up. Standing at the door was a beautiful woman! The beautiful face is white and delicate, as if it can be broken, as if it is going to drip water. It is slim and tall, especially beautiful and moving.

Xiao SA was surprised and came forward and said, "second, why are you here?"

It was Lu Danlu who stood at the door and knocked. She smiled and said, "if you don't come to me, I have to come to you!" this smile revealed two deep dimples, which was very beautiful and moving.

Xiao SA turned around, smiled and waved to her roommates, "don't look like wolves! It's nothing for you!" then turned around and took Danlu's hand and went out.

Out of the dormitory building, the two walked at random. Unconsciously, they passed the antique library and came to the Bank of Weiming lake. Weiming lake is actually a small pond, but its reputation is not small. Many people have written about it in poetry.

Although Weiming lake is small, it is surrounded by tall ancient trees, especially weeping willows. The cool wind is blowing and weeping willows depend on each other. From time to time, they gently brush Xiao SA and Danlu's head and body.

"Are you tired? Sit down for a while." Xiao SA pointed to the stone bench under a tall weeping willow.

Danlu obediently sat down on the stone bench with Xiao SA. Xiao SA asked, "have you eaten?"

Danlu shook her head.

Xiao SA said, "I didn't eat either. Let's go out and find a small restaurant and have something to eat later?"

Danlu still shook her head.

Xiao Sa: "what's the matter?"

Dan Lu: "nothing. I don't want to eat."

Xiao Sa: "what can I do for you?"

Since Xiao SA told Danlu about his relationship with hospitality last time, Danlu hadn't seen him for more than a month. Xiao SA thought she would never talk to herself again, but she didn't expect that she would come to her on the first day of college.

Danlu was sitting side by side with Xiao SA. After hearing Xiao Sa's words, she turned sideways and stared at Xiao Sa: "I came to ask you something."

Xiao Sa: "you ask."

Dan Lu: does your promise still count

Xiao SA looked at Danlu and said nothing. Of course, he remembered his commitment to Danlu, that is to go to Tsinghua to accompany her after school every day. This is what Xiao SA promised Danlu when filling in the college entrance examination volunteer. It was only his expedient. At that time, he only wanted to marry gallant. He didn't expect that he would really come to Beijing University, but now he really came to Beijing University, he had to be expedient again!

Danlu's eyes met Xiao Sa's, and the four eyes were opposite. Danlu's eyes were clear and transparent, full of expectation, but Xiao Sa's eyes dodged and said, "I'm such an asshole! Do you want me to accompany you?"

Obviously, Danlu had already thought about it. Without hesitation, she nodded very definitely and said, "yes! If you don't fulfill your promise, I'll drop out of school and go back to Tanzhou tomorrow. I'll spit on a nail and never break my promise!"

Xiao Sa: "second brother, don't be silly! I'm not worth it!"

Danlu: "is it worth it? I know in my heart. Just tell me whether you fulfill your promise or not?"

What can Shaw do? He knew that the little girl, the second child, had always dared to say and do. She was afraid that nine cows could not pull back what she had thought!

Xiao SA sighed in his heart, nodded and said, "well, a promise is worth a thousand gold! One day you don't want me to accompany you, or there is a better person to accompany you, tell me immediately, don't embarrass yourself!"

Danlu burst into tears and said, "you bastard!" after that, she rushed into Xiao Sa's arms, opened her mouth and bit him on his shoulder. Her hands were pinched and twisted, and the three moves were on again!

This time Xiao SA didn't cry and howl, but endured the pain and didn't say a word. What is this pain? His heart is already full of holes. People who have had heartache don't care about the pain! But he comforted a lot. This is the second. The second is back again!

Xiao SA gently hugged Danlu. Danlu cried in his arms and wet his shirt.

They stopped talking, hugged each other for a long time and sat by the Weiming lake. After knowing the sound, they didn't know what they were talking about

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