Ding Li's maddening expression almost didn't make these guys half-dead, and even Hilton couldn't help but snicker.

The two successfully broke through another gate of hell in this way. Miss Hilton, who was still in shock, had a hard time believing that everything that happened in front of her was true. She never thought that there really exists a hero like Ding Li, who can only appear in movies. !

"I finally understand why there are so many films about personal heroism in our country, just to promote the strength of people like you, it's really incredible, why do you have such a big courage? Put fluid bombs If you are tied to your body, someone else would definitely not dare to do this!"

Ding Li smiled and shook his head: "As long as they have faith, anyone can! In our China, there are many heroes with such faith, and I have the opportunity to introduce them to you!"

Miss Hilton smiled very sweetly, and there was no sense of disobedience to being held by Ding Li like this. The two looked more like a couple in love. !

It's just that when the last door of the whole building opened, an even more terrifying battle appeared in front of the two of them!

Two large trucks, probably more than fifty gangsters, had already surrounded the courtyard outside the building. The only thing that made Ding Li feel fortunate was that the person in the lead was Bezos' woman, the one who had been fettered with Ding Li before. The girl who goes and returns!

"Hooho... I was worried about your safety before, I was afraid that you would be embarrassed by Bezos when you went back, and I rushed back to find a way to save your life. It seems that I am overhearted, and you are still doing your best. Lao, do your part!"

The girl looked solemn, and seemed to be really hurt by Ding Li's words, but she was still trying to make herself look more serious.

"Stop talking nonsense, we are the enemy, we will never die! Ding Li, grab it as soon as you can, or keep this woman, and I can let you live!"

"NONONO, you know I'm here for her, how can you let go now? What's more, are you sure you already have enough capital to compete with me?"

The girl sneered: "I know you are very strong, and we may not be able to keep you together, but if it is like this, I wonder if you can escape, Ding Li?"

The woman waved her hand, and the fifty or sixty underworld killers around her took off their jackets at the same time, and everyone was covered with bombs!

"Nani?? You, you... You actually want to play human flesh bombs with me? Are you crazy?"

Chapter [-] Double-edged sword

"Hmph... You don't need to use extreme methods, how can you keep the king of Chinese martial arts? Since you are here, don't think about leaving easily!"

"Mia, don't be so impulsive, just let them go."

Just when the situation seemed to be deadlocked, the silhouette of Bezos at the top window appeared in the eyes of the girl Mia and dozens of other killers.

"grown ups!!"

Bezos smiled and waved his hand, and at the same time turned the conversation to Ding Li: "Mr. Ding Li, I have shown considerable sincerity, I believe you will also think about it, if we really have the opportunity to cooperate, I can satisfy You ask for more!"

Ding Li slowly turned forward and turned to look at Bezos: "Have you ever learned anything about the temple of St. Mebis on this island? As far as I know, it is from Mebis, the angel that GOD believes in. The offering house is also the core of GOD’s heritage, so maybe two days later, when you and I meet there, I will honor my promise and tell you my choice.”

"See you soon!"

Bezos raised his glass to Ding Li, naturally agreeing to his proposal.Ding Li was finally able to take Miss Hilton and stride out of the encirclement of the crowd.

Strangely, Mina's girl didn't seem to be angry with Ding Li's departure.

Until Ding Li took Hilton to break free of the encirclement completely and walked quickly in the city, Hilton finally had time to express his gratitude to Ding Li.

"Thank you, Ding Li, without you, I really don't know what to do this time!"

Ding Li smiled modestly: "Actually, I'm not as good as you think. If that Mina was really the enemy just now, and Bezos didn't show up, I really don't know how to deal with it!"

Hilton looked puzzled: "Could it be... that beautiful woman is yours?"

"No... She's Bezos' woman, but I saved her life by coincidence before, and she helped us once with gratitude. Don't you see that she just did that on purpose? If it wasn't for her Ordering everyone to be full of bombs, it will be difficult for us to escape! In this way, on the surface, it looks like we are driven to a dead end, but in fact, we are tied together with Bezos and the others, forming a double-edged sword situation , the only way to save yourself is to retreat!"

Hilton suddenly realized after listening to Ding Li's explanation: "No wonder, I don't think the girl has any mood swings about our departure, she is actually helping us! How do you know about the St. Mebis Temple? Yes? Are you really from GOD?"

Mentioning this, Ding Li laughed even more arrogantly: "Hey, I want to say that my words are all made up, do you believe it?"

Hilton almost passed out without rolling his eyes: "Oh my god... Big brother, aren't you kidding me? You still have the heart to joke and make up stories at such a critical moment of life and death?"

"Hmph, just start with a mouth, and go out all depends on the editor! I heard Leo say a word about the temple before, but what kind of place is there, and what does it mean to GOD? I don't know at all. Clearly, except for getting out, it is also to gain two more days, so that there will be more opportunities for the boulder to change the pattern!"

Hilton finally understood that everything was under the control of Ding Li's plan. With him in charge, this time even if it was the overturning of GOD, it would be difficult to achieve the final goal.

"Then what are you going to do in the next two days?"

"Rescue the director's team, try to disintegrate the underworld alliance with the [-]th district as the core, and let them have a rift with each other, so that our chances will be much greater!"

At that time, the two of them were about to walk out of this building complex, but unexpectedly, a large number of black-clothed killers suddenly appeared at the end of the corridor.

"It's not good... It's the remnants of the GE gang in Mexico who have come to take revenge. Bezos is very thoughtful, and he used a knife to kill people as I guessed. It's time to clean up this group of stray hairs!"

Ding Li pointed to the hotel closest to him and signaled the eldest lady to hide in, while Ding Li himself stood outside the building to fight against these guys.

"You... alone?? Does it really matter?"

Miss Hilton knew Ding Liqiang, but the other party was full of real guns and live ammunition. Brother Ding Li was just one, and neither of the two weapons in his hand had a woolen thread!

However, Ding Li is tyrannical, no matter how dangerous the situation is, he is confident to give it a shot!

"Ding Li, your time of death has come, let's capture it!"

"Hahaha, just rely on you guys? Your boss should have been killed by Bezos. It seems that Bezos's old slick has successfully brainwashed you. He must lie to you and say that the fluid bomb is already bigger than you. If you don't kill him, you're all going to die, right?"

Ding Li's words shocked the emotions of more than [-] people!It also made them suspicious of Bezos' orders for the first time.

"You... how do you know what Mr. Bezos... said!"

Ding Li sneered: "I said, he is using your dozen or so gangs as gunmen! My original intention was to make your boss suffer a little and save my friend, but I have no intention of killing him at all. It's just sticking gum, you've fallen for Bezos's trap!"

Sure enough, Ding Li's wave of anti-brainwashing quickly achieved initial results. A large number of opponents have already begun to shake their minds to destroy Ding Li, and some of the more radical guys were furious and forcibly threw their anger on Ding Li.

"Anyway, we have to kill the culprit first! Even if Bezos has dissent, you Ding Li can't escape the relationship, brothers, give it to me!!"

As soon as the conversation ended, more than [-] gangsters swarmed up with various weapons such as machetes and pistols. It was the rhythm of breaking Ding Li into eight pieces, but Hilton, who was hiding in the hotel at this moment, completely caught the scene through the monitoring equipment. Eldest Miss, has long been frightened, and at the same time is worried about Ding Li!

"Ding Li...promise me, nothing will happen, I'm waiting for you to come back safely!!"

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