Xiao SA woke up. He was too excited just now. He made too much effort in his hand. Man loosened his hand and said, "I'm sorry!"

The middle-aged man wiped his tears and snivel with his sleeve, looked at Xiao SA with a frightened eye and said, "you come with me." after that, he hurried away from Xiao SA.

Unexpectedly, Xiao SA can't take a step!

Danlu first found Xiao Sa's abnormality, and then Fu Rao also found it. Dan Lu: "what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Sa: "my legs are soft and I can't go."

Danlu was worried and burst into tears: "sister Rao, call an ambulance quickly."

But Fu Rao didn't listen. Instead, he slapped Xiao xiaosa on the back. Danlu was startled and stared at Fu Rao.

But see Xiao sprinkle spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and then raise your legs to follow up.

Danlu was surprised and delighted. She took Fu Rao and hurriedly followed him. As she walked, she gave Fu Rao a thumbs up.

Fu Rao said, "the boss cares too much about this. If he cares, it will be chaotic. He is anxious and angry. I'll help him straighten out his breath."

Danlu said with some worry: "won't it be like this in the future?"

Fu Rao: "don't worry, it won't happen."


Xiao SA and his party followed the middle-aged man around eight times and walked into an alley. After a while, they came to a courtyard with mossy steps. The middle-aged man said, "she lives in it."

The gate of the yard was open. Xiao SA walked in slowly step by step. As soon as he entered the yard, he saw a slim woman hanging clothes with her back to herself.

Xiao SA was confused. He couldn't feel the atmosphere of hospitality. At this time, the woman turned around, saw Xiao SA and exclaimed, "who are you? How did you break into my house?"

This woman does look a little like hospitality, but her skin color and temperament are not too bad!

From the huge expectation, Xiao SA fell into the ice of despair. She didn't know how she got out of the courtyard and the alley. She didn't even know how she got back to the siheyuan of Lepi lane, just like a corpse walking through meat.

Ghost eye 7, Zhang Qing, Wang Meng and Liu Dalong already knew that things had been screwed up. They sent Xiao SA home and watched in the yard. It was neither walking nor not walking. They all looked bitter and forced.

Fu Rao was very confused. She didn't know what was going on. Danlu was the only one who knew the truth.

Danlu stayed with Xiao SA that day. She didn't say anything. She knew that what she said at this time was superfluous. Xiao Sa's unforgettable yearning for Yin not only didn't make her jealous, but made her understand Xiao Sa's heart more!

On the surface, this big fool is like huahuataisui said by Fu Rao, but in his bones, he values love and righteousness, and is easy to seek priceless treasure. It's rare to have a lover!

However, Danlu reminded Xiao Sa: "seventh master, they are still outside. I can't tell them to go away. Let them go back first."

Xiao SA just regained her consciousness. She looked at Danlu with an apologetic look. She went out to send seven or four ghost eyes back, so that they wouldn't embarrass the middle-aged man. They didn't know hospitality. It was always a kind intention.

Ghost eye seven and others were worried about Xiao SA. Xiao SA waved and said, "it's all right. Take care of the yard for me these days when I go abroad."

Ghost eye seven and others hurriedly agreed, persuaded Xiao to sprinkle a few words, and then left.

Xiao SA went back to the house, held Danlu in his arms and whispered, "I'm sorry! I lost my temper again today! Ding Ning told me on the phone that someone had seen hospitality in Beijing. I was really worried about her and asked Zhang Qing to look for it. But six months later, there was no news!"

Danlu nodded, stretched out her hands, gently stroked Xiao Sa's face and said, "don't worry! You know? You're so anxious today that you can't walk. I'm scared!" and tears came down again.

Xiao Sa: "sorry, Dick."

Danlu shook her head: "don't say that. Don't worry, OK? One day we will find her! I promised you that I would accompany you to find her."

Xiao SA felt warm in her heart and couldn't help but lower her head and kiss Danlu affectionately

Danlu went out with the astronomy interest group of Tsinghua University, but set out earlier than Xiao SA. Their destination is in your province, which is very close to Hunan Province. Xiao SA asked her to go back to Tanzhou directly after participating in the group activity. She will go back immediately after she goes abroad.

Danlu repeatedly told him to pay attention to safety, and explained many matters needing attention to Fu Rao in detail. Then she reluctantly walked back step by step.


