Ghost eye 7: "I signed and paid a deposit of 5000 yuan. But I got a black fist on the way back."

Xiao Sa: "did you call the police?"

Ghost eye 7: "call the police? Report a fart! I was beaten hard by someone covering my head and face. I ran away after beating someone. I didn't see which one? How to call the police? But I'm sure it's the group of people I cut off?"

Xiao SA frowned again: "a group of people?"

Ghost eye VII: "Yes, who can pay 30000 or 50000 yuan at once? According to the landlord's boss, the man who talked to him about buying a house was a partnership of three people who wanted to raise money to buy his yard. The landlord was also troublesome, but he was eager to sell the yard. He talked with them for several times. It was almost ten to ten, but I was intercepted by the news. Big boss, I'm here But it's all for your beating. Do you think I'm unjust? "

Xiao SA smiled: "seventh master, this is a good job! I'll cover all the hospitalization expenses and give you a compensation of 3000 yuan, OK?"

Ghost eye 7: "that's interesting! I didn't see the wrong person at all! By the way, there are two things you have to keep in mind. First, I made an appointment with the landlord to go through the real estate transfer registration formalities on Monday. You have to get the money ready. I can't take out such a big smile money and take out the coffin book to pay the deposit!"

Xiao SA nodded and said, "don't worry, this is not a problem. What else?"

Ghost eye 7: "I guess the group of people I cut off will not give up easily. You have to be careful!"

Xiao SA frowned and said, "do you know the origin of these people?"

Ghost eye 7: "I don't know. I didn't face them. I listened to what the landlord said. I didn't care much at that time. Who knew they would play this Jianghu trick?"

Xiao SA said, "I'll deal with it if you can keep your health and recuperate." after that, Xiao SA asked the landlord's contact number and the location of Lepi Lane yard, and left the hospital.

According to the route that Lai Qiye told him, Xiao SA took seven turns to find the mangpi lane. The lane was actually paved with the same color of rubble. There were courtyard walls on both sides of the alley, white walls and gray tiles. It was very low-key, but it was antique. Xiao SA liked it very much.

Xiao SA found the yard he was about to buy according to the house number Lord Lai said. However, as soon as he arrived at the door, he was angry. Someone threw dung on the door and the door, which was dirty and smelly. It was a mess!

Xiao SA went to a nearby canteen, bought some food at will, bought a packet of cigarettes from the front door, took out one and handed it to the boss: "what's the matter with the family on the side? Why was dung thrown at the door?"

Boss: "Hey! Some stupid youths are fooling around!"

Xiao SA pretended to be very interested and said, "what's going on?"

The boss is mysterious: "The yard next to it is a dangerous house. Many people call it 'ghost house'. The original landlord hanged himself. Later, he lived in a big official. He also committed a crime and took a gun! Do you think there can be people living in such a yard? But several lengtouqing actually wanted to buy it. They talked about it almost, but they were stabbed by ghost eye seven. They cut their beard and were stunned The head is green, but I don't want the ghost eye to live in peace. "

Xiao Sa: "ghost eye seven?"

Boss: "don't you know? It's the ghost eye seven who collects rags. I don't know where he made a windfall and actually had the money to buy a house? This old ghost, I don't know why he likes this dangerous house?"

Xiao Sa: "who are those lengtouqing? What do they do?"

The boss gave him a wary look: "Why are you asking?"

Xiao Sa: "I can't afford to hide. I'm timid. I know who it is. I'll get away early in the future!"

The boss looked at him and asked, "are you still a student?"

Shaw nodded.

The boss immediately relaxed his vigilance: "It's all the mangy skins in this mangy alley! One is Zhang Qing of the Third Master Zhang's family, the other is Wang Meng of the fourth Master Wang's family, and the other is Liu Dalong of the seventh Master Liu's family. The three lengtouqing have played together since childhood in this alley. They can't read books. They have nothing to do after graduating from high school. They just want to wait for their parents to retire quickly and take up their jobs. Now they gather together in a group of tourists all day Idleness causes trouble. "

Xiao Sa: "then where do they get the money to buy this yard?"

