Sun Yifan said with a sad face: "Oh my boss, don't make fun of me. I admit, I'm going to see my girlfriend, but I just have a crush on someone. I don't know if they agree or not."

Only then did Ding Li know that it turned out that Sun Yifan had met a girl from the Qindu Conservatory of Music.

Ding Li smiled and said, "Okay, I'm joking with you. If you like it, go after people. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Sun Yifan said happily, turned around and left the base.

That night, Ding Li went back to the hotel to rest alone. Although he had stayed in Qindu for a long time, he always stayed in the hotel.

In the past, when the players were all there, Ding Li liked to eat and live with them at the base. Now that the base was deserted, Ding Li decided to go back to the hotel and let Xiao Zhao accompany him for two drinks.

The two of them were talking about midnight when they suddenly received a phone call. Ding Li was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Call at this time, there must be something urgent!"

Chapter [-] Something happened to your team members

After speaking, Ding Li answered the phone. At this time, a man's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Is that Mr. Ding?"

"It's me, who are you?" Ding Li asked.

"Excuse me, do you know a young man named Sun Yifan?" The other party said, "We are from the People's Road Patrol Team. When we were patrolling, we found that Sun Yifan was injured and lying on the side of the street. He asked us to contact you. "

Ding Li's heart suddenly shuddered; "What! Sun Yifan was injured!? Which hospital are you in? I'll come right now."

The police hurriedly said: "That's it, we are now in the Third People's Hospital, the surgical ward, come here now."

Ding Li took Xiao Zhao directly, and the two drove all the way to the surgical ward of the Third People's Hospital.

Walking into the ward, Ding Li saw two men in police uniforms. After thanking each other, Ding Li looked at Sun Yifan lying on the hospital bed and asked, "How are you? How are you now?"

"Much better..." Sun Yifan said, "I'm sorry Mr. Ding...I...I didn't take care of myself. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with the game the day after tomorrow."

Ding Li frowned: "Who beat you up like this?"

Sun Yifan looked at the policeman next to him, frowned and didn't speak, Ding Li stood up: "Two police officers, can I talk to my friends alone?"

The police looked at Sun Yifan and sighed: 'Being beaten like this, we already need to intervene, he can not tell us, but we suggest that it is better to solve the problem through us. '

"Okay, I will definitely consider your suggestion." Ding Li said: "But now that people are hurt like this, how can I say that I can't force it, why don't I talk to him first, okay?"

The policeman nodded: "Okay, we won't bother."

After speaking, the two policemen turned around and left the ward. Ding Li looked at Sun Yifan and asked, "What happened, who hit you!?"

Sun Yifan gritted his teeth and said, "Yes... it's a foreigner named Vincent."

Ding Li frowned: "Why did he hit you? Also, you are a football player, you shouldn't be beaten like this by the opponent!"

Sun Yifan gritted his teeth again: 'They are not one person, but a group of people, the one who takes the lead is what I call Vincent.They wanted me to play match-fixing tomorrow, but I refused...they beat me, and they...they kidnapped Fangfang...Mr. Ding, please, save Fangfang. '

"You make it clear, what's going on!" Ding Li asked, "Don't worry now, make it clear bit by bit."

In the end, after Ding Li's repeated requests, Sun Yifan finally explained what was going on. It turned out that Fangfang was Sun Yifan's little girlfriend. After the two met, they went to the bar to play, and they met Vincent in the bar. especially them.

At that time, Vincent and the others appeared together. They asked Sun Yifan to cooperate with them and give them a face. Tomorrow, as long as Sun Yifan promised that he would not score a goal, don't make a goal for Benzezaka, even if it was 'enough'.

As long as Sun Yifan promised them, they immediately gave Sun Yifan a check for one million.

But if you think about it, you will know that at that time, Sun Yifan directly rejected the other party, and the other party asked repeatedly, but Sun Yifan refused to let go, and threatened the other party. If they dared to continue pestering themselves, they would call the police.

Seeing that Sun Yifan was so insufferable, Vincent became angry, and directly instructed his subordinates to beat Sun Yifan. Yes, Sun Yifan is strong and has good skills, but after all, there are many people on the other side. In this way, he is not opponent.

Not only that, the other party also took Sun Yifan's girlfriend Fangfang directly, and even threatened Sun Yifan. If they didn't do as they said, they would directly let a few foreign big men take turns spoiling Fangfang.

"Mr. Ding, I don't know what these people are from. I wanted to call the police, but the other side threatened me not to call the police." Sun Yifan, a man on the court who was sweating and never shed tears, was already in tears; Believe in you, please, help me save Fangfang."

Ding Li gritted his teeth: "Did the other party say what their origins are?"

Sun Yifan shook his head: "They didn't say it."

"Then they will always tell you that if you do as they say, go somewhere to pick up Fangfang." Ding Li said: "Also, wouldn't they contact you during this time?"

Sun Yifan still shook his head: "They said that if I was obedient, they would release Fangfang and let Fangfang come back on her own. The things they want me to do have been made clear, and they will not contact me again."

"These people are very careful when they do things." Xiao Zhao said in a low voice.

Ding Li nodded: "Yes, it sounds like they are quite careful. But..."

After pondering for a moment, Ding Li said directly to Xiao Zhao: "Xiao Zhao, you go directly to find Zhang Yuntian for me, I don't care whether he mobilizes the police force or the military force, in short, within a day, even if it is to give I will turn Qinducheng upside down, and I will also find this Vincent for me!"

Xiao Zhao nodded directly: "No problem, I'll do it now."

Seeing this scene, Sun Yifan directly struggled to turn over and sat up: "Mr. Ding, thank you..."

"Everyone is a brother, don't be so polite to me." Ding Li said: "If you didn't promise to play match-fixing for the promise between us all, you wouldn't be like this.

We now have the responsibility to help you save your girlfriend.Don't worry, I will not only return your family to you in good condition, but I will also make that guy named Vincent and the bastards around him pay the price! "

Soon, Xiao Zhao came back from outside, and Ding Li asked, "How is it? Did Zhang Yuntian agree?"

"Hmph, it's more than a promise." Xiao Zhao said, "Master Zhang heard that a foreigner came to Qindu and threatened your players to play match-fixing, and he was directly angry.

Immediately, I slapped on the thigh, saying that I'm annoying these foreign garbage. I won't show them some color this time. They don't know why the flowers are so red.

He said that within a day, it is guaranteed that the whereabouts of the other party will be found, and whether to arrest the person directly or hand it over to you for disposal is entirely up to you. "

Ding Li smiled slightly: "This kid, his temper is still so violent, okay, I see."

Zhang Yuntian naturally did not brag. He originally said that he would find out the whereabouts of the other party within a day. In fact, he had already mastered the other party's address in just over three hours, and even checked the other party's background.

Chapter [-]: Speedy Rescue

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