People, people, are growing step by step!

"Yeah!" Liu Ge finally got what he wanted, jumped up with cheers and rushed to the stage. The annual sales champion has dropped the second place by a large margin, which is well deserved!

When Liu Ge returned to Xiao Sa's seat with a trophy and a thick red envelope, Xiao SA felt like he was going to fly!

Liu Ge threw the big red envelope to Xiao SA, but he was holding the trophy himself. He couldn't do it! The trophy is made of crystal. It's not strange. What's strange is that it is engraved with Liu GE's name and brilliant achievements!

Xiao SA took a big red envelope and put it in his pocket. Liu Ge immediately returned to reality and grabbed it: "why? Want to get something for nothing? I've worked hard for a year!"

Xiao Sa: "you are filial to me. Can I not accept it?"

Liu Ge was generous: "can you leave me half? We are brothers. We share our blessings and difficulties!"

Xiao Sa: "you have a trophy! More than half."

Liu Ge was so angry that he gnashed his teeth: "I found out today that you are a scoundrel! Forget it, take it. I'm too lazy to argue with you! Remember to give some to Yang Liu and see her bad luck. I'm cold!"

Xiao SA took out the red envelope and stuffed it back to Liu Ge. He smiled and said, "you'd better give it yourself. I'm too lazy to make a light bulb!"

Liu Ge pushed away and said, "take it. Who am I? Don't you mean what you say? Willow, if you like to give it or not, I'm the light bulb!"

Xiao SA Yang raised the big red envelope in his hand: "really not?"

Liu Ge: "ask me again and I'll take it back."

Xiao SA quickly put it into his pocket: "think beautiful!"

After the award, general manager Ayi spoke. She had no set words, was sincere and touched people's hearts.

First of all, she thanked all the employees for their efforts. She was very sincere. She pointed to the little bit of dedication of many employees to the company, which moved the employees, and some even shed tears.

Then she thanked the customers and told all the staff that the customers were not God, but our parents! This formulation is easy to understand. She learned it from Xiao SA.

Xiao SA talked to all the princes and said that God is ethereal. No one has seen what kind of play it is, so he told the employees in China that God is nonsense! Directly speaking, it's the parents of food and clothing, so I understand! Treat customers like parents: be filial! Enshrined!

Next, ah Yi thanked the party and the government. Next, there was the mayor!

Xiao SA feels that ah Yi is really mature, speaks without leakage, meets the needs of both sides and is exquisite in all aspects.

Ayi then spoke with passion about the company's future vision. The company will develop more products, open a larger market and double its sales revenue within three years! Two billion! Many millionaires, even multimillionaires and billionaires, will be born in the sitting employees!

The words were so moving that all the staff cheered and applauded wildly

Ayi ended his speech with a tsunami of applause and cheers.

The last event was an important speech by Mayor Kong Zhi.

When Kong Zhi came to power, he announced an explosive news: the municipal government has officially signed an agreement with Baifa gas appliance company to establish a 1000 mu Baifa gas appliance industrial park in Tanzhou Economic Development Zone, of which 500 mu is for Baifa gas appliance company and the other 500 mu is for upstream industrial enterprises that provide accessories for Baifa gas appliance company.

This is the last time Kong Zhi and Xiao SA discussed how to attract investment and select business in the Yuanyang Hall of Taoyuan. Kong Zhi turned back and asked Xiao SA to settle in the most promising enterprise in the city and fry the land.

Xiao SA certainly wants it! Baifa Gas Appliance Co., Ltd. has developed three new products. It is imperative to install a new production line to expand production. Obviously, the original plant is not enough, and a new plant is urgently needed.

So they hit it off immediately. Xiao SA immediately ordered Ayi to contact and negotiate with the Management Committee of the economic development zone, and the Management Committee of the economic development zone also received the instructions of mayor Kong and naturally received him warmly and considerately. But it's only a few days? Kong Zhi unexpectedly let out the wind. It seems that things are going well.

This explosive news once again greatly inspired all the employees of Baifa gas appliance company. Everyone applauded warmly and talked happily, and their faces were filled with bright smiles

After the annual meeting, the company will hold a teacher worship ceremony. Xiao SA is most interested in this link. The creation of corporate culture seems insignificant, but it has a long-term influence.

The first agenda of the worship ceremony is called "teacher's style".

Unexpectedly, the host first read Liu GE's name and invited him to the stage.

Inexplicably, Liu Ge glanced at Xiao and muttered, "what the hell?" he went on stage with a worried expression.

On the booth in front of the exhibition hall, three one person tall statues were covered with red silk. The host asked Liu Ge to stand in front of the statue in the middle, and then said, "yes, please take the stage."

Ah Yi smiled and shook hands with Liu Ge cordially. Liu Ge was not promising at this time and was at a loss. Before shaking hands, he wiped his hand on his sleeve and stretched it out. His face was red with excitement.

Host: "please unveil the statue by President Liu!"

Liu Ge was completely stupid. He looked at the host and didn't know what to do.

Ah Yi smiled and instructed him to hold a corner of the red silk with himself and take off the red silk of the statue in the middle.

The host came to Liu Ge with a smile and said, "President Liu, take a closer look. Who is this statue carved?"

Liu Ge is even more stupid. Isn't he the one who carved the statue? His name is also engraved on the base of the statue: Master Liu Ge.

Liu Ge couldn't stand steadily. His legs were weak and he sat down. Fortunately, the host saw the opportunity early and put his arms around him, so he didn't make a fool of himself.

Ah Yi took over the microphone handed over by the abbot and said, "now the master is the Supreme Master! Being the Supreme Master is the supreme law! Liu GE has made indelible contributions to the company's opening up of sales in the country! He is the sales champion of the company and a worthy master of our company worthy of learning by all employees. Next, we salute the master to Liu head office and stand up..."

Ah Yi stepped down and saluted Liu Ge standing on the stage with all the staff

After the ceremony, the host asked Liu Ge to make a speech.

Liu Ge trembled and said, "President Yi: I sold Liu GE's cheap life to the company! From today on, I was born a man of the company and died a ghost of the company!..."

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