Although Chen Xi listened with interest, Yuan Li also said with interest.

Mothers all over the world are like this! Speaking of their children's affairs, seven days and seven nights can't be finished, and it's getting stronger and stronger!

So later, if Chen Xi didn't come every few days, Yuan Li talked about her.

Chen Xi's eyes lit up when she saw Xiao SA coming back, but she was still very calm in front of Yuan Li, but she had an attack when Xiao SA sent her out!

While Xiao SA didn't pay attention, she quietly took off the handcuffs and handcuffed Xiao Sa's wrists with her own wrists!

Xiao SA was stunned and said, "aunt, what are you doing?"

Chen Xi: "be honest! Come with me."

Xiao SA said, "I'll go with you! Don't do this?"

Chen Xi ignored him and took him away.

Some passers-by couldn't help stopping to watch. Chen Xi stared: "what are you looking at? Haven't you seen the police catch the prisoner?"

Xiao SA can't cry or laugh. She followed her all the way into the Jiaohua alley and went straight to the Xinghua courtyard.

Chen Xi opened the gate of the courtyard, pulled Xiao SA in, locked the gate, opened the door of the house, pulled Xiao SA in, and closed the door. Only then did she loosen the handcuffs, and then went to Xiao SA regardless, opening her mouth and kissing him

Xiao SA pushed her away and said, "don't be silly! I told you I had a woman, and there was more than one. I'm not a good man. Don't imagine me so well!"

Chen Xi stared at him: "are you a great woman? I've had a man for a long time! I didn't want to marry you. What are you afraid of? I don't care if you are good or bad! I only know that I'm excited when I see you! I just want you!" then I went crazy into Xiao Sa's arms

More than half an hour later, Xiao SA looked at the pieces of peach blossoms on the sheets and asked Chen Xi with a bitter smile, "you lied to me! Why are you so stupid?"

Chen Xi pillowed Xiao Sa's arms, looked happy and happy, and said lazily, "what's there? Why? I'd love to!"


Xiao SA rested for a few days and then visited around.

First of all, of course, Lu Guisheng and Chen Biyun.

Chen Biyun still remembers Xiao Sa's injury. He asked him to lie on the bed, opened his clothes and looked at it. Although the imported scar plaster was used at that time, it still left a faint scar.

Chen Biyun slapped him on the ass and scolded, "just show off! You almost lost your life!"

Xiao SA didn't dare to refute, but just smiled.

Then Xiao SA went to see Xia Jing, Li Shutong, the couple of literature and art, Ding Hong and others.

Then I went to the countryside to visit my uncle and neighbors.

Of course, during this period, whether Chen Xi had anything to do or not, she always came to the Tao Garden to patrol around. Of course, she came to see Xiao SA under the guise of public welfare.

The big girl has become a little woman. She eats and knows what she likes. From time to time, Chen Xi marches Xiao SA into the Apricot Garden in the Jiaohua alley

In the twinkling of an eye, in June, Xiao SA went to all his companies to inspect the operation of each company, and urged him to explain a task to the leaders of each company when he was injured and hospitalized in Tanzhou last year to see how it was implemented.

The first one went to attentive BMW.

Since the last shareholders' meeting, Xiao SA hasn't been in BMW for nearly a year and a half.

When I went in, the whole production line was in good order, the plant was clean and tidy, and the workers were full of energy. Xiao sprinkled it and was relieved.

The first production line has already entered full capacity production. Workers work in three shifts and do not stop production on holidays. Last year, 30000 off-line cars were produced, with an output value of 15 billion. In the first four months of this year, more than 10000 vehicles were offline, with an output value of more than 5 billion.

The second production line was put into trial operation at the beginning of last year, with an annual production of more than 8000 cars and an output value of more than 4 billion. This year, it has also entered the half load production, with about 2000 off-line vehicles per month, and the output value in the first four months was nearly 4 billion.

The attentive BMW laboratory has been built and dozens of researchers have been recruited.

The main project of the attentive BMW Training Institute has been completed, but some ancillary projects are under construction.

Since last year, an investment promotion conference has been held every quarter. Franchisees in more than 30 cities in three municipalities directly under the central government, more than 10 cities specifically designated in the state plan and some provincial capital cities have begun to create attentive BMW 4S stores.



Kantra is really an expert in modern enterprise management!

Xiao SA called general manager kantra, deputy general manager long Bo and chief financial officer Huang Juan to his chairman's office. Without asking anything else, he asked him what he had told him.

Huang Juan quietly handed the financial statements to Xiao SA. Xiao SA looked at them and smiled with satisfaction. The 3 billion yuan has been paid to her account at Huitong bank in Hong Kong.

This matter was an instruction given to Kant by Xiao SA and Suzanne after consultation. Although Kant was very opposed, he had a strong sense of obedience and resolutely followed it, knowing that it would have a certain impact on production.

Huang Juan raised her four fingers and said, "boss, we must ensure the return of funds in four months, at least half of the payment, otherwise the supply of raw materials in the fourth quarter can't be guaranteed."

Xiao Sa: "cheapskate! Don't worry, the funds will be paid back in September at the latest, and you'll be guaranteed a copper plate!"

Huang Juan smiled and said, "big boss, there's a big problem with what you said! You didn't send me the copper? It's all yours. I'm just taking care of the account for you."

Xiao SA lost his smile, waved and turned to Baifa gas appliance company.

A Yi, Zhang Baifa, Tang Ying, Tang Wen and Liu Ge accompanied Xiao SA to inspect Baifa gas appliance company. Zhang Baifa was very proud to introduce to Xiao SA two new technical products developed by the innovative R & D team led by him that have successfully applied for national patents.

Xiao SA didn't understand shit. He just nodded frequently without pretending to understand. He repeatedly said, "OK! OK! OK!..."

After looking around, Xiao SA asked about the operation of last year and the first few months of this year.

Last year, the output value reached 5 billion and the sales reached 4.5 billion. In the first April of this year, the sales revenue also reached 2 billion.

Xiao SA nodded approvingly.

Tang Ying handed over the financial statements and general ledger to Xiao SA and said, "President Yi asked me to pay 1 billion to your account at Huitong bank."

Xiao SA was surprised and asked ah Yi, "didn't I just let you fight 500 million? Why do you fight so much?"

Ayi Yingying smiled and said, "our company has developed to such a large scale today. Boss, you have always invested in it without taking a penny. It's not easy for you to open your mouth. I thought you must be of great use. I wanted to make more money, but I was afraid it would have a great impact on production, so I made a sum of 1 billion. I discussed it with Baifa."

Xiao Sa: "squeezing out so much money at once will not affect normal production and operation?"

A Yi: "don't worry, I've already prepared the raw materials for three or four months. Besides, I'm not ready. I'm sure you'll sell me a thin noodle. There shouldn't be any problem with my raw materials for three or four months?"

Xiao SA thumbs up: "sister-in-law, good!"

Ah Yi smiled like a flower.

After talking about business, Liu Ge pulled Xiao SA aside and asked, "fool, what's the matter with you? How did you break your promise?"

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