Zhang Baifa and ah Yi were the first couple. Ah Yi was very happy to see Xiao SA wearing the sweater she knitted. She knitted it and sent it to Xiao SA on New Year's day.

Then came Longbo, Li Xiaohong and their company's executives. It was obvious that Longbo had an appointment to come together. Longbo married Li Xiaohong on the Eleventh National Day last year. Xiao SA failed to attend their wedding at Jingda. She asked her seventh aunt Xiao Jiabi to send a big red envelope to congratulate them.

Next, Heizi, wangzi, Yuan Dan, Wu Heping, Tang Wen, Tang Jiaman, Yao Tiao, Xu Min, Fu Rao, Ma Ping and Hu Pingzhang came in twos and threes, including seven aunt Xiao Jiabi, seven aunt father Liu Li and little aunt Tang Ying.

Xiao SA welcomed in and sent out red envelopes. He was very tired.

To Xiao Sa's surprise, Xiao Ling went to pay New Year's greetings to her master Ding Hong. Ding Ning came with her and brought a young woman and child. As soon as the young woman saw Xiao SA, she took the child and made a splash, so she knelt down to Xiao SA and shouted, "Grandpa, I've brought the child to pay New Year's greetings to you!" after that, she made three loud noises.

Xiao SA looked carefully and recognized that it was the drowning child saved by him and Yuan Meng during the "water family" supper after the college entrance examination last year. The young woman wanted to be the child's mother, so she quickly pulled their mother and son into the house to talk. Only then did she know that the young woman's name was Shen Bing and the child's name was Du Dou. How did you find it? Naturally, I made an appointment with Ding Ning. When Xiao SA saved people, Ding Ning happened to eat supper by the river. When he saw it, he told Shen Bing. Shen Bing had long wanted to come to thank Xiao SA, but Xiao SA went to Beijing University, so he came on the first day of the new year to show his sincerity.

Xiao SA ran away immediately after saving people at that time. He just didn't want people to be grateful, but now people came to the door. He was still a little proud in his heart. He happily asked about Shen Bing's family. Only then did he know that their mother and son lived in the courtyard of the old county. Shen Bing's husband was an officer and couldn't go home for the new year. Xiao SA sealed a red envelope for Du Dou and left their mother and son to have lunch with Ding Ning at home. Of course, he also sealed a red envelope for Ding Ning. Ding Ning took it with a big smile.

Danlu didn't know about Xiao Sa's rescue of Du Dou. She was spending the summer with her grandmother on Lushan Mountain, but Fu Rao knew it. Fu Rao stayed after paying respects to the new year, so she told Danlu everything. Danlu couldn't help praising Xiao Sa: "you can ha! You big villain did such a good deed of sacrificing yourself to save people silently!"

Xiao SA smiled: "it's true to save people, but it's not necessary to give up. It's just to save a child in the river. With my ability, my life is not in danger, so it's not called giving up myself."

This offended many people. Fu Rao, Yuan Li and Danlu stared at him together. Fu Rao said, "cow force!"

Xiao SA was not ashamed. She peeled fried peanuts, peeled one, threw one into the air, and then opened her mouth to pick it up. She enjoyed it.

Danlu did the same when she saw it, but she couldn't catch it when she opened her mouth. The peanuts fell to the ground, which made everyone laugh.

At night, when she went to bed late at night, Xiao SA was trying to sneak into Danlu's room, but Danlu quietly pushed the door in. Xiao SA was overjoyed. Danlu said with a charming smile, "because you saved Du Dou, reward you!"


On the second day of junior high school, Xiao SA and Danlu went to the old county courtyard to pay New Year's greetings to Lu Guisheng and Chen Biyun. There was a box of wine in his left hand and a box of cigarettes in his right hand. Chen Biyun scolded Danlu: "I only remember your father, but I don't have my mother!"

Danlu smiled and took something out of her bag and held it in her hands. Chen Biyun immediately smiled. Although the gift is small, it is much more valuable than the gift given to her father!

As the saying goes, when my mother-in-law sees Lang, her ass doesn't touch the bed! Chen Biyun was so happy to see Xiao SA! Around him, he left two snacks for lunch and dinner, and personally drank a cup of wine with Xiao SA. His face was like peaches and plums, and the spring was brilliant. It was not until late at night that I put it back to the pottery garden for two hours.

On the third day of junior high school, she went back to the countryside to pay New Year's greetings. Danlu also wanted to pay New Year's greetings to her grandparents, uncles and aunts. She separated for a few days. Until the eighth day of the lunar new year, Xiao SA came back from paying New Year's greetings everywhere. He went to Tanzhou No. 1 middle school and wanted to pay New Year's greetings to Li Shutong. Unexpectedly, there was no one in his family. It was estimated that he had gone out. Forget it. He was ready to leave for Shenzhen and Hong Kong. At this time, a group of uninvited guests came. Several important officials of Tanzhou municipal government came, led by the mayor, as well as the executive vice mayor in charge of Finance and taxation, the vice mayor in charge of industry, the vice mayor in charge of Commerce and trade, the director of finance, the director of Taxation, the director of Economic Commission, the director of Commerce and Trade Commission, the director of Yishang, and several other staff members. Interestingly, Wang Zhong, the director of Hongdun kitchenware factory, was also timid behind the crowd.