In the twinkling of an eye, the day to go abroad came. Wanqing, Xiao SA and Fu Rao came to the airport. After the security check, they were pleasantly surprised before they boarded the plane, because Ike suddenly jumped out and threw himself into Xiao Sa's arms, laughing and making noise. Everyone was happy at once.

Xiao Sa: "little cute, why are you here?"

Ike: I'll accompany you to Sweden

Xiao Sa: "ah!"

Ike: "I have an appointment with Elizabeth and angel. I'll go to Sweden for the summer vacation. I'll accompany you and Mr. Ouyang to attend the academic seminar first, and then go to see Daisy together."

Xiao sprinkled a pat on the back of her head: "crazy girl, really can play!"

Ike smiled: "master, we have discussed. You and Mr. Ouyang should obey our arrangement at other times except for official activities!"

Xiao SA glared at Wanqing and said, "you ask her about this. She led the team this time."

Wanqing slapped her and said, "you want to be lazy, little rogue? Ike, I don't care about this trip except official business. Listen to your master. Whatever he says, I'll arrange it."

This time, because angel and Daisy had looked for Xiao SA in advance, Xiao SA made preparations and applied for visas from several countries at the same time, so he said, "that's OK, little cute, I won't arrange it, so I'll give it to you."

Ike jumped up happily and hung it around Xiao Sa's neck. Xiao SA scolded, "crazy girl! Let go."

Ike gave Xiao a hard kiss and then let go. He jumped away with a smile and said, "I called Chinese Mommy yesterday. She asked me to take care of you!"

Xiao Sa: "ah!"

Mom is really! Don't you just go abroad? Please take care of yourself. You really treat yourself as a three-year-old!

Xiao SA doesn't know. At the moment, Yuan Lizheng and Chen Biyun are breaking their fingers and calculating when he will take off and land.

The mother was worried that in her eyes, where had her son grown up?


At the exit of Arlanda Airport in Sweden, Elizabeth, angel and Daisy saw Xiao SA, Wanqing, Fu Rao and Ike come out and run up with joy. Unexpectedly, they were surrounded by six strong men halfway, which made Elizabeth's faces white. Fortunately, Xiao SA found it in time and hurriedly ran over and shouted, "Yuan Dan, they are friends!"

It turned out that these six strong men were brought by Yuan Dan to play the front station for Xiao SA.

Elizabeth hugged Shaw's arm and said, "master, who are they? They're scared to death!"

Xiao Sa: "they are also my friends. They misunderstood just now!"

At this time, two more people came over, holding a small card with the name of Wanqing written on it. It turned out that it was the staff sent by the international authoritative academic journal to pick up the plane. After Xiao SA left his contact number, he drove all the others away and let them go to their respective hotels. He and Fu Rao, Wanqing and Ike went to the hotel arranged by the inviting party with the staff of the journal. Aike acted as the accompanying staff of Wanqing, so he went together. This is also the way that Aike begged and Xiao SA came up with for her.

The hotel is on the Bank of the beautiful meralun lake. Through the large glass window, you can see a clear and blue lake with blue sky and white clouds. There are many European style buildings at the foot of the mountain. There is also a church. The high spire seems to be connected with the blue sky and white clouds.

Nearby, connected with the lakeside is a garden with only one big tree. The others are green grass, green grass, breeze and low waves, full of interest.

There are many pigeons looking for food by the lake. When pedestrians pass by, they sweep up, walk away and fly back. It's very leisurely and lovely.

Xiao SA called home first and reported peace. The others didn't care. It's estimated that Yuan Dan had already called. After that, he took a bath in the bathroom and took a cool shower. He came out refreshed and knocked on the door of several others. Fu Rao lived opposite him, Wanqing lived next to him, and Ike lived opposite Wanqing.

It was estimated that they were taking a bath and taking a shower. None of them opened the door, but soon they all crowded into his room. Sure enough, everyone's hair was wet. Ike came here without wearing a nightgown and underwear. Xiao SA drove her back and asked her to change her clothes and come back.

Xiao SA was about to call Yuan Dan and Daisy and others. Looking up, she saw yuan Dan and Daisy and others laughing and joking by the lake outside the window. She knew that they didn't go back to the hotel at all, but directly followed them, so she asked Wanqing to go out of the hotel together and walk towards Daisy and them

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