Soon the long-legged supermodel in the cabin handed over a piece of barbecue the size of a palm. Ding Li stabbed it with a knife and hung it on the edge of the deck, almost three meters away from the water.

"Don't blink, stare, just... a moment."


More than a dozen black shadows suddenly appeared on the three-meter-high level. I am afraid that it took less than a second. The barbecue in Ding Li's hand, together with the half-knife that drooped naturally, disappeared like this... The residue on it The jagged marks caught everyone's eyes, only letting Xiao Lizi and the others take a deep breath.

"MMP, hurry up, contact that bastard Smith, I'm not playing anymore, I'm going back! Hurry up, hurry up!!"

Xiao Lizi was really panicked this time. He lost all his TM and water guns, and started looking for mobile phones all over the world. The beauties around him also panicked one by one, and the panic from the death threat quickly spread in the crowd.

"OK guys, don't panic, let's calm down and think about countermeasures, there will always be a way!"

Olba M is worthy of being the former leader, and he can still stabilize his position at a critical moment, which makes Ding Li a little comforted.

"There's no need to make phone calls. It's useless. Since the program team has such an arrangement, it must force us into a corner. Only in this way can there be interesting points and topics, and investors can make money."

Ding Li glanced at everyone calmly, only by making them aware of the danger, can they become obedient!

"Ding Li, you, you, you... You don't have a very good way? I don't want to compare, so let's not rank, right? As long as you can keep us alive and out of danger, brother, my life will be yours in the future!"

Ding Li was speechless for a while, but he still saw an extremely strong desire to survive on Xiao Lizi's face.

"I said earlier that I'm here to help you survive the calamity, can you trust me now? So now, if you want to escape, leave the yacht immediately, throw away all the load and transfer to the lifeboat as soon as possible, this is the The only way to save you!"

"Nani?? Are you kidding me? Those fish can jump up to three meters high. Are you sure you didn't want us to die?"

Brother Li's mood calmed down a little, and he picked up his beloved water gun again and stayed beside Ding Li.

"The fish has a strong commonality. You all go to the lifeboat. I will throw the food in this yacht and lead most of the piranhas to me as much as possible. You can take the opportunity to land on the island. This is the only way."

After Ding Li's words, everyone looked at each other in dismay: "Then...then what do you do?"

"Hehe... What can I do? Let's make a salad!"

Chapter [-] Compassion

"Bama, Brother Li, they will hand it over to you. Release all the lifeboats. You only have five minutes to act. Immediately, this yacht will be attacked by a large group of fish, so act fast!"

Ding Li played the role of the leader logically, and Olba M became Ding Li's deputy, absolutely B was the highest-level deputy in history, and he could make a former president a commander for him. Ding Li's wave has already made enough bit.

I have to say that Olba M's execution is still quite strong, and all the female models who were scared to death actually settled down a lot under his guidance, and transferred them one by one in an orderly manner, but when Xiao Li was the last to board When getting on the lifeboat, Olba M chose to stay and fight side by side with Ding Li!

"Hmm? What's your situation? Follow along! I don't need help."

Ding Li actually still had the mind to lean on the railing and smoke a cigar, waiting calmly for the enemy to attack.

"Don't be stubborn, young man, I know you are very strong, but this kind of strategy, if you execute it alone, will greatly reduce the effect. If I let you dispatch it, it can maximize our vitality!"

Ding Li couldn't help raising his head and looked at Olba M seriously: "I now understand a little bit, why you, a black man, can become the president of the United States, it really is a bit of a routine!"

"Hey, don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend!"

Ding Li: "..."

Seeing that Xiao Lizi and his beauty escort group gradually dispersed in the lifeboat, gradually away from the threat of the main force of piranhas, Ding Li also became serious.

"OK, Mr. Former President, since you trust me so much, I don't think I will let you down. As long as I am here, I will never let you lose your life!"

