"But... In fact, Mr. Ding, we all know your strength. To be honest, we want to do one thing. Even if Wang Yonggang wants to make trouble, it is useless." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, what I want to guard against is not just Wang Yonggang, but all the fans." Ding Li said with a smile, "Didn't I already say it, this time I'm going to make a surprise attack."

Xiao Zhao finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Mr. Ding, just tell me what action you planned."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "What is the most important thing in the live broadcast industry?"

"Of course it's fame, it's the amount of fans." Xiao Zhao said: "So now Wang Yong is frantically digging out those popular anchors..."

"That's right." Chen Feng said: "So, if you want to talk about the degree of popularity, who is the most popular person in the world?"

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes started to light up; "I see, you guys actually... Mr. Ding, do you want to go out in person?"

Ding Li smiled slightly: "Yes, we have discussed it, this time I plan to give Wang Yonggang a blow to the head, since it is a blow to the head, it must be ruthless and fierce.

I thought about it, and it seems that Ding Li is the only one who can really do this in China.Of course, relying on me alone is not a long-term solution, but our goal this time is to widen the gap with Wang Yonggang in the short term.

We will further enrich the content of our platform later. "

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-nine chapters of the shock of the street

"It's great." Xiao Zhao suddenly couldn't hold back his excitement: "My God, I can still recall the scene when you appeared on the street in the past."

"But this kind of scene is not so easy to plan." Wang Qi said: "We plan to let Mr. Ding suddenly appear on the street, but it must not be the same as those grassroots anchors, a person, a mobile phone and a selfie stick nailed it.

We also need to arrange a lot of people to support and cooperate in the seats next to us. In addition, we need to find some people to mix in the crowd, secretly guide the crowd, and avoid stampede accidents.

So this time the concept of 'Ding Li airborne city center', if you want to play, you still have to prepare well. "

"So in the past few days, this is what you have been busy with!" Xiao Zhao said: "I am convinced, I admire it [-]%, by the way, when will we start."

Ding Li looked at the wall clock on the wall and nodded to Chen Feng and Wang Qi. Xiao Zhao looked shocked: "Is it now?"

"Isn't this my usual style?" Ding Li laughed.

Half an hour later, in the city's central business district, there was a lot of traffic.

Today is the weekend, and many people are enjoying their leisure time here. The atmosphere of the scene makes people feel very tranquil and comfortable. The shopping malls and pedestrian streets are full of people coming and going.

At this time, just above the big square in front of the mall, there appeared a clean-looking 'big boy', wearing sunglasses, neat hairstyle, white T-shirt, light blue denim shirt, clean Jeans and a guitar in his hand.

Slowly, the 'big boy' sat down in front of the sculpture on the square, as if he was enjoying the afternoon sun comfortably and relaxedly.

At this time, the people next to them hadn't noticed this place, and suddenly, they saw a lot of people in the square, and they suddenly started to run.

Among these people, there are street vendors who look in their forties, couples walking sweetly holding hands, students with schoolbags and glasses, OL girls in high heels, and security guards in uniforms. Or cleaners, or business men in suits.

These people looked different and seemed to have nothing in common, but at the same time they dropped the things in their hands and ran directly to the center of the square.

When I heard SEVE's background music, I remembered that these people began to dance to the music. Their movements looked chic and elegant, and they all looked very professional.

"It's a flash!" Someone said in surprise.

The opening dance of just a few tens of seconds made the atmosphere of the people liven up at once. At the same time, hundreds of people in the square began to take out their mobile phones to take pictures of the scene.

But the surprise wasn't over yet. At this moment, the 'big boy' with the guitar suddenly took off his sunglasses and gently stroked the strings with his slender fingers. The soft and beautiful melody flowed. came out.

What's even more wonderful is that there seems to be a sound transmission device on this guitar, and the sound of the strings is simultaneously transmitted to the power amplifier next to the square in the business district. The whole square begins to show a [-]-degree stereo sound. Effect.

After the prelude ended, a clean male voice remembered: "The past and the present will never come again, red and red leaves, buried deep in the dust..."

The love of Lu Guanjing's whole life made everyone on the scene feel as if they had been electrocuted. This song, which once touched thousands of people in the movie "Journey to the West", shocked everyone at once. .

But after just a few seconds, someone started squinting and said in disbelief, "Wait... Who is that... That voice... It's Ding Li! My God, it's Ding Li!"

Ding Li's fame can no longer be described in terms of the so-called emperor superstar, but it was not until this time that he was recognized by these passers-by.

This is not because Ding Li has not come out for too long to fight for the page and gain exposure, but because no one could have imagined that Ding Li would stand beside him in the lazy and quiet sunshine on such an afternoon, as if Like the boy next door, holding a guitar with the aroma of logs, he poured out this classic melody.

The atmosphere at the scene was about to explode, and countless people began to take out their mobile phones: "Yes! It's Ding Li! Now it's in the Wangyuan International Business District in the south of the city! Come and see! The opportunity is too rare!"

There were also some girls who directly called their girlfriends with a crying voice: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Ding Li is here now... standing in front of me, we are only tens of meters apart... My god It's him, it's really him... oh my God!"

At this time, the big screen in the square began to scroll a line of subtitles: "Good afternoon, friends, Mr. Ding Li's 'Crossing the Urban Jungle Street View Concert' has officially started. This concert is a completely free concert. For non-local friends, perform a synchronous webcast, log in to the Douyu platform, and enjoy the live concert on the homepage synchronously.

We welcome you all to share your happiness at the moment, and let more people join us, together with Ding Li, to enjoy this afternoon sunshine that belongs to us.

In addition, for those who need to download the Douyu app, the square has achieved wireless network coverage, and you can download it by connecting to the square's wireless network..."

Everyone at the scene went crazy, and many people rushed towards Ding Li, but at this time, the manpower that Chen Feng and Wang Qi had deployed before came in handy. This man was wearing plain clothes, but it seemed to be intentional or unintentional. people separated.

Soon, these hot-headed fans realized that they should not destroy this perfect occasion, so they stood there and looked at Ding Li with burning eyes, their eyes full of hope.

At the same time, the miniature earphones in Ding Li's ears have also received news from Chen Feng and Wang Qi: "Mr. Ding, we are monitoring in real time in the background, within five minutes, the number of registrations and logins on the Douyu platform are all surge.

It's been less than ten minutes since your concert started, and the number of real-time followers has reached [-] million, and it is still increasing. "

A smile appeared on the corner of Ding Li's mouth, and he stretched out his hand and waved it towards the back window, which immediately made the fans there feel a burst of happiness, and Chen Feng and Wang Qi behind the window also smiled and nodded at Ding Li. Regards.

The first thousand four hundred and seventy chapters carnival

Seeing the atmosphere at this time, it was on the verge of breaking point. At this time, Ding Li just finished playing the song "The Love of My Life". Everyone at the scene was staring at Ding Li, waiting to see what else was arranged behind Ding Li.

At this moment, Ding Li slowly put the guitar on the ground, and when he turned around, the sky was getting dark, and the big screen on the shopping mall building suddenly lit up.

At this time, everyone discovered that this was a picture captured by a live camera. In the picture, Ding Li was standing in the darkened square, the neon lights were flashing, and a line of barrages had already appeared on the screen.

At the same time, prompts began to appear on the screen: "This concert is completely free, of course, we also welcome all audience members to bid for songs, or participate in other paid interactive sessions.

For the specific content, you can click the button on the right side of the video box to view. Of course, Mr. Ding said that the fees charged for all paid items in this live broadcast will be donated to the Midwest Education Project.On-site supervision is welcome. "

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