Xiao SA listened to Yuan Dan's report. Hongdun kitchenware factory is now a partner with his Hong Kong dream company. Hongdun kitchenware is exported and sold overseas through Hong Kong dream company, earning foreign exchange for Tanzhou municipal government.

Xiao SA has always been reluctant to deal with government officials. Therefore, he has never seen government officials in Tanzhou before. They are all long Bo, Xiao Jiabi and ah Yi. These three are now large taxpayers in Tanzhou. They often go in and out of the government and are guests of these dignitaries.

But they had already come to the house, and they came to visit on the first day of the new year on the eighth day of the first month. Xiao SA had to be patient and polite to receive them, and soon understood the intentions of the dignitaries. There are at least three meanings: the first meaning is to thank on behalf of the government. Xiao Sa's three companies in Tanzhou are large taxpayers. Xiao SA is an investor and a real boss, which deserves the respect and gratitude of the government. At the same time, I hope Xiao Sa's company can develop well and become bigger and stronger in Tanzhou. Tanzhou has put forward the strategy of "strengthening the city through industry" and issued a series of industrial support policies. Xiaosa Baifa gas appliance factory can connect and enjoy policy dividends. In fact, I already enjoyed it. Ah Yi told him when he reported last time. The second layer means that there are several potential export enterprises in Tanzhou, hoping to cooperate with Xiao Sa's Hong Kong dream company. This is naturally the impact of Wang Zhong's Hongdun kitchenware factory. Hongdun kitchenware has benefited from earning foreign exchange. Of course, some other enterprises with more strength and better products than Hongdun are jealous and want to ask the municipal government to build a bridge with Hong Kong Yuanmeng company. Because Hongdun kitchenware was contacted by Yuan Dan, Wang Zhong only knew that there was a Hong Kong dream company, but did not know that Xiao SA and another Hong Kong chic company also engaged in import and export commodity trade. The third layer means to be polite. Please Xiao SA to give advice and suggestions to the government.

Xiao SA first laughed with them and said something on the scene, but he soon found that mayor Kong Zhi was very sincere, bold and unrestrained, and had a lot of ideas. He was not a bureaucrat in the general sense and was very pragmatic. This can also be seen from his visit to entrepreneurs with his right arm when he went to work on August 1.

So Xiao SA had a long talk with him and exchanged views one by one from the existing industrial advantages, future development direction and ways of Tanzhou. Xiao SA is a reborn person. He knows nothing about the future development trend of Tanzhou. Naturally, he has talked about the point, and many of them are beyond the consideration or even beyond the imagination of Kong Zhi and these dignitaries who come today. This can not help but shock Kong Zhi, a group of people, especially mayor Kong Zhi. He came to visit Xiao SA with his left and right hands today. He was very low and courteous, but he was very proud in his heart. This is also the common problem of people in power. Master the overall situation of Tanzhou's economy and plan strategies. Tanzhou's economy is booming in his hands, so he is confident that coming to visit Xiao SA is not only polite, but also wants to meet the boss of the three star tax paying enterprises in Tanzhou, saying how many kilograms he has!

At the first sight of Xiao SA, Kong Zhi was disappointed. Although he had heard that Xiao SA was a college student, he could not help but take it for granted that Xiao SA was too young and childish. What was written on Xiao Sa's face was youth. Which was like a businessman crawling and rolling in the mall? He even thought that Xiao SA might be a gold owner who inherited his wealth. He just hired the right leader of the three companies. He was afraid he didn't understand anything and was just a simple investor. However, Kong Zhi is a man who has been in officialdom for a long time. Chengfu is very deep, and all these ideas are not shown on his face. make fun of? What do you mean the prime minister can prop a boat in his belly?

But after a long talk with Xiao SA, Kong Zhi completely changed his view of Xiao SA. This boy, it's not easy! Looking at the practical problems in Tanzhou, I know the advantages and disadvantages of Tanzhou clearly, especially the vision of future development. That's unique! He is more long-term and thoughtful than the mayor! He couldn't help admiring Xiao SA from the bottom of his heart! Another point, although Xiao SA is unwilling to say more, he feels that Xiao SA is keen and forward-looking in policy direction, which requires political wisdom! Now Kong Zhi believes that the reason why the three star tax paying enterprises do so well is Xiao Sa's rudder!

So later on, Kong Zhi became more modest and even asked Xiao SA for advice. Xiao SA is not stupid. Who in officialdom is not smart? What I said today is enough for them to drink a pot! Of course, Xiao Sa also expressed his attitude, which will enable enterprises to develop well in Tanzhou and continue to play the sacred mission of large taxpayers. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!

As for those enterprises in Tanzhou who wanted to cooperate with Hong Kong Yuanmeng company in import and export trade, Xiao SA agreed. However, everything had to be in accordance with the company's rules. The product quality had to be guaranteed and the quality deposit had to be paid. The vice mayor in charge of industry and the vice mayor in charge of Commerce and trade immediately said that there was no problem. Of course, there will be no problem. Wang Zhong, the factory director of Hongdun, is also here today. His factory has a precedent and has actually got foreign exchange! It's only the middle and late 1980s. How important foreign exchange is to the country and the government!

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