He was stunned at the announcement of death, and he didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, Ding Li continued: "Also, let me remind you that you are definitely not an opponent, and even if it is not me, but a player under my team, you are not comparable at all.

You have a few pounds and a few taels, so you'd better count them, and don't come out arrogant at every turn. "

After finishing speaking, Ding Li sneered and turned to leave. At this time, Ding Li's sneer angered the death announcement, and the irrational death announcement rushed to the front desk next to him, grabbed the phone on it, and threw it on the ground. : 'Ding Li, I'm going to fuck you!You pretend to be your mother's calf with me!I'll take your brother's...'

This guy's speech is ugly, and he looks hysterical, Ding Liyi frowned: "It's a madman at all, I changed my attention, and directly blocked this guy's number! Not only did I not sign with him! Allow him to continue live streaming on our Douyu!"

Hearing Ding Li say this, the death announcement became even more angry, and kicked the flowerpot next to him: "Ding Li, what the hell are you talking about? You dare to call my number and try, I will fucking kill you, believe it or not!"

Ding Li took a deep breath: "It's been a long time since I hit anyone."

As soon as the words fell, Ding Li's figure rose up, and he rushed over directly. The three slaps were three slaps, and they landed firmly on the face of the death announcement!

Chapter [-] declares death

Announcement of death is not a good thing. Since he started in this business, he has been known in the circle for his hot temper. Such people will never give up easily after being slapped in the face.

Sure enough, after being slapped a few times by Ding Li, the body of the death declaration is really not bad. If it were an ordinary person, I would have fallen to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

But after a moment of staring at the stars, this guy actually rushed forward with a brute force, wanting to scuffle with Ding Li, this guy can be regarded as a tendon that has been trained in the gym, It seemed that Kong Wu was powerful, and the people next to him were inevitably a little nervous when they saw this scene.

However, Ding Li just dodged backwards, and then pushed his shoulders, and all of a sudden he hit the chin of the death announcement. He heard a thud, his upper and lower rows of teeth collided, and his eyes suddenly caught gold. fell to the ground.

At this time, Ding Li took a step forward: "The announcement of death is right, I'm just telling you a few things, you'd better listen to me.

The first is that, as the boss of Douyu platform, I announce that your account has been banned by us, and the period is permanent.The reason is because you are blatantly shouting on Douyu platform and trying to attack Douyu platform staff personally.

The second thing, the flower pot you knocked over just now, I'm afraid you can't tell based on your top and resume, but I can tell you that the scientific name of this flower pot is Yongzheng style water blue glaze blue wing octagonal bowl. It's a royal one.

The reason why I put this kind of thing here is because I chose to put a feng shui tree in the Douyu hall, but you kicked it to pieces!

The auction price of this thing at Christie's last year was six million US dollars. How about it, this price is still affordable. "

The death announcement in the first few seconds was still arrogant, but when he heard Ding Li say this, he lost his temper at all. At this time, Ding Li paused and said, "But don't worry, I still have something to tell you. The thing about you hitting me just now was captured by the camera next to it.

Of course, you haven't caused me too much substantive harm, but hitting someone is a serious situation and bad influence, so I'm afraid you will be held criminally responsible. "

"You...you talk nonsense!" After all, the death declaration retained a trace of reason: "You are talking nonsense at all! I didn't even touch you just now, but you beat me up, so why talk about my plot? Seriously bad impact.”

"It seems that you really don't understand the rules of the game in this world." Ding Li sneered and said, "Okay, if that's the case, I'll be more troublesome, I'll show you on demand.

The so-called serious plot and bad influence do not necessarily hurt me, or even hit me.The crux of the matter is that I am Ding Li, and you are a thing as small as a mote of dust.

I am a hero and idol in the eyes of the whole country. If you try to beat me, it is already a matter of serious influence and bad influence. This is the difference brought about by the difference in strength, understand? "

At this time, Xiao Zhao stepped up and said, "Mr. Ding, leave it to me, and I will tell him the rest."

Ding Li waved his hand, and Xiao Zhao stepped forward and said: 'Death is announced, I can inform you now that there is no discussion about your title.

