Then Ding Li went downstairs to retrieve his horse and came to the racetrack. At this time, everyone was ready, and all the broadcasting devices were calling out the names of two people!

At the moment when the two people arrived, the audience was shouting: "Ding Li, Ding Li, Ding Li!"

The horse Junran on the side was like a horse with red eyes at this time, all he wanted to do was start the race quickly!Ding Li led the horse and stood aside looking at the three brothers on the summit stage!

The three brothers also looked in the direction of Ding Li at this time. After the two sides looked at each other for a while, Ding Li and Ma Junran came to the track of the racecourse!

Ma Hongyun on the summit platform calmed down and thought to himself: "Our big families, your family is on the same level! Today I will teach you what it means to be someone who is not a person, and there is a heaven outside the sky!"

Then Ma Hongyun said to the athletes who had been ready for a while on the racecourse: "Now, the participants have arrived! Then, the competition begins!"

As Ma Hongyun issued the password, everyone began to gallop with their horses and whips!In the first stage at the beginning, there was almost no standard, nothing more than to see whose horse cooperated well with the master!

In terms of cooperation, I am afraid that no one can compare to Ding Li and Ma Junran. Ma Junran is because his horse has accompanied him since he was a child, but Ding Li regards Hei Yao as a confidant!

Looking at other people, it is obvious that they are not strong enough, and they are not good at commanding, but they have been holding the whip, pulling the reins, and talking about whether the horse is not.

In the mid-term, the difficulty on the racetrack began to intensify. Those equestrian shelves blocked the way of many people, but many people hesitated and repeatedly chose to take advantage of opportunities and leaned over and walked out from the bottom of the shelf!

Few people chose to cross the equestrian shelf, and Ma Junran was very worried at first!But later, Ma Junran realized that all his worries were optional!

When Ding Li crossed the lower shelf, he did not direct Hei Yao, but Hei Yao adjusted it by instinct!And the more you get to the later stage, the higher the shelf!

Unconsciously, Ding Li showed his strength level!In the later stage, Hei Yao basically can't help much, but can play the basic role as a horse!

Several relatively high shelves were operated by Ding Li by his own power, and he vacated Hei Yao and himself, and leaped over!

On the other hand, Ma Junran maximized the cooperation between the horse and himself, and only survived under the coercion of several high-profile people!After the equestrian stand is a buffer area!

At this stage, Ma Junran was chasing after Ding Li, and Ding Li also found that Ma Junran wanted to be consistent with himself at the rear, and then waited for a while!

Just as he was turning his head, Ding Li saw those who were overthinking their abilities and wanted to jump over the shelf. They even fell down with their horses. survived!

After a short trial, Ma Junran caught up with Ding Li who was standing there waiting!Ding Li pondered in his heart at this time: "I have already prepared the layout of the front track and the middle track, but I haven't seen the layout of the track in the latter part!"

Ding Li was pondering in his heart, Ma Junran said, Ding Li looked forward, there was a big hole under Ma Junran and Maomao's feet!Obviously an artificial trap!

Ding Li's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. Before Ma Junran fell into the trap, he grabbed the reins and pulled Ma Junran up with him and his horse!

Fortunately, Ma Junran and Maomao were not injured!Ding Li drove Hei Yao, carefully came to the trap, looked inside, it was full of steel thorns!

If Ma Junran really fell, the worst thing would be a slight injury, and since he was a child, he would have been with Ma Junran and he would have lost his life because of the steel thorns under the trap!

On the summit stage, Ma Hongyun bit his fingernails, and kept saying in his heart: "Ma Junran, I wanted you to taste the feeling of being cherished by everyone, but I didn't expect to be rescued by Ding Li from this bad thing! "

At this moment, Ding Li lowered his eyes and looked at the summit platform!Ma Hongyun hurriedly said into the microphone: "The next is the final difficulty sprint, there are traps, there are traps, everyone be careful, don't be sad!"