Boss: "I don't know. It was all discussed by everyone when the three of them threw dung at the door of the house yesterday. I heard it by hearsay."

Xiao SA shoved the pack of daqianmen cigarettes into the boss's hand and turned away.

The owner of the canteen was puzzled: "what's the matter with this child? I didn't smoke a cigarette when I sold a pack of cigarettes. I gave it all to me."

Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. Xiao SA doesn't worry if he knows who did it. He leisurely returns to the siheyuan of hat alley. He sees Danlu holding a book and sitting listlessly in the yard basking in the sun. It's almost new year's day, and the weather has already been cold. Danlu puts on a goose yellow sweater, pure and beautiful. Today's weather is good, and the rare winter sun shines obliquely in the yard Inside, it feels very warm.

Xiao Sa: "second brother, don't fall asleep. Be careful of catching a cold!"

Dan Lu: "how did you come back? Did you have lunch?"

Xiao Sa: "no, Lai Qiye was beaten. He lay in the hospital and watched him go."

Dan Lu sat up and said, "what's going on?"

At this time, Fu Rao also came out of the room and asked Xiao SA with his eyes. Xiao SA briefly told them about the situation. Fu Rao immediately quit and immediately wanted to settle accounts with Zhang Qing, Wang Meng and Liu Dalong. Xiao SA grabbed her and said, "sit down, don't worry! We'll add up."

Danlu said to Xiao SA, "you sum up, I'll give you a bowl of noodles." she thought about Xiao Sa's not having lunch.

In the evening, Zhang Qing, Wang Meng and Liu Dalong in mangpi Lane strolled together in an old military coat. Liu Dalong scolded and said, "this old ghost eye seven! I'll beat him once next time, and dare to spoil our good deeds!"

Zhang Qing: "are you clear? Where did ghost eye seven get the money?"

Liu Dalong: "I went to ghost eye seven's compound and asked. Ghost eye seven sold the compound to a very beautiful and powerful girl. It seems that the big girl is very rich and often gives ghost eye seven thousands of money to let him collect those old toys."

Zhang Qing: "shall we meet this big girl someday?"

Wang Meng: "OK! If you have eyes on her, marry her home!"

The three laughed happily.

Just then, a pretty big girl was standing not far in front of them, holding her hands on her chest and staring at them coldly.

Zhang Qing saw it and said with a bad smile: "big girl, do you like me so much?"

Wang Meng smiled and said, "obviously you have a crush on me, which is you?"

The big girl looked contemptuous and said, "ghost eye seven asked me to invite you three to drink at the bald fish shop at the exit of the alley. Are you going?"

Although Zhang Qing could not read, he was not stupid. He was surprised and said, "ghost eye seven, please drink? He knows the three of us? Dalong, did you show up in the compound?"

Liu Dalong shook his head: "it's impossible. Ghost eye seven should be lying in the hospital these days, not in the compound."

The big girl sneered and said, "if you want people to know, don't do it unless you have already done it!"

Zhang Qing glared at Liu Dalong. Knowing that he had revealed the truth, he said, "what does ghost eye seven want? Set up a Hongmen banquet?"

Big girl: "I'll take it. Go or not. If you're afraid, don't go!" after that, she turned and left.

Wang Meng looked at the pretty back of the big girl and couldn't help following up. He said, "go. Why don't you go when you have wine? Are you afraid of a bird? Are we three brothers afraid of ghost eyes? A rag collector, see what tricks he can play?"

Zhang Qing and Liu Dalong looked at each other and followed.

In a private room of the bald fish shop, the black and blue ghost eye seven looked at a table of delicious food and asked Xiao SA and Danlu, "who are you waiting for? I stole it and didn't ask the doctor for leave." he was greedy like a cat in his heart and just wanted to eat quickly.

Xiao SA smiled and said, "don't worry. I'm still waiting for a few friends."

Before the voice fell, Fu Rao pushed the door and came in, followed by Wang Meng, Zhang Qing and Liu Dalong.

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