The Gala has always been the most watched program. Although many people across the country have complained about the Gala, they still pay a lot of attention to this entertainment program that is indispensable for the Chinese people during the Chinese New Year.

The programs of the gala over the years are the most likely to cause controversy and cause complaints from the public.In recent years, the gala show has not been as good as one year, so many netizens joked that they would find flaws in watching the gala on the New Year's Eve, and complained on the forum on the first day of the new year.

Qin Feng stood up and looked at the helpless assistant and said, "Prepare the car, go!"

Although Qin Feng is the chief director of the gala, this matter must be done with the help of strength.

When Qin Feng arrived at the gate, Yang Liudong was already waiting downstairs, and the leak of the rehearsal video of the gala had already been uploaded on the Internet.

The leaders naturally couldn't sit still. When Yang Liudong saw Qin Feng coming, he hurried two or three steps to meet him and said, "Qin Dong, you have come! Deputy Director Zeng is already waiting for you in the office!"

Although Yang Liudong was anxious, he knew very well that Qin Feng only took office today, and this matter has nothing to do with Qin Feng.

Even if it has something to do with Qin Feng, Qin Feng's current identity is not something he can blame.Qin Feng and Yang Liudong walked to Zeng Quan's office while asking about the current situation.

Qin Feng asked, "Director Yang, how did the rehearsal video leak?"

Yang Liudong sighed and said, "I don't know the specific reason yet, and it is under investigation. This Zhang Heng is really unreliable!"

Zhang Heng was the person in charge of the rehearsal of the gala before, and he has an inescapable responsibility for this incident.

After Qin Feng and Yang Liudong came to Zeng Quan's office, Zhang Heng, Yang Lingchun and other people in charge who had been meeting with Qin Feng in the morning had all arrived.

All of them were Zeng Quan, who was sitting on the chair, gasping for breath, with his head down and not dare to look directly at him.Zeng Quan relieved his emotions when he saw Qin Feng and Yang Liudong come in.

Zeng Quan said to Qin Feng, "Dong Qin, please take a seat!"

Qin Feng also unceremoniously sat on the sofa opposite Zeng Quan. Yang Liudong, the director, was only one level worse than Zeng Quan, and sat down beside Qin Feng.

Those in charge were not so lucky. If Zeng Quan didn't speak, they could only stand there with their heads lowered.

Zeng Quan was really anxious at this time, and without waiting for Qin Feng to speak, he said, "Dong Qin, you already know about this! What do you say?"

Qin Feng made Zeng Quan's words amused, but with so many people here, he didn't laugh out loud.Zeng Quan really knew how to play, so he directly asked himself how to deal with this matter. Didn't he clearly throw the pot to himself?

Qin Feng was not stupid enough to wipe his ass. Qin Feng asked in a deep voice, "Director Zeng, what is the situation of this matter?"

Hearing Qin Feng's question, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Zeng Quan's face. As the general director of the gala, Qin Feng should have asked Qin Feng this sentence himself.

But there is no way, who asked Qin Feng to take up the job today, this leak has nothing to do with Qin Feng.

Zeng Quan said embarrassedly: "This matter is still under investigation, and the result should be soon! But it has already caused a strong sensation. Qin Dong, do you have any good suggestions and opinions on this matter? "

Zeng Quan threw the problem to Qin Feng again, Qin Feng smiled and said, "In my opinion, the problem of this matter is not particularly big! Preventing further leaks is the most important thing!"

Zeng Quan looked at Qin Feng in surprise, and waited for Qin Feng to continue speaking without saying a word. Qin Feng said with a smile, "The gala is just a kind of sustenance and expectation for everyone, so everyone will be curious whether this year's gala will be different. It’s a new idea, and there are only a few leaked videos. If it is handled well, it will make everyone’s curiosity about the gala soar again!”

Zeng Quan and Yang Liudong nodded after hearing Qin Feng's words.Indeed, if this matter is handled well, it will arouse the curiosity of the public about the gala, but it will turn a bad thing into a good thing!

Zeng Quan's face improved a lot and he hurriedly asked, "Dong Qin, what can you do?"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "There is a way, but it's not a good way."

Zeng Quan could no longer care about anything else and hurriedly asked, "Please tell me!"

Qin Feng replied, "Using the power to delete all the leaked videos of the gala on the Internet, and quickly find out how the video leaked? Who leaked it? Then I will be severely punished, and then publicized!"

Zeng Quan nodded and carefully wrote down Qin Feng's method.Yang Liudong looked at Qin Feng a little worriedly, and seemed a little disapproving of Qin Feng's approach, but he didn't say it.

Qin Feng continued: "Then release some real news through the gossip, and make the outside information false and true, so that everyone does not know which one is true! People are like this, the more they can't tell the truth from the truth. On the contrary, the more curious things are, the more curious they are, they will pursue the truth, and on the day of the gala, they will sit in front of the TV to see if it is exactly what they think!"

Chapter [-]: No Monkey King at the Year of the Monkey Gala?

When Qin Feng and the person in charge of the gala program left from Zeng Quan's office, Yang Liudong stayed.Several persons in charge of the gala program group have been punished to varying degrees.

And Zeng Quan strictly ordered them to find out how it leaked out within [-] hours.Qin Feng naturally doesn't care about these things.

Because these have nothing to do with him, his top priority now is to hurry up and come up with a plan for the gala.

After such a fuss, the attention of the gala naturally skyrocketed.If there is an accident, it's not just those who can't get off the stage, Qin Feng's ability will be questioned by everyone.

Yang Liudong closed the door of Zeng Quan's office and strictly prohibited anyone from approaching.After doing all this, Yang Liudong looked at Zeng Quan who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea slowly.

Yang Liudong asked suspiciously, "Director Zeng, how can you agree with Qin Feng's opinion?"

Zeng Quan was not surprised by Yang Liudong's words and asked, "Do you have better attention?"

Yang Liudong licked his lips and said, "If Qin Feng himself came forward to explain, the effect would be much better than ours. Our reputation has been getting worse and worse in the past two years. If we forcefully request to delete the video, it will bring us a lot of damage. Great negative impact!"

Zeng Quan picked up the teacup and took a sip of hot tea, sighed and said, "Can't you see what Qin Feng meant?" Zeng Quan's words made Yang Liudong question speechless.

Although Qin Feng's attitude was not clearly stated, both of them could see that Qin Feng did not want to get involved in this leak.

Now that I have a request from Qin Feng, I don't dare to be too tough.At that time, Qin Feng will directly pick up the pick, and the fun will be great.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Liudong had no other suitable way, so he shook his head and gave up.

After Qin Feng returned to his room, just as he was about to write a project, his phone rang.When Qin Feng was working, he was most bothered by other people's phone interference.

But he still answered the call, because the caller was not someone else, but Mr. Li.Qin Feng still respects this old general who has helped him a lot.

After the call was connected, Qin Feng said with a smile, "Hey, Mr. Li! Why did you call?"

From the other end, Mr. Li's hearty voice came: "Why, can't I call you if I have nothing to do?" Hearing Mr. Li's words, Qin Feng hurriedly pleaded guilty and said, "No! You can call whenever you want. what!"

Old Li didn't tease Qin Feng and said with a smile, "I heard that you were in trouble in the capital?"

When Qin Feng heard Mr. Li's words, he knew that he was talking about the leak of the gala. After all, Qin Feng was the chief director of the gala, and the people all over the country knew about the leak!

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