At this time, the people who were left behind chased after them one after another. When they saw the steel thorns in the trap, they all blamed them invariably: "If you set a trap, just set it up. Why are there still steel thorns? "

"Why did you tell me now, is there something wrong with your brain!"

"My God, isn't it a horse race, why did you come up with something like this?"

Everyone saw the trap pits with steel thorns in front of them and they dared not move. They rode their horses and lingered in the transition stage of the middle and rear sections of the journey!

Ding Li looked at the three brothers, then looked at the flat and abnormal road ahead, and then said to Ma Junran with Hei Yao on his back: "What are you looking at, let's go!"

Hearing Ding Li's call, Ma Junran hurried to catch up with Ding Li, and said to Ding Li beside Ding Li, "My brother is trying to kill me! It would be a bad thing for someone else to fall!"

Ding Li squinted his eyes and said to Ma Junran: "These equestrian stands are all customized according to your highest level. They think that no one can get here at the fastest speed except you! Not even me. be counted!"

Ma Junran became more and more floating at this time: "That's really rare! My brothers can actually make mistakes, this is the first time!"

While talking, Ma Junran ran to the front of Ding Li!Ding Li looked at the unobstructed road ahead and quickly blocked: "Ma Junran, be careful ahead!"

Ma Junran hadn't reacted yet, but when Ma Junran reacted, it was already too late!On the originally flat road ahead, there are equestrian shelves that keep moving one after another!

A shot of the bayonet in front regularly pops out of the ground!Ma Junran didn't dare to move at all while riding the mao!Ding Li shook his head and said: "Fortunately, your life is good, otherwise, I will have to make you lose your appearance!"

Ding Li didn't watch Ma Junran who was trapped in the sword formation, and jumped over the sword formation himself!At this time, Ma Hongyun on the summit stage muttered: "I really didn't expect that Hei Yao could jump so far, I really made a mistake!"

Then Ding Li turned around, looked at Ma Junran and said, "Don't panic, you won't calm down if you take a risk!"

Ma Junran looked at Ding Li in front of him and nodded and said, "Understood, don't panic! Don't panic!"

Seeing that Ma Junran's mood gradually stabilized, Ding Li said to Ma Junran: "Your brother happened to make a traditional horse with these knives! Your current position is not a dead end, you follow what I said. Do it, and you can get out!"

Ma Junran trusts Ding Li very much, staring at Ding Li with firm eyes, nodding his head constantly, and then Ding Li said, "Pull to the left, leap forward, pull to the right..."

After Ding Li gave some guidance, Ma Junran and Daobao walked out of the array of sharp knives unscathed!Before you know it, all the people around the competition are trying to come up!

Seeing the cooperation of Ding Li and Ma Junran, they all applauded!At this moment, Ma Junran looked at the crowd applauding from behind with a slack expression on his face, nodding his head, his eyes full of joy!

Just as he was immersed in the joy of Ma Junran's escape from danger, a rumbling voice sounded behind him!The whole place collapsed!Racks moving around trap two people on the track!

Everyone saw this scene and kept questioning: "What's going on here, how can this happen! Is this obviously the rhythm of killing people?"

After the ground shook for a while, there were only a few crumbling stone pillars left in front of Ding Li and Ma Junran!If you want to reach the end, you must walk over these donors!

However, these stone pillars were obviously placed in a hurry by others, and the quality was very rough, let alone a horse and a person to go up together, even if there is only a child, it is very likely to collapse!

Ding Li looked at Ma Junran and then at Maomao!Then Ding Li asked: "Can you flip over these moving shelves without taking your own risk?"

Ma Junran looked at the racks on both sides of the track. The highest level they moved was only the same height as the highest equestrian rack on the middle of the track!

Ma Junran nodded and said, "Although it is moving! However, the height is not high enough to stop one!"

Ding Li then grabbed Ma Junran from his back and put it on the back seat of his saddle!Immediately afterwards, Ding Li said to Ma Junran, "Let Maomao jump out of the racetrack himself!"

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