At this moment, a little scoundrel picked up an empty grenade shell just now, took it and said, "Look, boss, there seems to be a note inside this shell."

Satan in Asia took the thing, took out the note, and found that it seemed to be Ding Li's handwriting: "Congratulations, time is really rushed, I really can't find any explosives to welcome you.

So use these smoke bombs to give you a little memory, I hope these things can make you remember for a long time. "

The signature is Ding Li, and Satan in Asia stunned. Yes, Ding Li knew that he was here at the time, but he did not use real grenades. After all, the security personnel here are equipped with conventional weapons, grenades, which are weapons of mass destruction. , they are not allowed anything else.

Thanks to this, otherwise Satan in Asia would have died by now.

Asia's Satan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, put on a defensive formation first, and watch out for Ding Li's sneak attack!"

Ten times the strength of the opponent, but to put on a defensive formation, Satan in Asia felt that he had created a history that was not very glorious.

Chapter [-] Blocking operations

At the same time, several groups of Satan and the others who were responsible for blocking Asia had also returned to the tenth floor to report to Ding Li.

"Mr. Ding, we have completed the blocking task." Several team leaders said: "It's just that we don't understand, we have occupied the best place just now, why let us withdraw at this time?

We feel that we will stick to it all the time. Before the police arrive, it is absolutely impossible for them to break through. At that time, we will attack up and down together with the police, and these outlaws will definitely be wiped out in the narrow space on the first to third floors. "

Ding Li smiled: "What do you say they are?"

"Desperados," said one person.

Ding Lien said: "Yes, you also know that they are desperadoes. Since they are desperadoes, it is absolutely impossible for them to sit still. When they swarm up, the advantage of geographical location is not enough for you to be more than ten times more enemies. confrontation.

My purpose is not to make you heroes, but to let all of you leave alive and go home safely to be reunited with your family, understand? "

The few people behind were immediately moved. They looked at Ding Li and said with emotion: "Thank you, Mr. Ding. You didn't think of us as a stepping stone to your success, and you didn't think about using us to make you successful. prestige, but thinking of our safety and well-being."

Ding Li smiled and said: "I Ding Li still need to let you take risks for that kind of false name? Remember, it is impossible to carry a gun without danger, but it will never go to the manager to take unnecessary risks. I will give you a vaccination first. , if the other party continues to press step by step, you will definitely still need to work hard with the other party!"

"We understand, that's what we do," said one.

"By the way." Ding Li said: "The people who notified the police and told them to pay attention to safety when approaching the mysterious house, the other party will definitely hit them to stop them."

"What? Fighting with the police?" All the security guards had expressions of disbelief: "Mr. Ding, this... is not possible, after all, they are all rabble, and the police are regular soldiers."

"So what." Ding Li said: "If they can do this, they have already put their lives at stake. If they can catch the police by surprise, the morale and resilience of the police will be seriously affected. '

"But in the desert, if the police want to get close, they will definitely be exposed to their guns, unless the police come in an armored vehicle." A security guard said: "But I used to be a special police officer.

In a small county town on the edge of a third-tier city like this, the equipment of the special police is actually relatively limited. In addition to explosion-proof vehicles, they will definitely come by conventional vehicles, and the bullets of the other party will definitely hit... This is inevitable of. "

"Then you can't sit still..." Ding Li said: "Okay, I have a solution, the material team!"

"Arrived!" said the leader of the material team with his chest raised.

"What I asked for, go and prepare it for me now." Ding Li said: "When you are ready, bring it here, speed!"

Soon, the leader of the material team brought what Ding Li needed. Many people came over to take a look and found that what Ding Li wanted was potassium nitrate, an important ingredient that can often be seen in flower fertilizers, white sugar, And dyes, etc.

One of the former special forces was shocked: "Mr. Ding, do you even know this?"

"Small idea, after these things are heated and mixed, they can be mixed with a fuse and ignited to emit thick smoke." Ding Li said: "The police have nothing to do, so we will help them create a barrier. You are responsible for making and releasing smoke bombs.

Several of you are responsible for contacting the police, coordinating, and determining the timing of the release of smoke bombs! "

"Yes!" Several people said in unison, and began to get busy.

Seeing that at this moment, the police vehicle had already appeared on the edge of the horizon, and at this time, Satan of Asia gritted his teeth and said, "Hey, Ding Li, you have no idea, but I, Satan of Asia, are not vegetarian.

If you can suppress me, then I can also suppress the police. After these gangs come here, they will eat my killing stick first, and let them know that it is not easy to take the hostages from me! "

Seeing the police's car getting closer, Ding Li gave an order: "Set off the smoke bombs!"

Hundreds of smoke bombs were thrown out from the tenth floor area at once, and finally landed at a distance of [-] or [-] meters from the curtain wall of the mysterious house. Soon, these smoke bombs emitted bursts of thick smoke, which made the original desolation. The night became more chaotic.

In just a few dozen seconds, those desperados who had planned to attack the police suddenly, who were caught off guard, suddenly found that they couldn't see anything.

"Boss! What do we do now? Can't see anything now." A gangster said, "Do you still continue to shoot?"

"Open... open your head!" Asia's Satan gritted his teeth and scolded: "You really think we don't need money for our ammunition, we are not allowed to shoot, and everyone is not allowed to shoot."

Everyone who said one sentence directly stopped suddenly, and after ten minutes, the smoke dissipated, and nearly a hundred police cars had formed a tight circle around them.

In addition, the police vehicles have been set up, and the bulletproof plates have been assumed. They want to shoot now, and it is too late.

At this time, Gao Yifan sat in the command car and said excitedly: "Mr. Ding, thank you for your help, if you hadn't used smoke bombs to interfere with the other party's sight in time, I'm afraid we would have appeared more or less today. casualties."

"You're welcome." Ding Li said: "Now you should conduct a psychological offensive, first disturb the opponent's military heart."

"But... I have an idea." Gao Yifan said: "Can you continue to help us and release another wave of smoke bombs, then we will directly organize the assault team to rush in and solve the battle?"

"The more than one hundred hostages below, their lives and deaths have nothing to do with me, don't they have nothing to do with you?" Ding Li laughed: "If you do this, I am afraid that your high commander's future will end here. "

Gao Yifan sighed: "Oh...why are these people so stupid, they left with you at that time, and now we have settled the battle."

"Forget it, it's useless to say these things now." Ding Li said: "Just follow my plan, first take a heart attack strategy with them, and shake their beliefs first. Later, when the time is ripe, I will find a way to make you act. "

Gao Yifan nodded: "I understand."

After speaking, Gao Yifan asked the police officer next to him to directly set up a loudspeaker: "I am the commander of the police command team, Gao Yifan, Satan of Asia, I know you are inside.

You are indeed a person. You have been on the red notice of Interpol for so many years, but no one can catch you. Now that you are in our encirclement, how do you feel? "

Soon, the voice of Satan from Asia also came from inside: "Commander? Humph, MI6, Alpha, Wild Boy, Delta, I don't know the reputation of these special forces, how do they compare to you? Use a special police officer from a third-tier city in China. The name of the commander of the team just wants to calm me down? Is it a bit of a joke?

What I said just now are all the troops at the top of the pyramid of the international special forces. I have been surrounded by them more than once, but I am still at large. Hearing me say this, I would like to ask, do you have any? How do you feel? "

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