At the starting point of Deng Chao and Gulinaza, Deng Chao has been teaching Gulinaza how to protect his famous brand.

The starting point of Qi Wei and Zeng Xiaoxian, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said: "Queen, this time it's up to you!"

Queen Qi Wei said with fullness: "I don't rely on me, do I still rely on you?"

Wang Zulan and Lin Zhiling hid in a hidden corner on the second floor.Wang Zulan said to Lin Zhiling: "For a while, let's join Baoqiang and the others. Kill Team Li Chen or Team Qin Feng first! Li Chen and Qin Feng are our biggest threats!"

Wang Baoqiang said to Zhang Jingchu: "I still believe in Zulan. He has already joined us. Let's kill the strongest team first, Li Chen or Qin Feng. Which episode of Korea did I watch, Qin Feng. His strength is too great. Even Jin Chongguo is no match for him!"

Li Chen said to Liu Yan: "In a while, they will join forces to fight us or Qin Feng's team. We will find Zeng Xiaoxian's team in a while. At that time, Zeng Xiaoxian and I will fight Qin Feng. You and the queen will tear up the baby. As long as the baby's brand name is dropped . Our worst enemy is gone!"

With the sound of the broadcast: "The game begins", the six teams began to act.While searching for a box containing four paintings.On the other hand, he is wary of opponents who may approach him at any time.

Qin Feng and baby were the first to enter the museum hall. Baby asked: "Let's find the box first or tear off the brand first!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "What a hassle to find the box. Go straight to them and tear off the brand name, leaving us as a group. We are looking for the box slowly!"

Baby smiled and said, "Good idea, let's go now!"

Deng Chao took Gulinaza's hand and walked around the museum cautiously.Deng Chao said, "Let's find Qin Feng first, and we'll join their team. Go and tear off all the other teams first, and then look for the box!"

Team Li Chen, Team Wang Baoqiang and Team Zeng Xiaoxian all entered the museum.At this time, the Wangzu basketball team was hiding in a corner of the museum.

Wang Zulan whispered: "They are all relatively strong. Let's hide for a while and wait until they are almost torn apart. Then we will go out. This is called the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind!"

Lin Zhiling nodded lightly and agreed with Wang Zulan's attention.Wang Zulan, who was approved by the goddess, smiled proudly.

The six groups of players gave up the idea of ​​finding the box first, and decided to eliminate the other teams first, otherwise even if they found the box, they might be making wedding dresses for others.

Qin Feng took the baby and walked into the second floor of the museum. As soon as he arrived on the second floor, he encountered Wang Baoqiang's team and Zeng Xiaoxian's team facing off.

The two teams saw Qin Feng and baby coming up.All startled.

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said, "Qin Feng, come, let's tear up Wang Baoqiang and his team first!"

Wang Baoqiang heard that Zeng Xiaoxian was trying to win over Qin Feng and the baby.Immediately panicked, if Qin Feng and Zeng Xiaoxian were to join forces, wouldn't he be dead?

At this time, Zhang Jingchu spoke.Zhang Jingchu said to Qi Wei, "Queen, you think our team and Qin Feng's team are more difficult to deal with!"

Qi smiled and said, "Of course Qin Feng is more difficult to deal with!"

When Zhang Jingchu heard Qi Wei's words, he knew there was a drama, so he replied with a smile, "How about we tear them up together?"

Qin Feng felt bad when he heard Zhang Jingchu ask Qi Wei.Hearing Zhang Jingchu's words, he pulled up the baby who was still watching the joke and ran away.

Seeing Qin Feng run away, Qi Wei immediately chased after him and said, "No problem. Tear up Qin Feng and baby first. Let's fight!"

Team Wang Baoqiang and Team Qi Wei formed a temporary alliance and chased after Qin Feng and Baby's ass.

Qin Feng dragged the baby and ran forward, looking back from time to time to observe the situation behind.

While running, baby asked, "Qin Feng, shall we go to Deng Chao and their alliance first?"

