Shidi was Xiao Sa's "eldest disciple". He was the first to stand up and say, "I don't believe it! He's a big girl and will be better than Shifu you?"

Xiao Sa: "don't you believe it? Just try it."

"OK!" Siddy jumped out and was eager to try. Fu Rao glared at Xiao SA and felt a little reluctant, but after all, it was a guest, especially a guest from afar, so he had to stand up and say, "don't cry when you hurt!"

Everyone immediately laughed. Xiao SA was even happier. Unexpectedly, Fu Rao, who was usually cold, also had such a humorous side!

Shi Di launched an attack. Naturally, Fu Rao threw him out after three moves. He fell on his back and hurt his ass. he really kept shouting "ah, yo, Yo".

Fu Rao: "I said don't cry!"

Everyone laughed again.

No one dared to challenge Fu Rao, but everyone turned around her. In fact, Fu Rao is more suitable for the aesthetic standards of Westerners. He has full and towering peaks, plump hips, tall figure, and standard western beauties. Coupled with his great ability, he is immediately favored, especially the boys with excess hormones, who are scrambling to ask her for advice one by one. Fu Rao Jiao is neither. He doesn't teach. He thinks he must teach his boss a good lesson when he goes back. Smelly boy, dare you take me as a shield?

Xiao SA, Dan Lu and Fu Rao led Wanqing and several foreign students to play "one bay and two halls" on the first day. The "one bay" refers to the yaowan in the first bay of the Xiangjiang River. On both sides of the monocular stone arch bridge in yaowan are diamond stone column railings. At the top of the stone column are zodiac signs of various shapes, including monkeys, mice, rabbits, tigers, dragons and snakes. Ike has studied them for a long time, And the old buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties on the whole street are all curious and happy. Old pharmacies, old theaters, old iron shops, old fellow shops, old sauce shops and so on, all eye opening to the outside world. "Two halls" are the Luban hall and the Guan temple. Luban hall has a unique clay sculpture in the world, which sculptures the panorama of the whole ancient Tanzhou from the ninth general manager to the 18th general manager. There are figures, buildings, markets, docks and shops, all of which are vivid and full of vitality. The whole clay sculpture is magnificent and open-minded. Guan temple also has two unique white marble beams and columns in the world, and hollow sculptures, two hovering arrogant dragons, which are magnificent. There are many cultural relics and antiques in the hall, which gives you a lot of insight. The next day, I visited Shaoshan, the hometown of a great man, and visited the old man's former residence and exhibition hall, which made everyone look up to the old man's sacrifice spirit and simple style. On the third day, I visited Zhaoshan, one of the eight scenic spots of Xiaoxiang, and climbed the ancient temple of Zhaoshan and Guanyin hall.

We played happily for three days. The fourth day was the lunar new year. We were a little tired. We decided to take a day off and go to Xiao Sa's house for the lunar new year. In the morning, Xiao SA fulfilled her promise to li man, took everyone to Tanzhou No. 1 middle school, his alma mater, played basketball, and made a guest at Li Man's house. Li Man's family warmly entertained the guests, making everyone feel at home. But Xiao SA didn't let everyone stay for dinner because his family was ready.

There is also a big copper stove in the restaurant of Taoyuan. These days, foreign students are familiar with Xiao SA, Danlu and Fu Rao, so everyone sings and dances around the stove. Even Yuan Li and Chen Biyun, two "Chinese mummies", were pulled in by them, dancing and dancing, happy and crazy!

The fifth day is the last day of the tour plan. Visit Xiaoxia mountain, a famous mountain in central Hunan, which is known as the "Buddhist forest in the South".

Xiaoxia mountain runs north-south. It is magnificent and stretches for more than 30 miles. The mountains stand in the East, and many places become cliffs, which are extremely steep; The west is gentle, with overlapping mountains, connected mountains, vertical and horizontal gullies and unfathomable depths. The main peak, Xiaoxia peak, is towering into the clouds. The clouds are flourishing all year round, and the rainbow is like practice. Xiaoxia mountain is the holy land of Buddhism and the jungle of Buddhism. At its peak, there were as many as 47 temples, but now Buddhism is gradually declining, leaving only the most famous Yuantong Temple, Zhonglin temple, Dalin temple and Baiyi temple.

On the mountain, first visit Yuantong Temple. Yuantong Temple has two entrances before and after. There is a three hole gate in the front yard. The head is inlaid with the three big characters of "Yuantong Temple" carved in Qiyang stone. There are two couplets on both sides. The inner couplet is: "yuanze Sansheng stone, Tongtian baichi platform". It was written by Ma ruitu, a scholar of Tanzhou in Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. Outreach is: "thousands of gold is not treasure, books are treasure, everything is empty, good is not empty". It was written by Tan Zhou scholar Chen Qi of the Republic of China. There are three gilded statues of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in the hall. There are three Bodhisattvas of master Leizu on the back. The last step is the main hall. In the middle of the hall, there is a statue of Buddha dujin Tathagata, which is more than a foot high. It reads "Buddha Dharma is like heaven". On the back is Guanyin dujin Bodhisattva with thousands of hands and eyes, bent his knees and feet on the lotus platform. Then there is kongping. On the left is a big white fruit tree with hundreds of years of history. On the right is the world-famous "flying bell". It is said that on February 19, Guanyin Bodhisattva's birthday, many dragon lanterns and lions were organized in the countryside. Thousands of people went up the mountain to celebrate Guanyin Bodhisattva's birthday. That night, I suddenly heard a loud noise in the temple. Unexpectedly, I found that there was a big clock in the temple, weighing more than 4000 kg. There was the word "Suzhou" on it. Villagers didn't know where it came from, so they called it "flying bell".

Of course, these are legends, but through Xiao Sa's wonderful explanation, everyone heard it.

After visiting Yuantong Temple, Xiao SA took everyone to visit Donglin cliff.

Less than 100 meters to the east of Yuantong Temple, there is a large towering ancient wood jungle, which is the famous east forest. On the outside of the east forest, there is a red brown natural cliff standing thousands of feet wide and 100 meters long. Outside the forest, there is no grass, standing proudly, like a knife cutting an axe, straight down, a vast abyss, surrounded by clouds and fog, with no bottom. This is the famous East Forest cliff.

Everyone was eager to go to the Donglin cliff, but Xiao SA immediately stopped it and warned everyone that they were not allowed to go up, but only to watch from a distance.

But unexpectedly, Xiao SA restrained the boy, but was exploited by two bold foreign girls. When Xiao SA didn't pay attention, Ike and Elizabeth secretly went to the Donglin cliff with a camera. Elizabeth opened her arms and shouted, "it's so beautiful! Ike, take a picture of me."

Ike held up the camera and took pictures of Elizabeth who kept changing angles and postures. Just as they were cheering, Ike suddenly stumbled and fell forward. It turned out that she patronized to take pictures of Elizabeth. Unexpectedly, there was a barrier on the cliff. She fell down and the camera in her hand flew out.

Ike fell and half of her body was outside the cliff. Fortunately, Elizabeth reacted quickly and stretched out her hand to hold one of her arms, but her strength was not enough to hold Ike. Instead, she slipped to the edge of the cliff and saw that both of them were going to fall off the cliff and were dying

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