Tomorrow is the 60th birthday of the second aunt. The second aunt treated him as if he had been out since childhood, so he wanted to go back early to see if he could do his best to snack and help?

Back home, my father Xiao's family and are losing their temper, but not for their own family, but for the second aunt's family. It turned out that the second aunt's three sons Shen long, Shen Hu and Shen Bao have already lived separately. The second aunt's 60th birthday, no one took the initiative to stand up for her mother's birthday. They were so angry that the Xiao family and scolded the three nephews as unfilial sons!

Xiao SA was surprised and said, "Shen Hu and Shen Bao are not sensible. Is brother Shen long as they are?"

Mother Yuan Li said: "Elder brother Shen Long has unspeakable difficulties about this. Didn't your second uncle also celebrate his 60th birthday last year? He did it at your elder brother Shen Long's house. All the people he received were handed over to your second uncle, but Shen long paid all the money for the banquet. He owed a lot of debt and hasn't paid it off yet! In addition, Xiao Min and Xiao Jun both went to middle school and are waiting for money on the way! Which year How dare you stand out? Arguably, it's Shen Hu's turn this year. His family doesn't have much burden now. It won't cost a lot of money to make a birthday for your second aunt, but this soft egg is afraid of his wife! As soon as his wife stares, he doesn't say a word and doesn't dare to fart! Shen Bao, you know, he's gunpowder and staring at his second brother Shen Hu! Shen Hu is ahead of him anyway You can't stand out. "

After listening to my mother, Xiao SA immediately understood what was going on. According to the usual practice in the countryside, weddings and funerals can still earn a little money. The gift money collected will offset the expenses of catering. Generally, there will be a slight surplus, at least it can be balanced, so as not to lose money and liabilities. However, there is a special situation in the second uncle's family. In addition to three sons, there are three daughters. The eldest daughter Miao Ju married a coal mine Worker, miaolan, the second daughter, married a mason, and miaolian, the third daughter, is still waiting for her daughter. The problem lies with miaoju, the eldest daughter. Her husband died in a coal mine accident. Miaoju can't stand the blow. She is insane and crazy! She is a born daughter again. Her mother-in-law doesn't want to see her and doesn't give her food, regardless of her life or death.

The second uncle was cruel. He didn't want to take care of the water thrown out by the married woman, but the second aunt was kind and cried with the second uncle. I don't know how many times. The second uncle really couldn't stand it, so he finally took miaoju's mother and daughter home, so he paid for the daily expenses of two more people. In addition, miaoju's daughter cocoa was going to junior high school and worried about money everywhere!

Shen Long celebrated his father's 60th birthday last year. He was still very filial. Knowing his parents' difficulties, he clenched his teeth and handed over all the gifts he received to his parents. He would rather support himself with debt. He didn't tell anyone a word of pain. He broke his teeth and swallowed blood! But he really didn't have any money left this year. Even if he wanted to celebrate his mother's birthday, it would be difficult for a skillful woman to make bricks without rice! He was another important person A man who has no face can't stand it. He has no face to ask his two brothers. Besides, even if the two brothers are good at talking, the two brothers and sisters are more powerful than each other. Why bother to find himself boring?

Xiao Sasa pondered a little and went to Xiao Shenlong's house. Xiao Min was right outside the door. When she saw Xiao Sasa, she came forward and affectionately called uncle. She was very close to Xiao Sasa since childhood. Xiao Sasa brought three bags of sorghum malt soft candy and gave him one. The other two bags asked her to give cocoa to her brother Xiao Jun and cousin. Xiao Min respectfully picked it up.

Xiao SA asked her, "where's your father?"

Xiao Min: "sulking at home."

Xiao SA touched her little head: "don't participate in adult affairs. Go and play with your aunt Lingzi." Xiao Min is only a few months younger than Xiao Ling, but her generation is there. She can only be called aunt Xiao Ling, and she has been used to it since childhood. She doesn't think there's anything wrong.

As soon as Xiao Min heard what Xiao SA said, she knew that uncle Xiao wanted to discuss things with his father. She didn't want to hear it. She quickly and skillfully promised to go. Xiao SA went in and talked to Shen long.

In less than half an hour, Xiao SA and Shen Long came out and went to the farmers' market together. They soon dragged back a load of chicken, duck, fish and small dishes. There are plenty in their own vegetable garden. It's no problem to have a birthday banquet of more than 20 tables.

So Shen Long invited the cook to start the fire all night and asked Shen Hu, Shen Bao and a group of ranking brothers and sisters to borrow tables, chairs and benches in each household in the village. Everyone immediately knew that Shen Long was going to celebrate his mother's 60th birthday. They couldn't help but marvel. It was still boss Shen Long's honest and filial!

Xiao SA explained to Wang Zi again and asked him to return to the city all night. The next morning, it was not dawn. Wang Zi brought back 100 kilograms of noodles with PU sang, as well as cigarettes, wine, betel nuts, firecrackers and other things. All of them were sent to Shen Long's house. Xiao SA didn't show up. Others thought it was arranged by Shen long.

Xiao SA didn't do anything this day, so she and her mother Yuan Li accompanied her second aunt to chat and gossip, coaxed her second aunt to be happy, and amused cocoa when she had nothing to do. Cocoa was in the sixth grade of primary school. She looked beautiful and cute. She received a bag of sorghum malt soft candy Xiao SA asked Xiao Min to give her yesterday. Now she is eating with relish.

When Yuan Li handed in the gift money to the number book, it was the same as several other sisters in law, ten yuan. In recent years, most relatives give gifts of five yuan, and neighbors and friends usually give two or three yuan.

Xiao SA didn't go to the number book. She also sealed a red envelope of 800 yuan and slipped it to her second aunt. The number is auspicious. Where would the second aunt accept it? But she couldn't resist Xiao SA, so she had to close it with tears in her eyes and thought, it's worth loving him since childhood! Others don't know that Shen Long is celebrating her 60th birthday today, but can she not know? She felt a word from her granddaughter Xiao Min's mouth and knew this It's all what happened after Xiao SA entered his boss's house. He's old and refined. What else do you don't understand? But if you don't tell, the boss is also a filial son and can't hurt his face. No matter how he discussed with Xiao SA, since Xiao SA chose to keep quiet, she turned a blind eye as if she didn't see it. It's hard to be confused, isn't it?

The eldest aunt and his wife, the fifth aunt and the seventh aunt all came. Liu Li, the seventh aunt's father, didn't come and went to Guangzhou to buy goods. Now he rarely has a few days in Tanzhou. Fortunately, Xiao SA has long explained to seven Gu Xiao Jiabi that he should not disclose his business, so no one cares about him as a middle school student.

The second uncle and the second aunt are benevolent and righteous, and Shen Long is filial, so all the neighbors, relatives and friends came to pay a birthday call, and all the families of the old production team came. At noon, there were 20 seats, 10 sea bowls for each seat, enough food and drunk wine! At the opening of the banquet, firecrackers and fireworks were in full bloom. There are also 20 seats in the evening, but according to the rural custom, we eat longevity noodles.

There was also a joke on that day. Fourth master Niu of the next village somehow heard the news and came to eat his birthday dinner. He drank a lot of wine at the banquet. He rode home drunk on his Xiling 50 Motorcycle and rushed into a cesspool not far from home, which made everyone laugh. At least this laughing handle made people laugh at him for many years.

After eating the second aunt's longevity noodles, Xiao SA quietly returned to the city. Tonight, I promised Danlu to review the college entrance examination review series in Haidian District in Taoyuan. I'm afraid it's a big punishment again!

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