First send Danlu and li man home. Xiao SA drives to the Central Academy of fine arts and picks up Ding Ning.

Before the final exam, Xiao SA had arranged to buy air tickets for Li Man and Ding Ning to return to Tanzhou during the winter vacation, so after the exam, he simply connected them to the Lepi Lane quadrangle.

The mangpi lane, which has been quiet for some time, is lively again

Xiao SA doesn't plan to go back to Tanzhou immediately. He still has a lot to do. Danlu has just finished her exams and wants to rest for a few days first.

When several girls got together, they had endless words and things to do. Instead, they put Xiao sprinkled aside.

Xiao SA ignored them. Li Shuqin said, "I heard it will be around May Day next year. Anyway, the theme song I sing has been recorded once. If I record it twice after a year, I won't care."

Xiao Sa: "full of expectation!"

Li Shuqin: "speaking of this, I want to ask you another thing!"

Xiao Sa: "don't you want me to write songs again?"

Li Shuqin puffed a smile: "whoever knows me, Xiao Shenxian!"

Xiao Sa: "you little devil! Learned to flatter! Say, why this time?"

Li Shuqin lay on Xiao Sa's shoulder and whispered a few words in his ear

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