Ding Li saw that Ma Junran did not reply, so he basically guessed what Ma Junran was thinking: "As for eyes, it can be controlled and cultivated! But it requires considerable self-control. Looking at each other will start a war!"

Speaking of which, Ding Li's words are serious!At this time, Ma Junran's potential seemed to have also been stimulated, and he said to Ding Li, "Ah! It turned out that my grandmother tried not to meet your eyes just now because she didn't want to argue with you!"

At this time, Ding Li looked at Ma Junran and said, "I won't argue with your great-grandmother. She is a person worthy of respect, but the most difficult thing for a person to overcome is yourself!"

Ma Junran rolled his eyes and blurted out, "You are referring to my great-grandmother's self-control!"

Ding Li nodded and said: "This time your great grandma is really cruel, but I don't know about the Ma family, and I don't know your great grandma very well. I can't predict whether you are here or not your great grandma. planning!"

Ma Junran frowned and asked, "Does the education of the descendants of a family need such a big fanfare? Not only did it alarm you, but it also involved the inheritance of the family!"

Ding Li looked at Ma Junran with puzzled eyes and said, "The descendants of a family are very important to the development of this family! I have seen how the descendants of other families have fallen! They seem to be very strong, but they can't bear much hardship! "

Ma Junran nodded and said, "According to this line of thinking, the great grandmother should have seen your background, strength and quality. Otherwise, relying on the power of the Ma family, the three of them say one, and no one dares to say two!"

At this time, Ding Li touched Heiyao's head and said, "So what? Although the three of them are not prodigals, they really lack discipline. If I train them well, I will also have a considerable sense of accomplishment!"

Ma Junran seemed very mature at this time, she almost forgot that the three brothers had fought with her since childhood, and thanked Ding Li gratefully: "It's just this matter that really caused you trouble, you could have stayed out of it! "

Ding Li said lavishly: "It's okay, your great-grandmother gave me such a good horse that was never born in this world. Since you have been paid by people, you should help people solve their problems!"

For some reason, Ma Junran's bad thoughts rose again, and he said with a sinister face: "It's just that the three little brothers don't know yet. The game that he painstakingly laid has become a trap you set for them!"

Ding Li shook his head and said, "If you have to use a trap as an analogy, they have dug an inescapable pit in their life, and I just made a disguise on the surface of the pit!"

However, the actions of the ancestors of the Ma family are indeed very puzzling. Ding Li has been thinking about why Mrs. Ma let her precious great-granddaughter go down the mountain this time!The intention here is really unbelievable!

Ding then took Hei Yao's reins and said to Ma Junran, "The race will start in a while, let's try running a lap now!"

When Ma Junran heard it, he hurried forward, jumped on the horse's back and said, "Then what are you waiting for, this is the first time I have ridden on such a large field, and now I just want to run!"

Seeing Ma Junran's crazy face, Ding Li jumped and rode on Hei Yao's back. Hei Yao seemed to have figured it out with Ding Li at this moment.

Ma Junran saw Hei Yao's reaction, and said with a look of disgust: "Look at how sensible they are, obviously you are not bad! Why can't you be the same as others?"

The two horses seemed to be communicating as well. They kept shaking left and right facing each other. Ding Li was very curious about the rules of horse racing, so Ding Li began to ask: "What special rules does your racecourse have?"

At this moment, Ma Junran was full of shock. Ding Li, who was so valuable, didn't know the rules of horse racing. Ma Junran asked tentatively, "You, don't know how to race horses? Don't tease me!"

Ding Li looked surprised: "I tease you, I tease you, but I never lie!"

Ma Junran opened her mouth slightly and widened her eyes. It was obvious that her mentality had burst. Her competition partner didn't even know the competition process and rules on the eve of the competition, which made Ma Junran unacceptable!

Ma Junran said: "I can't accept it, I can't accept it, I don't know why I have such thoughts, but I think you are omnipotent!"

Ding Li nodded and said: "Indeed, it can be said that, but I have never been caught up by the world for things like rules! Generally, when I compete with me, there will be separate rules!"

Ma Junran spread out his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and asked, "Why, can the rules of the game still be changed at will?"

Ding Li didn't know how to explain. He looked at the distance and said to Ma Junran: "The rules of the game cannot be easily changed, but the object of the game is me. If it stays the same, it will appear that I am bullying others!"

Ma Junran said with a face full of disbelief: "If you can get it, I want to know how you usually change the rules!"

Ding Li pretended to be full of memories, teasing Ma Junran and said, "If it's a basketball game, I should keep shooting from four directions outside the football field to score points, understand?"

Ma Junran tilted his neck, holding his breath and said slightly: "This is obviously the overlord's clause, bullying others, you agree to this?"

Ding Li nodded and said, "There's no reason to disagree!"

Ma Junran took a deep breath and said, "Then, you won all the other games?"

Ding Li continued to nod his head in agreement!

At this time, Ma Junran didn't know what the hell was coming out of his heart!He said excitedly: "Okay, congratulations, Ding Li, you have the upper hand this time. My brothers obviously don't know enough about you! As for them, they have nothing to prepare for the competition!"

Ding Li shook his head and said, "That's just the first game, trust me, if there's a second game, you'll see their preparations!"

Ma Junran waved his hand fiercely and said, "What about him! Whether there will be a second match is still unknown. A famous person said it well, living in the moment is the most important thing. Now I just need to win the battle, and I will succeed!"

Then the horse Junran waved the reins and ran forward with a daring saddle!He Ding Li said: "There are many simple ways for our horses to race horses. It is nothing more than running a few laps to reach the finish line!"

Ding Li didn't listen carefully, he sat on Hei Yao's back, looked east and west, as if he was looking at the wind, it was Hei Yao who was directing him to run!

At this time, Ma Junran stopped and turned around and said with a sinister look: "However, my horse's racetrack is also very vicious, because there are only regulations for running a few laps to the finish line, and there are no regulations for the rest!"

This sentence attracted Ding Li's attention. Hei Yao sensible carried Ding Li to Ma Junran and said, "This rule is very in line with my temper, who decided it?"

Ma Junran said proudly: "My great grandfather, my great grandfather set this rule back then. It is primitive, crude, and has no rules to speak of, but it is indeed very popular with everyone!"

Ding Li sighed: "Sure enough, your great grandfather is also a kind!"

Ma Junran only understood the literal meaning, and said angrily, "Why do you say that, if my great-grandfather didn't grow seeds, where would we come from?"

Ding Li smiled slightly, and looked at Ma Junran who was in a huff in front of him. He was very cute: "Your great grandfather set this rule, which is very meaningful. It not only makes everyone remember the difficult beginning, but also makes everyone pay the corresponding price for their actions!"

Ma Junran frowned and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Ding Li held the saddle and asked, "Your great grandfather can be called a pioneer, but he has not forgotten the hardships of primitive nomads and natural disasters and man-made disasters. He thinks everyone should remember it!"

Then Ma Junran continued to ask: "Then you said that everyone will pay the corresponding price, what do you mean?"

Ding Li asked back: "Did you know that over the years, at your horse's racetrack, there are people who have cheated and tricked people into tricking people?"

Ma Junran shook his head and said, "It would be a shame to commit fraud on the Ma family's territory! Even if I don't ask about the world, I know it! No one dares to do this!"

Ding Li nodded and replied: "This does have something to do with the deterrent power of your Ma family, but it is more about harming others and eventually harming yourself. Once someone is framed, he will be very worried, so no one will consider it at all. How to harm people!"

Chapter [-]: Yunyi Map

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