"What's wrong? Liu Qin" Qin Feng asked again when he saw that Liu Qin didn't answer.

Liu Qin pretended to be a little excited but a little tangled and said, "This matter is too sudden, I still have to think about it!"

Hearing Liu Qin's words, Qin Feng smiled and said, "It's fine. Just tell me after you think about it!"

Soon they arrived at the program group. When Qin Feng arrived, all the other five people arrived. Everyone knew that the program was being recorded today.And the hotel they stayed in was right next to the show group, much closer than Qin Feng.Seeing Qin Feng coming, Wu Zhen smiled and said, "Dong Qin, it's so early today!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Director Wu, what you said, I came last!"

"Dong Qin, you live farthest away!" He Jiong took over with a smile.

Qin Feng smiled, and Wu Zhen said, "The props team is ready. Go to the dressing room, put on your makeup and change your clothes, and start recording today's show!"

After Wu Zhen finished speaking, Qin Feng and the others followed the staff to the dressing room to start applying makeup.

In the last quiz, each of them chose their own identity, and Qin Feng's identity was a detective.Qin Feng smiled and said to the makeup artist, "I'm a detective today, so just dress me up like Kudo Shinichi!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, the makeup artist smiled and said, "Chairman, you are much more handsome than Kudo Shinichi!"

"Although I know you're flattering me, I'm still very happy!" Qin Feng replied with a slight smile.

After half an hour, they were all done with makeup.The makeup artist gave Qin Feng a hairstyle of Kudo Shinichi, but he found out that the costume team had prepared for Qin Feng the outfit of Kogoro Mouri, which made Qin Feng depressed for a while.

The juvenile genius detective who was promised instantly became a middle-aged uncle detective.The style changes a bit fast.

And Wang Ou and Guigui are all college students, but one tends to be small and fresh, and the other tends to be two-dimensional.He Jiong is dressed as a non-mainstream teenager. He Jiong is about to run for four years now, and it is not easy to forcefully pretend to be a college student in his twenties.

Hu Ge's identity is a senior, and he is also the fiancé of the senior sister played by Guigui.Hu Ge himself has a very high appearance, and wearing a handsome suit is also a big fascination.And Sabenin plays a teacher who is about [-] years old, but after wearing makeup, Sabenin suddenly gives people the feeling of seeing the host of a legal program.

The six people couldn't help laughing when they looked at each other's appearances.Wu Zhen shouted when they finished putting on makeup and holding a small speaker: "The guests are ready, the show will start recording soon!"

Chapter [-]: Net Red School Flower Falls from the Building

Hearing Wu Zhen's words, the six people hurriedly stopped talking and laughing and walked over.

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Director, we are ready! We can start recording at any time!"

Wu Zhen nodded and said, "Come with me. After you learn about the first case, it's time for you to appear!" After speaking, he walked over to the recording site of the program group, and the six Qin Feng saw this. followed.

After arriving at the shooting site, six staff members first came over and took away all personal belongings belonging to the six people, such as wallets and mobile phones, and then issued a new mobile phone to each person according to the needs of the plot. The brand is one of the sponsors of "Star Detective".

Hu Ge said with a look of disgust: "Dong Qin, you are a big business. You even put advertisements into a variety show! This mobile phone is too bad!"

Hearing Hu Ge's words, Qin Feng said with a smile, "It is precisely because the family has a big business, so you need to make more money! You are not a family and don't know that Chai Mi is expensive!" However, Hu Ge's words also reminded Qin Feng that now the domestic Most of the mobile phones used by the people are the fruit brands of the M country.

However, the core technology of this mobile phone is from country M, and the production and processing are all made by Huaxia enterprises.This kind of mobile phone is very popular among Chinese people because it can be used as a weapon to install X.Walking on the streets of a first-tier city such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange, a brick was smashed, and eight of the ten people inside were using fruit mobile phones.

Many college students go out to sleep with others for fruit mobile phones, and there are even rumors on the Internet that some people have even sold their own kidneys for fruit mobile phones.Therefore, this fruit phone has also been successfully called the kidney machine by the Chinese. Guo Guo got the sweetness with this mobile phone, so he began to update at least one or two kinds of upgraded fruit mobile phones every year to make money in China.

Qin Feng didn't like this kind of fruit phone, but he had to admit that at least China's mobile phone level is still a little worse than that of M country.This is also the reason why Chinese people generally like to use fruit mobile phones.Hearing what Hu Ge said, Qin Feng suddenly had an idea.After the recording of this show is over, I will also develop a mobile phone brand of my own.Let M countrymen know what a real smartphone is!

Wu Zhen smiled and said, "You don't know, the amount of funds approved by Director Qin for us is too small. Without these sponsors, we would have no money to invite you! Hu Ge!" Hearing Wu Zhen's words, Hu Ge turned away. He pouted, he wouldn't believe a single punctuation mark.Now who doesn't know that Qin Feng is the richest man in China?

