Xiao SA put down her heart, followed her and smiled and said, "OK! The food in the canteen can really fade out. Aunt Li's food is delicious. In fact, if you cook, it would be better!"

Wanqing: "you married me and I cook for you every day."

Xiao Sa: "OK, ha! The 135th wife makes Hunan food and the 246th wife makes Beijing food."

Wanqing kicked it: "bah! You think so!"

Talking, laughing, fighting and making noise, Wang Yao came to Wang Yao's house. Wang Yao played Taijiquan in the yard. When he saw them coming, he said, "Wanqing, go to the kitchen to help your Aunt Li. Xiao SA, you come and push with me. I heard that you have turned the foreign students in Wanqing class into your apprentices."

Xiao SA smiled and said, "have fun."

He came forward to push with Wang Yao. He was familiar with the road and moved forward and backward freely. When Wang Yao practiced to his pleasure, he suddenly pressed hard to try Xiao Sa's skills. Unexpectedly, pressing hard was like a clay ox into the sea. He could not find half of Xiao Sa's strength and didn't stop Xiao SA. Xiao SA still pushed his hand according to the original rhythm like running water.

But gradually, Wang Yao found something wrong. He couldn't control the rhythm. He opened and relaxed, released and closed them all in Xiao Sa's hands. Wang Yao could only follow passively and couldn't stop

Wang Yao was shocked. At this time, if Xiao SA wanted to attack him, he had to be beaten completely passively! Fortunately, Xiao SA didn't think much of himself. Without a trace, he put down his control over Wang Yao and slowly stopped pushing his hand.

Wang Yao is a university student. All academic people have a problem and like to study. Wang Yao has no other sports hobbies. He has always liked practicing Taijiquan. He has been immersed in Taijiquan for decades. He has seriously practiced and studied it. He thinks he has some experience. He usually holds hands with some old men and even young people practicing Taijiquan in the park. Three moves and two moves can seal people up. It makes people call him master wholeheartedly. Unexpectedly, he ate flat under Xiao Sa's hand today and sighed: "There are people outside, and there are days outside. The ancients sincerely didn't deceive me!"

Xiao Sa's heart is funny. The old man is as simple as a child. In the eyes of Tai Chi experts, he can be said to be a layman and a typical rookie! That's the level of showing off in the park. He really takes himself as a high master! Hee hee

Wang Yao, not to mention himself, is the most savvy of the foreign students who have only practiced for more than a year, such as Ike and Peter. I'm afraid they are not rivals.

Laymen watch the excitement, laymen watch the door, ha!

Wang Yao has never studied martial arts, that is, the popularity of Taijiquan. Compared with professionals, it's not too bad!

Xiao SA doesn't break it. The old man is so old that he practices like this. It's good for health care!

Not long after the meal was served, Aunt Li met Xiao SA and was very affectionate. After the "Xiaoli life" course was broadcast by CCTV's "Lu Yu has an appointment", primary and secondary schools all over the country who came to make an appointment for training lined up. The social response was enthusiastic, which made her feel very successful, because she was the principal of the "Xiaoli life" training school.

While eating, Aunt Li showed Xiao sa the training course schedule of this year's row. Xiao SA was shocked: "the row is so full! Can you bear it? You have to pay attention to your health!"

Wang Yao smiled and said, "she's either painful here or uncomfortable there in the past two years. She's free! Now she's busy, all right, there's nothing wrong. She walks with the wind! So the busier she is, the better!"

Aunt Li said, "Xiao SA, you're really right. People have to be on the road all their life. They can't stop. Stopping is waiting to die!"

Wang Yao asked Xiao SA, "when did you say that? Why didn't I hear it?"

Wanqing: "I heard it too. We came back at the end of last semester. You weren't at home, said the little rascal."

Wang Yao: "that's classic! Old lady, tell me everything Xiao SA has told you in the future."

Aunt Li: "OK, don't think I'm wordy."

Xiao SA asked Aunt Li whether the logistics support and service of the company were doing well? Aunt Li praised and praised her all the time, so Xiao SA was relieved.

After dinner, he talked about some matters worthy of attention in the course of "filial piety and life". Xiao SA and Wanqing left. When they arrived at Weiming lake, Xiao SA was preparing to go to the classroom. Wanqing grabbed him: "where are you going? The account last night hasn't been calculated with you!"

Xiao SA thought she had escaped a disaster. Who knows the cycle of cause and effect? Retribution is bad! What should come will come sooner or later!

He was dragged into the Snail House of Wanqing again. Xiao SA, regardless of the thirty-seven and twenty-one, fell down on the Wanqing bed, lay down in his clothes and said, "fairy, I'm wrong! But I really want to take a nap now..." after that, he closed his eyes and went to bed.

Wanqing smiled and slept in peace with her clothes. She looked at Xiao SA face to face and said, "I knew you were a little rogue! Let me tell you, the invitation letter of Harvard University and the report on applying for a special lecture at Harvard University have been agreed by the Department office and reported to the school office. Tomorrow weekend, it is estimated that there will be results next week... Are you listening to me? Dead pig! I can really sleep! I fell asleep so soon!"

Xiao Sazhen fell asleep with a heavy nose.

Wanqing picked up his arm and leaned back against him in his arms, but she couldn't sleep for a long time

When the weekend came, Xiao SA naturally went to Qinghua garden to pick up Danlu and returned to the siheyuan of Lepi lane. As soon as he put down his schoolbag, Wu Yang ran into the yard and shouted, "fourth uncle, do you have anything to eat? I'm starving!"

Xiao SA scolded: "hungry ghost reincarnation! Find it yourself."

Wu Yang ran into the house. After a while, he came out with his hands full of cookies and a piece in his mouth.

Xiao SA asked her, "did you come here to tell your father?"

Wu Yang: "No."

Xiao came forward and knocked a shudder on her forehead. He hurried into the room and called Wu Dayang.

When he came out again, Wu Yang finished his biscuits and stretched out his hand to Xiao.

Xiao sprinkled a slap and patted down: "you're used to it! Get it yourself."

Wu Yang reached out to him again: "pocket money!"

Xiao SA is funny: "after receiving so much lucky money for the new year, it will be spent?"

Wu Yang has a small generation. During the new year in Tanzhou, everyone gave her red envelopes, not only her elders, but also the bosses of all companies under Xiao SA, so she received dozens of red envelopes, large and small.

Wu Yang: "I saved my lucky money?"

Xiao SA took out a handful of change and stuffed it all into her: "little financial fan!"

Wu Yang smiled: "only money is the best thing in the world! You can buy anything."

"Bullshit!" Xiao SA scolded, "there are many things that money can't get!"

Wu Yang: "what? Is there anything you can't get without money? Tell me."

Xiao Sa: "you're a little fart. You don't know anything. You're too lazy to tell you!"

Wu Yang stared at him, "don't pretend to be a big tail wolf! You're only a few days older than me?"

Xiao SA waved to hit her. She had already fled behind Danlu and shouted, "four aunts, help!"

But another man came into the yard and said, "don't worry! I'll save you!"

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