Ding Li stood up and didn't expose Richard, but said apologetically, "Sorry, I was in a hurry to drink just now, I'm going to the bathroom!"

For Ding Li's words, everyone had no other thoughts, Ding Li turned and walked to the toilet of the bar.But when he walked to Richard's side, Ding Li just smiled lightly.

This smile of his was caught in Richard's eyes.A smile that may seem ordinary to others may imply something to him.

As soon as Ding Li walked into the toilet, Richard also stood up and said with a smile, "Sorry, I also went to the bathroom!" After that, he also stood up and walked to the toilet.

All have no doubts.Richard walked into the men's room and saw Ding Li standing there smoking a cigarette.

Ding Li had long known that Richard would definitely follow.Richard saw Ding Li's appearance and knew that he was waiting for him.

Richard asked in a low voice, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Ding Li smiled and said, "Mr. Richard, I am a private detective. My name is Ding Li, and I live in a love apartment!"

Hearing Ding Li say that he is a private detective, Richard's face instantly turned gloomy.Private investigator, Richard is no stranger to the word.

Of course he knew what a private detective did!Richard gritted his teeth and asked, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Ding Li pinched off the cigarette in his hand and said with a smile, "It's nothing, I'm just curious that Mr. Richard has already married Miss Tina, why do you want to provoke Miss Qin?"

Richard completely removed his disguise in front of others after hearing Tina's name.A little exasperated, he said, "You mean sent? Tina? How much did she pay? I'll give you double, no, ten, ten times the price!"

Ding Li smiled when he heard that Richard opened his mouth and shut up to withdraw money: "I'm sorry, Miss Tina and I don't know each other."

Richard said with a look of disbelief: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Ding Li smiled and said, "I said it before, I'm just a private detective living in a love apartment. Yu Mo and I are friends. Don't pay attention to Yu Mo in the future!"

Hearing Ding Li's words, Richard was stunned for a long time and suddenly snorted and smiled and said, "You also like Yumo, right? But you don't look at your conditions! Why are you robbing me?"

Ding Li dismissed Richard's words: "If Yu Mo knew you were a married man. How do you feel about you? Do you think you can go out today?"

Richard, who was so choked by Ding Li's words, couldn't say a word, he knew that what Ding Li said was the truth.If he goes out and says his details.

It is estimated that Qin Yumo's violent best friend can beat him every minute and can't take care of himself.After thinking and thinking, Richard said with a gloomy face: "You say, what do you want?"

Ding Li stretched out a finger and said, "One hundred thousand, plus don't appear in front of Yu Mo in the future!"

When Richard heard Ding Li's request for money, he suddenly said reluctantly, "I'll give you one million, how about you keep it a secret for me?"

Ding Li turned around and left, and left a light sentence: "Richard, pray for your good luck today!" Seeing Ding Li about to leave, Richard hurried forward two steps and said, "Mr. Ding, don't worry, we Discuss it again!"

Ding Li smiled and said, "I don't want Yu Mo to be too sad about this matter. One hundred thousand is just the cost for you not to be beaten tonight. Don't show up in front of us in the future!"

Hearing Ding Li's resolute words, Richard had to bow his head and say, "Okay!" After that, he took out his mobile phone, opened the mobile banking, and transferred [-] yuan to Ding Li's bank account.

Then Richard walked out of the toilet quickly, greeted Qin Yumo and the others, and left in a hurry.See Richard walking in a hurry.Qin Yumo and the others were still surprised.

Not long after Richard left, Ding Li also came out of the toilet.

Ding Li smiled and walked to Yu Mo's side and said with a smile, "Yu Mo, can you lend me your cell phone? My cell phone is out of power."

Without thinking too much, Yu Mo gave the phone to Ding Li.Ding Li took the phone and walked aside. In Yu Mo's address book, he found what he wanted - Tina's contact number.

It's not Ding Li's style that a scumbag like Richard cheapens him like this!

Chapter 13: Ding Li was cheated

Ding Li just quickly memorized Tina's phone number with his mind, and then returned the phone to Qin Yumo.

Richard left, and everyone went back to the apartment after playing in the bar for a while. After all, the main reason for going to the bar today is to see that Richard for Yu Mo.

Obviously, this scumbag who is good at disguising left a good impression on everyone. On the way back, Lu Ziqiao and the others opened their mouths and shut up to praise Richard.

Qin Yumo walked silently while listening to them discussing Richard's words.Ding Li was thinking about how to ask Tina out, and then gave her the previous recording of himself in the toilet.

Qin Yumo asked abruptly, "Ding Li, how do you feel about Richard?"

Hearing Qin Yumo's words, Ding Li was suddenly stunned.He didn't expect that Qin Yumo would suddenly ask himself how is Richard?

Ding Li didn't know how to answer for a while. To be honest, Ding Li looked at Qin Yumo with a guilty conscience.

To be precise, since the last time he accidentally slept in the same bed with Qin Yumo for one night, Ding Li saw that Qin Yumo was a little empty.

Seeing that Ding Li was in a daze, Hu Yifei pushed Ding Li's arm and asked, "Ding Li, what about Yu Mo asking you?"

After being pushed by Hu Yifei, Ding Li rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said, "Today, I only met Richard for the first time, and I didn't have much contact with him, so I can't judge! It's important to say, right?"

Ding Li found an excuse to fool the matter.Qin Yumo looked at Ding Li, vaguely, Qin Yumo felt that Ding Li was not telling the truth.

I have to say that a woman's intuition is sometimes really terrifying.

After Ding Li answered the apartment, he took out his mobile phone and called Tina.Soon the phone was connected, and the voice of a young woman came.

"Hey, hello! Who?"

Ding Li lowered his voice and said, "Hello, Miss Tina. It's Mrs. Li to be exact!"

Hearing Ding Li address him like this on the other side of the phone, he knew that Ding Li definitely knew him. Tina asked suspiciously: "Hello, that one? I'm Tina!"

Ding Li said with a smile, "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I have a recording in my hand about your husband Richard."

I heard Ding Li say his husband's name. Tina froze for a moment and hurriedly asked, "What recording?"

The corner of Ding Li's mouth rose slightly and said, "I believe you must be very interested. Send an email and I will forward the complete recording to you!" He hung up the phone.

Tina was flustered by the sudden and mysterious phone call.Although she looks very happy on the surface, she is married to a successful businessman, has a carefree life, and lacks everything.

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