At this time, a staff member came over and said, "Director Wu, all the props are ready! You can shoot at any time!"

Wu Zhen nodded and said, "Let's start filming now, everyone will take their place! You first look at the VCR of the case." After finishing speaking, a VCR appeared on a big screen opposite Qin Feng and the other six.Of course, before the VCR, it was still the usual advertisements that were implanted on point TVs.

Seeing this, Wu Zhen scratched his nose in embarrassment and said, "Dong Qin, this TV is sponsored by an advertiser! So..." He didn't finish his sentence, but everyone understood that if it was sponsored, then it had to be planted. Into a little advertising.In fact, this really can't blame Wu Zhen.

When Dingtian Entertainment announced that Qin Feng and He Jiong had teamed up to launch a variety show, almost all the well-known brands in the country found Dingtian Entertainment, and they all wanted to win the sponsorship of this variety show. .After all, it was Qin Feng and He Jiong.

As long as the two of them are there, no matter how badly creative this variety show is, it will still have good ratings.What's more, where is Qin Feng's golden signboard, the show is not bad.This kind of variety show, which is sure to be popular, is naturally eager for advertising spots and sponsorships.

The sponsors of this show are all won by those companies at sky-high prices.This is also a feature of Qin Feng's products.

Whether it is Qin Feng's films, TV series or variety shows.They all started making profits before they even started shooting.The advertising fee charged is more than the investment cost.This is the only one in the world.Except for him, there is really no other person with this strength.

"There are six star players in this program, who play two different roles: detective and suspect. The real murderer is hidden in the suspect. Only the murderer can lie and find out the real murderer, and the player will win. The game sets the detective's remuneration. , find out the real murderer, the detective will get two gold bars, and the players will get one gold bar each. The murderer successfully hides his identity and takes all the gold bars!"

The rules of the show were repeated in the VCR, and then the video of the first case was played.

"On March 2014, 3.26, the Internet celebrity school flower Xia Qingtian participated in the photo shoot." At the same time as the video was playing, a dubbing was introducing the whole process of the case and the people involved in the case.Xia Qingtian was the victim of this case.

There flashed some pictures of the victim and two people arguing, and these pictures caught everyone's attention.But it was just a flash, and everyone was still a little clueless.

In the afternoon, the school's on-duty security found Xia Qingtian's body on the lawn on the west side of the art building.Then a few news reports flashed, and the second title of "M's Colleague Falls Accidentally" caught Qin Feng's attention, "Is the continuous fall of M's Colleague a suicide or a curse?"

Then the video finishes playing.Wu Zhen looked at the six of them with a smile and said, "The VCR of the case has been played. You have read the contents of your ID cards before, and now you are clear about your relationship with the victim!"

Except for Qin Feng, who is a detective, the other five people nodded.

Wu Zhen turned his head and said to Qin Feng: "Qin Feng, you are a detective, and you have the right to question the five suspects individually. Now let me introduce the rules of the game!" Hearing Wu Zhen's words, the six people They all stopped to think and turned to Wu Zhen.

Wu Zhen cleared his throat and said, "After the show starts, the five suspects need to state their alibi to the detective first!"

Chapter [-]: When the case is solved

"Of course one of the five suspects was lying. After that, the six people were divided into two groups and entered the scene to search for evidence. Each group lasted ten minutes, and each person could only take ten pictures related to the scene. , the six people carry out the first reasoning in turn. After the first reasoning is over, the detective has a vote to vote for the person he thinks is the most suspect. After casting the vote, the six people enter the scene at the same time to conduct a search. After the search is over , the detective talks to each person individually. After the conversation, it enters the voting stage. The person with the most votes is the real murderer voted by everyone. If the voted person and the real murderer are the same person, then the player wins. Otherwise, the real murderer wins!"

Qin Feng and the other six are familiar with the rules of the entire game.

With a smile on Wu Zhen's face, he said, "Okay, I've seen the video, and I understand the rules. Now it's your turn to play!" He pointed to the recording scene in front of him.

This scene is a crime scene that the prop team reduced and restored based on the situation in the video.Six people walked over under the leadership of the staff at the scene.

Because Qin Feng is a detective, in the setting of this episode, he was the first to appear at the scene of the crime, and then the other five suspects came to the scene in turn.When Qin Feng walked to the scene with a solemn face, he suddenly found that the body they had made today was actually a mannequin.

Qin Feng smiled and asked, "Director, why is it a mannequin today? It's not a real person?"

Wu Zhen said with a wry smile: "Last time the actors said they would never play corpses again after knowing that Gui Gui was participating in the show. We can only make do with mannequins."

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