After a while, Li Manping suppressed his panic and said, "I drafted a class collective activity plan for this semester and prepared to submit it to the class committee for research. You can help me and provide reference."

Xiao SA took over the activity plan li man gave him and looked at it carefully. The plan included an outing on March 3 of the Gregorian calendar, a youth Gala on May 4, a poetry education competition on the Dragon Boat Festival, basketball, volleyball, table tennis and other events, as well as a calligraphy beauty music Festival. There were more than a dozen activities in China.

Xiao Sa: "are you busy with so many things? Are you eight armed Nezha or thousand handed Guanyin?"

Li Man: "I don't want to do it alone. There will be specific responsible persons for each activity, and the division of labor and responsibility system will be implemented."

Xiao Sa: "then I think it's feasible. I don't have any opinions and suggestions."

Li Man: "what activities are you going to participate in?"

Xiao Sa: "I'm used to being lazy and don't like to participate in these activities. Please forgive me!"

Li Man: "that's no good. Every student in the class has to participate in at least two of them, and you can't be an exception!"

Xiao Sa: "do you have to participate? Then you can choose two for me."

Li Man: "OK."

At this time, counselor Zhu entered the classroom and the two ended their conversation.

After the last class in the afternoon, Xiao SA just walked out of the classroom and was blocked in the corridor by Ike and Elizabeth. Xiao SA raised the books and textbooks in her hand and said, "I'll go back to the bedroom and put something in it first?"

Ike came up and took the books from his hands, put them in his arms and said, "no, I'll take them for you. What's the name of an old Chinese saying: 'if the master has something to do, the disciples take his work'."

Xiao SA laughed, waved his hand and said, "let's go."

In a private room of the "fleeting years" restaurant, if the saxophone flows like nothing, it can't be softer, and the heating has been turned on long ago, it can't be warmer.

Sunny evening, Steve, Peter, Francis, Kenny, and Ike, Elizabeth, Shaw, all eight of them just made up a table. Originally, Wanqing reminded Xiao SA to invite Danlu and Fu Rao together, but Danlu and Fu Rao refused to come, so Xiao SA thanked him!

After the Spring Festival, Xiao SA saw this group of disciples for the first time. He also felt kind. While eating and drinking, he asked them how they spent the Spring Festival. As soon as everyone said, Xiao SA was surprised. It turned out that these foreign students were invited by embassies of various countries to participate in the activities of Chinese Spring Festival, and they had one thing in common. They all performed programs and played Taijiquan.

Xiao SA put on his master's airs and taught them: "you little children, you are so bold! You have only learned Taijiquan for a few days? You dare to perform on the stage, and you are not afraid of being disgraced!"

Shidi proudly said, "master, I didn't humiliate you. I handed over to another foreign student and beat him down."

Ike nodded and said, "as my witness, Steve didn't lie."

What's going on? It turned out that both Eddie and Ike attended the Chinese New Year Group worship meeting held by the U.S. embassy. There was a program performance at the group worship meeting, and Eddie went up to perform Taijiquan impromptu. As a result, another foreign student in China ridiculed that the Taijiquan performed by Eddie was flower boxing and beautiful legs. They immediately tied the bar. As a result, they had a competition. In the initial test of Eddie's ox knife, he actually won.

Steve is now full of confidence in Taijiquan. He shook his fist and said to Xiao SA, "master, I must learn Taijiquan better, and then teach my friends and my friends' friends. By the way, I want to teach my disciples in New York like master. Master, when I learn it well, please authorize me!"

Unexpectedly, several other people agreed in unison. They all wanted to learn Taijiquan well. After graduation, they returned home and started classes to teach disciples.

A bunch of fools who don't do their jobs! Xiao SA scolded in his heart, but on second thought, it's a good thing! Take Tai Chi as the medium to promote Chinese civilization, gently and skillfully! My heart suddenly had an idea and said, "do you all want my authorization?"

Everyone nodded except for the sunny evening. Even Ike and Elizabeth are no exception.

Xiao SA nodded and said, "well, I will soon register and establish a Taiji Culture Communication Company, and the headquarters will be set up in Beijing. You study hard. When you graduate, I will authorize you to set up branches in your own country. In addition to your own teaching, I will go to teach you from time to time. What do you think?"

As soon as everyone listened, they were all in high spirits, one by one, too beautiful to want.

In fact, Xiao Sa's heart is more beautiful. According to his memory of his previous life, Taijiquan will be popular in Europe and America in another ten years. In France alone, there are more than 500000 practicing Taijiquan. The foreign students in class 1, grade 1 of the Chinese Department of Peking University are either rich or expensive. If they go back to set up a Taiji Culture Communication Company, it will not be easy? International students from dozens of countries, if everyone went back to set up a Taiji Culture Communication Company, it would be dozens, spreading branches and leaves all over the world, what an influence it would be! Of course, don't expect every foreign student to have such an idea, but today there are six people willing to work and plant these six seeds. Maybe when they graduate, they will affect more people and really take root and blossom all over the world!

Grandma's! I have to sum up with my second son when I go home and think of a louder company name! In addition, we should register the Taiji trademark as soon as possible. This trademark is too valuable and must be registered! In the future, not only the company's trademarks, such as Tai Chi cultural shirts, Tai Chi sports shoes, Tai Chi suitcases, etc., but also the trademarks of all goods related to Tai Chi have been registered! In the future, you can also establish Taiji trading company, Taiji logistics company, Taiji supermarket, Taiji online platform company and so on, with unlimited business opportunities!

Of course, Xiao SA won't say this to his overseas students' disciples for the time being. He won't talk about this topic any more. However, these disciples are very excited and discuss with each other what to do in the future, so they have begun to plan ahead.

Everyone enjoyed the meal very late, but Xiao SA found a problem, that is, Eddie and Ike didn't seem to be as intimate as before, so she looked at Eddie's opportunity to go to the bathroom and asked him what happened? Who knows, Steve doesn't seem to care at all. His tone is very relaxed: "I have a new girlfriend and Ike has a new boyfriend. We don't fall in love anymore, but we are still good friends!"

If Xiao SA wears glasses, he's afraid he'll fall to the ground! These foreign girls are really Playboys! Changing lovers is as free as changing clothes and shoes! But he couldn't help but ask curiously, "who's your new girlfriend?"

Steve: "I met at the embassy this time. I'm also an international student. You don't know."

Xiao Sa: "who's Ike's new boyfriend?"

Steve spread his hands: "I don't know. She only told me she liked others, but she didn't tell me who it was, and I didn't ask."

Xiao SA sighed, "are you really a group of little children? Why are you so casual about emotional matters?"

But Shidi said, "master, you're wrong! We're not casual, we're very serious! Love is love, don't love is don't love! You Chinese like to make do, that's casual!"

Xiao SA was speechless.

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