Qin Feng replied while running: "I don't know if Deng Chao is reliable, I can only pray that he doesn't encounter Li Chen team, if he encounters Li Chen team, I believe Deng Chao will sell us without hesitation. It's gone!"

At this time, on the third floor of the museum, Deng Chao and Gulinaza were tightly against the wall, while Li Chen stared at Deng Chao and Liu Yan stared at Gulinaza.

Li Chen smiled proudly and said, "Deng Chao, hand over the brand name! I can let Nazardo stay for a while!"

Gu Linaza hurriedly took Deng Chao's arm and said, "Deng Chao has been eliminated, and I can't win alone!"

Deng Chao smiled bitterly and said, "Li Chen, can I discuss something with you?"

Li Chen was in a good mood at this time, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, tell me!"

Deng Chao said with a smile: "So, before, I had an alliance agreement with Team Qin Feng. Your biggest opponent is Qin Feng. I will seduce Qin Feng and baby in a while. Let's work together to get Qin Feng and baby first. Tear it up! Eliminate them. How about it?" Li Chen considered Deng Chao's suggestion, Qin Feng's performance in the final tearing up of famous brands at Runningman in South Korea left a deep impression on many people who watched it.Li Chen compared his and Qin Feng's combat power, and felt that he was indeed not Qin Feng's opponent fighting alone.And baby's performance also made Li Chen worry about whether Liu Yan was her opponent!

Li Chen thought of this with a smile and said, "No problem, then let's work together to eliminate Qin Feng before tearing apart the others, and finally we will have a decisive battle!"

Deng Chao breathed a sigh of relief and reached out his hand to give Li Chen a high five and said, "No problem, happy cooperation!"

At this moment, Li Chen abandoned the alliance with Zeng Xiaoxian.Deng Chao team was selected.

And Qin Feng's team, who were still evading Wang Baoqiang's team and Zeng Xiaoxian's team.Unexpectedly, the brand-name war has just begun, and he has already become the target of public criticism.Now both alliances are going after themselves.Even the Deng Dynasty betrayed their pre-war alliance.

Wang Zulan and Lin Zhiling hid in a corner on the third floor and watched the alliance between Deng Chao and Li Chen.Wang Zulan began to analyze and said: "Now, Deng Chao and Li Chen are going to join forces with Qin Feng and the others. Bao Qiang will definitely join forces with us. Then it is very likely that Zeng Xiaoxian will join forces with Qin Feng and the others. We are still waiting here. Let's make sure they come!"

After analyzing for a long time, Wang Zulan came to the conclusion that he was still sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight.At this time, Qin Feng and baby were caught in an all-out pursuit of the four teams.

Chapter [-]: Qin Feng Crisis of Running Man

Qin Feng pulled the baby to escape the pursuit of Wang Baoqiang's team and Zeng Xiaoxian's team. Baby sat on the ground panting and said, "I'm exhausted! What should I do? Qin Feng."

Qin Feng squatted beside the baby while observing the surrounding environment and said, "Don't worry, just look at the situation and talk about it! Wang Zulan and Lin Zhiling must have been hiding, waiting to find out. Now Wang Baoqiang and Zeng Xiaoxian are allied. Now Let's see if Brother Chao is reliable, if it is unreliable, the two of us will be in danger!"

After listening to Qin Feng's analysis, baby felt very reasonable, and asked nervously, "Then what should we do?"

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "Let's go, go upstairs and find a safe place to hide."

Baby nodded, took a few deep breaths, stood up, followed behind Qin Feng, and walked forward cautiously.While walking, he did not forget to protect the name tag on his back with one hand.

Just when Qin Feng and baby were approaching the stairs carefully.The two alliances meet unexpectedly.

Team Deng Chao and Team Li Chen met Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Baoqiang who were looking for Team Qin Feng. Eight people met in the hall.

The four people who looked at each other all laughed tacitly.

Zeng Xiaoxian asked, "Brother Chen and Brother Chao, are you allied?"

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