Olba M smiled very affectionately, and patted Ding Li on the shoulder affectionately: "Boss Ding Li, from now on, I will be dispatched by you alone, tell me, what tasks are left to me!"

Ding Li smiled and snuffed out the cigarette butts: "Three tasks. In the first stage, throw the food on the boat into the sea in different directions, but we must control the rhythm, too fast will make us prematurely the target of the fish, too If it is slow, the effect will not be obvious, let's start now, let's do it together!"

After issuing the action order, Ding Li and Olba M started to spread all kinds of delicacies from the bow and stern of the transformed yacht, and a large number of piranhas began to move towards this side, gnawing wildly. Eat these foods while driving the yacht at full speed away from the main line of the desert island.

Spreading all the way, successfully delayed for more than half an hour. At this moment, most of the piranhas have basically been seduced out of the desert island area. Ding Li's goal has been initially achieved, but what about himself and Olba M? How to get rid of these cannibals without spitting bones is still a problem.

However, at the same moment, the director group headquarters, which originally planned to use the fish to make a fuss, suddenly received news of the large-scale transfer of the fish.

"My God...Look below, I seem to see Ding Li again!"

Helicopter aerial photography group, which had followed Ding Li's meritorious crew several times in succession before, shot explosive footage this time, and directly transmitted the aerial photography data to the headquarters as soon as possible. The director's team, Smith and others, jumped up in shock. !

"What's the matter? Ding Li, what is he going to do? Could it be that he intends to fight against the entire swarm of piranhas by himself?"

"Uh... Is there anything in the world that Ding Li dare not do?"

"Oops! If that's the case, the gift channel we just repaired is probably going to be rebuilt again... MMP, I really don't want to work overtime!"

Nowadays, when the director team of the maritime competition hears Ding Li's name, they are basically in a state of madness and collapse. Only the director Smith can't help himself.

"Quick! Inform all departments and immediately give me a panoramic shot of Ding Li, and send it out as the main body of the live broadcast. It must be another explosion! I have long said that no matter how much we play, as long as Ding Li is there, he can clean up for us. Endgame!"

Smith was still complacent about his operations, but the assistant beside him couldn't help swallowing: "Director, we're quite relieved, I'm afraid that when Ding Li comes back... we're going to ask him the guilt!"

Smith smiled: "Young people are young people after all, don't you forget that Ding Li is also one of the main investors in our show and the owner of the live broadcast copyright in Asia. Although the process is dangerous, in the end he will be both famous and fortune. At the end of the collection, how can he still have the mind to question us at that time?"

I have to say that as a director, Smith's ability to attract attention is really not for nothing. This time the live broadcast of marine sports is now the hottest outdoor large-scale live broadcast in the world, and his reputation as Smith has also changed. As he is challenging Ding Li's bottom line again and again, perhaps the ending of the game is really not what he imagined as a director.

At that time, after the live broadcast started, the helicopter above Ding Li and Olba M was buzzing non-stop.

"M's, as you said, these are all deliberately arranged by Smith. I really don't take the students' lives seriously. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid there would be a big mess this time! If he can escape from death, I must make him look good!”

Ding Li smiled: "Please, Mr. Former President, let's pay more attention to what's in front of us!" Ding Li said, and didn't forget to pursed his mouth in front of Olba M. This guy just found out that the fishing rod in his hand had been caught by the fish. The group devoured it cleanly.

With the appearance of Ding Li and the appearance of the piranha group, the live channel suddenly caused an uproar, and the fans who followed the live operation at the same time all over the world became crazy. Ding Li and the former president fought against the piranhas. Front-page headlines in the nation's core news publications.

"Uh... bro, the rest of the food is going to bottom out soon, these little guys really can't get enough to feed!"

Ding Li did not reply to Olba M immediately, but stared intently at the fluctuations of the water surface. In his opinion, these piranhas should have a core parent. After all, this species is not a pure natural species. It has the ingredients that are artificially cultivated, which determines that behind their highly group nature, there must be a control center!

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