Here you can have a bird's-eye view of Singapore, with a panoramic view of the blue sea, large and small islands, high-rise business districts and winding roads.

Xiao SA came from Malaysia for no other purpose than to see Yuan Meng, who is studying as a doctor of mind here.

Yuan Meng replied, "subconscious."

Xiao SA was surprised: "ah!"

Yuan Meng smiled:

"Brother, do you know that only 5% of our daily thoughts, behaviors and languages are conscious thoughts, and the other 95% are subconscious, hidden under the water and unknown to ourselves.

For example, a person pursues success and is unwilling to fail and mediocre, but his subconscious is afraid that he is inferior to others.

Another example is that a person is popular and gets along well with the people around him, but he is subconsciously afraid of loneliness and being abandoned.

Another example is that a person is rigorous and well planned, but his subconscious is afraid of change and out of control. "

Xiao SA nodded and thought of his visit to Malaysia. On the surface, he looked at the investigation project. In fact, his subconscious mind was worried. Otherwise, would he need to come over?

Xu Min used to report to him whenever he took land. He was basically too lazy to ask. He knew it would be over.

And when Xu Min told him about the project, he had a heavy sense of depression from the beginning, as if he had pressed a big stone in his heart. He didn't relax until he wanted to understand the real situation of the project and made the decision to give up.

Is it all subconscious?

Xiao SA smiled bitterly. In fact, the most difficult thing for a person to understand is himself! Maybe it's the 95% subconscious?

Xiao Sa: "what are you going to do after you finish your postdoctoral study?"

Yuan Meng: "there are two years left. It's early! I think there may be two options: one is to stay in the university to teach, and the other is to go back to Hong Kong Island to open a psychological counseling clinic. Let's talk about it then."

Xiao SA nodded and looked at Yuan Meng, who was young and beautiful with a soft voice. She felt her inner self-confidence because of her growth and said, "little dream, you've grown up!"

Yuan Meng sighed softly, "in fact, I'd rather not grow up! Think about how beautiful it was when we first met!"

Xiao Sa: "study your subconscious mind at the moment."

Yuan Meng was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, he fainted on his face and poked Xiao Sa's waist: "bad guy!"

Xiao SA was inexplicable. Seeing that Yuan Meng's white, tender, beautiful and charming face was red and more beautiful, he quickly looked away and said, "go, have a big meal with my brother! Birds have faded out of his mouth in Malaysia these two days!"

Yuan Meng: "I know a very distinctive Chinese restaurant called Jianle. Let me take you. However, I hope I won't run away again!"

Xiao SA said, "you have a psychological shadow?"

Yuan Meng: "no, I have some expectations!"

Xiao SA laughed: "silly girl!"

The two met Fu Rao and went down HuaBa mountain together. They were going to walk into an alley through the street when they suddenly saw a foreign boy scribbling on a snow-white wall.

Yuan Meng quickly shouted to the foreign boy in English, "no! Stop, you've broken the law!"

The foreign boy smiled and disapproved, and still scribbled.

Yuan MENGZHENG wanted to stop it. Unexpectedly, at this time, the police siren sounded. The two policemen came down and caught the exotic naughty bear child in the police car.

Xiao SA was stunned and asked Yuan Meng, "the police are also arresting people?"

Yuan Meng smiled: "the bear child is finished. It is estimated that he will be whipped."

Xiao Sa: "what?"

Yuan Meng explained:

"Singapore has many laws and regulations.

For example, littering, smoking in public places and not flushing public toilets will also be severely fined thousands of dollars and prosecuted.

Among the many punishments, the most representative is whipping, which uses a whip to beat the prisoner's ass in public.

This is an ancient and cruel punishment. It is said that it has been handed down from China and continues to this day.

The whipped person cannot sit upright or lie on his back for at least three months, and the whip marks will be left on his body permanently.

Singapore's public security situation is good, which has a lot to do with this penalty!

In fact, a few whips, physical pain is a small matter, mainly because no one can afford to lose this face! "

Xiao SA smiled and said, "this penalty is good! There is an old Chinese saying: three good words are not worth a stick! How nice it would be if it were introduced into our country to deal with those people who Scribble and paste psoriasis everywhere!"

Yuan Meng: "what psoriasis?"

Xiao SA was stunned. In fact, there were not many psoriasis in China at this time, but later it developed to overwhelming and became the first big problem of urban management in China!

This is a small thing that happened along the way. Xiao SA just took it as a joke and didn't care much. He still enjoyed special food with Yuan Meng and Fu Rao.

Not long after that, the story of the exotic bear child turned into a hot issue widely concerned by international public opinion.

The bear child was an American named Fay. He was sentenced to six lashes for blatantly graffiti in Singapore because he had reached the age of 14.

U.S. President Clinton personally pleaded with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew for the young man, while the U.S. media cheered one after another and even described Singapore as a barbarian country.

However, Singapore still goes its own way. This incident has caused a small diplomatic friction between Singapore and the United States.

Later, the tour guides acted and translated into many versions of the story. They said that the founding father Lee Kuan Yew sold President Clinton's face. They did not miss the beating, but reduced the six flogging to four.

Of course, the whipping happened a few months later.

The most interesting thing is that during the execution of the whipping, Yuan Meng actually called Xiao SA. Xiao SA flew thousands of miles and witnessed the ancient punishment with his own eyes.

These are later words. The three people walked into an alley and soon came to the door of Jianle restaurant. They were about to go in, but they saw two people coming out of it. Xiao SA was surprised and happy

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