Shaw nodded.

Li Shuqin: "then wear it." then he smiled and went into the dormitory.

Xiao SA didn't think so much. He rode his broken bike back to the siheyuan of Lepi lane.

In his previous life, the great God Rong Zhenghui raised 21000 yuan in this year to establish Huawei, which later attracted worldwide attention. Xiao SA was particularly impressed by this event. Therefore, as soon as he returned to the courtyard, Xiao SA locked himself in his room and fell into deep meditation.

Danlu and Fu Rao seldom see Xiao SA like this. A person who has always been lazy and free and easy has suddenly become silent today. It's really unbearable.

Danlu couldn't help but go in and gently stroked Xiao Sa's head and said, "what's the matter today?"

Xiao SA took Danlu into her arms, sat on her lap and said seriously, "second, I'm going to do a big thing, but how can I do it? I want to think about it."

Dan Lu: "is there any adventure today?"

Xiao SA told her about going to Li Shuqin's house today to communicate with her parents.

Danlu was smart and studied physics. She vaguely guessed Xiao Sa's idea and said, "do you want to get involved in the field of electronic engineering technology?"

Xiao SA nodded: "it's worthy of being the second child. It's clear at a little! I want to start the IT industry."

Danlu Yingying smiled and said, "aren't you used to being a shopkeeper? Just find the right person."

Xiao SA stroked Guan Danlu's beautiful and round shoulders and said, "I'm just thinking about this problem. I know such a person who is very good at it industry. He is preparing to set up his own it company. Do you think I should invest in his company or set up another company myself?"

Danlu thought and said, "would you like to invest in his company?"

Xiao Sa: "he is short of funds now and is raising money everywhere. I think he will be willing. But whether he can hold a controlling stake is not certain."

Danlu: "do you want to control?"

Xiao SA nodded: "of course, only holding can grasp the direction of development without deviation. We should not only control, but also absolutely control and not be controlled by others."

Dan Lu: "well, you'd better run another it company yourself. Are you afraid there are no talents in China? Even if there are no talents in China, it's good to recruit globally. Since you can grasp the general direction, why don't you find someone who knows management in the industry?"

Xiao Sa: "but I can't bear it. Rong Zhenghui is very powerful and will make great achievements in the future. I don't invest in his company. It's too bad! What's more, if I run an IT company myself, I won't be able to surpass him."

Danlu thought for a while, and suddenly her eyes brightened and said, "yes! Why don't you do both? Invest in Rong Zhenghui's company and run your own company, which complement and promote each other."

Xiao SA suddenly patted his head: "I've been thinking for a long time. Why didn't I think of this move? Look at my elm skull! Second, you're still smart! You're right! Just do what you say!" after that, he hugged Danlu tightly and pecked her tender face like a violent storm and rain.

Danlu tried to break away from him and said angrily, "well, I'm going to cook dinner. It turned out that you went on a date at the girl's house today. Big bad guy, I'm very angry!"

Xiao Sa: "why is it called a date? Aunt, didn't I tell you clearly just now?"

Danlu: "I'm angry anyway!"

Xiao Sa: "well, it's up to you to fight, scold, kill and cut later."

Danlu: "OK, you wait!"

Xiao SA untied the confusion just now. He had an idea in his heart. He was very happy. He hummed a minor tune and followed Danlu into the kitchen. Seeing that Fu Rao was not there, he picked up Danlu from behind and spun quickly in the kitchen.

Danlu struggled to the ground and pushed Xiao SA out with both hands: "go, don't be annoying here! Watch TV."

Xiao SA came to the main room, turned on the TV and saw that a children's program was playing. It was boring. He didn't bother to watch it and went out to wander around the yard.

After dinner, Xiao SA and Danlu went back to their room to read. Fu Rao was watching TV in the hall. After a while, Fu Rao shouted excitedly, "Danlu, come and see, the boss is on TV."

Xiao SA and Dan Lu hurried over to have a look. It turned out that CCTV was broadcasting the news conference of Beijing University.

The charming and charming Wanqing is holding the handsome Xiao SA to the front desk. Then there was the edited picture of the press release released by the press spokesman of Peking University, followed by an exclusive interview and a reporter's question. There was no editing of Xiao Sa's answer to the American reporter's question, all of which were broadcast. Finally, there was the scene of Wanqing's excited tears

Looking at Danlu staring at himself like a knife, Xiao SA really regretted that he shouldn't turn on the TV. How did he expect that the Beijing University news conference would be broadcast today?

Danlu went back to her room without saying a word. Xiao SA still sat there in a daze.

Fu Rao slapped Xiao SA on the back of his head: "Huaxin radish!"

Xiao sprinkled his eyes and stared at Fu Rao: "don't add oil and vinegar, don't you think it's big enough?"

Fu Rao nodded to Danlu's room, "what are you yelling at me? Are you still there?"

Xiao SA got up and came to Danlu's room, but unexpectedly, Danlu smiled: "Congratulations! Big fool, become famous at one stroke!"

Xiao Sa: "where with which? It's just Ouyang Wanqing fooling around!"

He helped Ouyang Wanqing review the manuscript. When Ouyang Wanqing submitted the manuscript, he added his name briefly.

Danlu glanced at him: "Why are you telling me this?"

Xiao Sa: "aren't you afraid of misunderstanding?"

Danlu: "what did I miss?"

Xiao SA choked and couldn't speak.

Danlu smiled and said, "since you said it, I'll ask you a few questions. First, why did she ask you to review the manuscript? Although your English level is very high, can you be higher than the professor of Beijing University?"

Xiao SA, "I guess she was in a hurry to seek medical treatment. Wasn't she in a hurry to hand in the manuscript at that time? I'm afraid she won't win if she asks for advice."

Danlu: "second, why does she want to add your name? I don't want you to know? Is she trying to surprise you?"

Xiao SA doesn't know what Wanqing thinks? "I wonder if she wants to express her thanks in this way."

Danlu: "really?"

Xiao Sa: "isn't it?"

Dan Lu: "it takes so much effort to thank a person? She didn't even sign her mentor's name?"

Xiao Sa: "I asked her. She wanted to sign it, but the tutor wouldn't let it. His tutor is the famous Wang Yao. Don't touch her again."

Danlu: "this just explains the problem. She wanted to sign the name of the tutor and asked for the advice of the tutor. Did she sign your name and ask for your advice?"

Xiao SA was speechless.

Danlu Yingying smiled and said, "you may be unintentional, but I'm sure she has a heart! Big fool!"

Xiao SA was a little angry and said, "what can you have? Don't think about it!"

Dan Lu: I wish I was thinking nonsense

Xiao SA had a lot of ways to deal with her. He came forward and caught her and said, "do you still think about it?" he put his hands into her clothes and rubbed her well.

After struggling for a few times, Danlu calmed down, and then twisted her body.

Xiao SA picked her up and went to the bed

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