It seems that the content that Li Yayan complained to himself should have happened: "So, what do you think about doing business?"

When it comes to anger, Li Yayan’s face is sullen: “There is still no business. There are many businesses that can be done, but if you really want to do business well, you must do a little homework, market considerations, market needs, etc. I When I was studying, I was studying liberal arts. This time I came to the school to continue to study the economy. The problem is so difficult. Qiao Nan, do you want to work together to open a store?"

In this way, she and Qiao Nan's interests are closer. Even when doing business and opening a store, it is convenient for her to do a little bit of work. At that time, if the first ceremony was not used, then the soldiers would force Qiao Nan to agree.

It’s just five million, and I’m full of energy and I’m still desperate. Qiao Nan is a person who can swallow all the property of Zhu. She can't just count on the noble character of Qiao Nan. If she is not her own, she should not touch such pure thoughts and concepts.

Qiao Nan looked at the shops on both sides, but his ears kept listening to what Li Yayan said: "That can't be done. I am not a raw material for business. If you buy a business with you, it will be bad." Benefit binding, if this works, it will still be very useful. I am not sure, one is not careful, the whole family will be dragged together by her to go to Wang Yang's thief boat.

"What does it matter?" Li Yayan tried to promote this. Such a small problem is not a problem in the eyes of Li Yayan: "I said, I have no experience in doing business, but you are older than me. Some, in fact, I want to call you a sister. You are older than me, and I want to come back and experience more experience than me. So, I will pay for it, you will contribute, earn half of everyone, lose, count mine."

Qiao Nan smiled. There is a saying that Li Yayan is really right. How is she going, how old is it than Li Yayan? If she doesn't even have this social experience, she will have been left with the bones of the Joe family.

Li Yayan paid the money, she contributed, earned half of the money, and lost Li Yayan alone. What is the difference between this and Bai’s money? She contributed, about her business, her experience is not much better than Li Yayan, how much power can she exert? Also, doing business together is the shareholder of this business. In the dream, Qiao Nan has some experience in doing business with Tian Dong. It is not an easy task to know that it is easy to start a business with a cooperative business.

As a legal representative of the company, it is still very easy to go wrong.

"Isn't I taking advantage of you? You still study economics, I have never studied. I am a few years older than you, even if the experience is richer than you, you can contribute. This kind of cheapness makes you want me to take up, myself. I am sorry. You also know that there are three children in my family. Now I am less than five months old. I am inseparable from the time when I am inseparable from others. I have to pay attention to my studies. I have been so busy, doing business, not suitable for me. But if you really have this need, I believe that you can find a suitable partner for my partner."

Li Yayan was very disappointed. In the face of Zhu’s great wealth, Qiao Nan never meant to give up, and there was no need to talk to Wang Yang. Li Yayan thought that Qiao Nan should also be a person who likes to take advantage of people. Otherwise, if the average person encounters such a thing, shouldn't he be guilty and have a good talk with the party?

Unexpectedly, I threw a big temptation, and Joannan didn’t mean anything. It’s hard to know, because I know that Zhu’s money is so much, so Qiao Nan has already disdained the “small money” earned by the company’s business.

"I don't have any friends in the capital. I don't trust other people. If you don't want to, then forget it. Of course, when do you have an idea, you can tell me, let's discuss it. In fact, do business." Things, I also think of it temporarily, there is no specific plan. Also, it is so easy to do business. Even if it is a small business, it must be well planned."

"Indeed, you can't worry about doing business." Qiao Nan looked at the things on both sides of the store: "However, no one will refuse to make money. No one can be found now, it doesn't mean people can't find people in the future. Come slowly. No, don't worry. Right, what do you want to buy, have been shopping for so long, haven't seen you buy anything yet."

Li Yayan took a picture of his head: "I have been confused with you, chatting and chatting, forgetting the business. Just this store." Li Yayan still remembers, Qiao Nan asked the driver to bring words to the family, late Go back an hour.

Within an hour, if things have not been bought, Qiao Nan will definitely leave. Waiting for the next time, Qiao Nan may not be willing to go shopping with himself. In order to "next time", Li Yayan did not dare to drag, just bought a little something, even if it was to complete the task, Qiu Nan parted ways.

"Goodbye." After sending Qiao Nan to the car, Li Yayan stood in the same place and watched Qiao Nan leave. Until the car did not see the shadow, Li Yayan was angry with the lame: "It is just a junior high school student, how is it so embarrassing, too difficult to deal with." Qiao Nan is the most difficult one among the people she has seen.

The two have known each other for so long, let alone a meal, and she has not even asked Joanna to have a cup of milk tea.

In terms of money, Qiao Nan is clearly divided with himself, and even the cheapness of a piece of money has not taken over himself. In this respect, Li Yayan is speechless to the extreme. When I was in the New Year, I went back to Pingcheng and met my old classmates. When I met, I ate and drank all the money she paid. If you are not afraid of being too ugly, those people really can't wait to pack a table to go home, and she has the meaning of not being cheap.

Li Yayan was unhappy, but Li Yayan was even more depressed. She wants to tell Qiao Nan that the property of Zhu’s family did not go to Qiao Nan’s hand one day, and that one day was not Joanna’s.

Therefore, in addition to being a daughter-in-law of the family, Qiao Nan has no value in his own existence. Like this opportunity to create wealth, how can Qiao Nan not even consider it and directly refuse it?

After waiting for what happened, Qiao Nan will regret the decision today.

"Mom, I am back." With Li Yayan breaking up and returning to his family, Qiao Nan has a feeling that his whole person is alive. Knowing that Li Yayan is Wang Yang’s wife, Qiao Nan’s heart is particularly uncomfortable.

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