Considering that this is your only means of earning a living, and for humanitarian reasons, I suggest you better go and find a new job.

In addition, we will definitely seek the compensation of the six million dollars through lawyers. For the specific method, you can refer to our application to the court for the enforcement of Wang Yonggang's property not long ago.

Finally, regarding your intention to beat Mr. Ding Li, this matter is bound to be investigated. If you do not want to leave a stain on yourself, I suggest that you better kneel down and seek reconciliation with the victim, Mr. Ding. '

The death announcement was stunned on the spot, and he didn't speak for a long time. Ding Li looked at it and said, "Okay, this guy is quite strong, I have to give him this face and inform Scott that he is going to buy a plane ticket and come here as my agent. The assault case.

I'm going to let Scott give me the full power..."

Hearing Ding Li say this, the announcement of death has been completely understood. I stand with Ding Li, breathing the same air, but the status is indeed one heaven and one underground.

The words Ding Li called Scott was enough to make him tremble. It's not that he had never heard of Scott's rumors, that he was a lawyer who could convict people at will in court, control the situation of the court, and even stronger than a judge.

If this hooligan is brought out and the agent Ding Li comes to sue him, the death declaration is worried that it is not the problem of bankruptcy, but the problem of the end of life.

Therefore, the death announcement immediately remembered Xiao Zhao's last sentence, and without saying a word, he knelt on the ground with a plop: "Mr. Ding, please reconcile with me. People have been..."

Ding Li nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, this is called comprehension, it's a pity that Wang Yonggang is not as smart as you, otherwise he would not have ended up like this.

I will not investigate the criminal responsibility of Article [-], but the title of Article [-] and the civil compensation of Article [-], you should hurry back and prepare. "

After he finished speaking, Ding Li turned around and left, not giving the death declaration any chance to ask Ding Li to continue to intercede.

Xiao Zhao's work efficiency is still good, and the next day, he has already brought someone to find the residence of the death declaration: "We are here to inform you that the compensation of six million US dollars must be paid within a week, otherwise we will It will be the same as Wang Yonggang, forcibly freezing your deposits and all your private property."

As soon as these words came out, it was basically equivalent to 'declaring death' for the declaration of death. Now all the achievements of this guy in this life have been vanished in an instant.

Before going out, Xiao Zhao looked at the announcement of death and smiled slightly: "Why bother? What is the most fearful thing in life, do you know?"

The announcement of death raised his head blankly: "What is it?"

"It's just that you can't recognize yourself." Xiao Zhao said: "You are a bit more aggressive. Not only do you not recognize yourself, but you also think that Mr. Ding is weak and can be bullied. You say that if you don't die, who will die, your name is really not wrong. The announcement of death... hum."

After Xiao Zhao finished speaking, he left the room where the death was announced.

Looking at the empty house, the death announcement only felt that he really had the heart to die now. A person was sitting on the ground. At this time, he suddenly heard the voice of a person walking in. When he looked up, he heard this person say : "I'll give you a chance, stand up again, defeat Ding Li, come and do it with me!"

Chapter [-]: The Road to Domination

Now that the death is announced, there is nothing left to lose, and gritted his teeth: "I did it to you!"

A few days later, Wang Yonggang directly held a press conference, announcing that he would return to the company in a high-profile manner and to revive the entertainment world. In addition, he also announced that starting today, he will also sign a contract for death announcement, Liuliukai and other well-known e-sports players. From his own platform, the main direction of attack, also began to turn to the game field.

The news was quickly heard by Huo Qingxia. Early in the morning, Huo Qingxia came directly to the company and met Ding Li.

"I didn't expect this guy Wang Yonggang, he is really an unbeatable little guy." Huo Qingxia said and pushed the newspaper report to Ding Li: "Look, we originally thought this guy had turned into a salted fish, but we didn't expect that, This salted fish actually turned over."

Ding Li contemptuously pushed the report aside: "This kind of thing is nothing to see, there are too many people in the world who like me Ding Li, and there are also many people who hate me.

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