Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 1721 G20 Invitation (Subscribe!)

United States-Australia.

This route.

Few boats.

Almost across the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the water quality is very good, but unfortunately, it's okay to come and see it occasionally. This kind of ocean sailing is only boring and tasteless along the way, the scenery is single, and it is annoying to see more.


Look to the right.


A few small dots appeared on the horizon, parallel to each other, and suddenly they started to turn to the freighter.


getting bigger.




With a huge voice, three black shadows passed the front of the freighter. Are these guys here for the show?One investigation showed that it was a training aircraft from a nearby US base, practicing low-altitude cruising.


Tang Qing pouted.

I fly faster than these broken irons, did I show off?


A few minutes later.

The three training machines are back, which is really idle.Okay, since you want to show off, let you show off, "On the way they go back, let them show the ocean rescue, don't hurt people."

"Yes, commander."

Xiao Er's voice came.


Plan upload to task list, high priority.In terms of execution, Tang Qing didn't have to worry about it. Originally, he wanted to watch the sea quietly, but now he lost his mind, his figure flashed and he returned to the cave.

Watch the soldiers drill the mine.


After half an hour.

The Pacific Ocean.

The two figures are floating on the sea. At this moment, the two Americans are both stunned. They were fine when they went back. There was a freighter on the way, so God couldn't see it.

The training machine is out of control.

Didn't think much.

This is a low-altitude cruise. If you don't escape in time, you may get to the sea and be broken into pieces.The two abandon the aircraft decisively, and the training aircraft sank into the deep sea. This is the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and salvage is impossible.

How to do?

I can only wait, I guess I have to wait till night.

Say it.

Will there be sharks?

"The rescue ship has set off and is expected to arrive in twelve hours." Fortunately, they have not lost contact. If you add the helicopter on the rescue ship, it should be shortened to about ten hours.


Looking around is full of water.

"what is the problem?"

"You ask me, who do I ask."

"It is estimated that the black box will not be salvaged. It must be because the equipment is aging. I think I can take this opportunity to request a new batch of training machines. The previous ones should be scrapped and retired."

"It must be pushed to the fault, it cannot be our operation error."


that's it.

The two had a unified caliber. Although there was no black box, the communication was normal at the time and the base could know their conversation. No matter how they analyzed it, it was an equipment failure, and it must be an equipment failure.


They did not feel that they had made a mistake.


Shanghai stock market.


Tang Qing suddenly appeared and put the glass bottle on the shelf. The gold mine in Equatorial Guinea was still drilling. I believe there will be results in a week. After all, he can drill several kilometers in a week.

If this is not the end.

That's it...Got big.

Until then.

There is no need to drill down, just excavate directly.Therefore, in any case, a week later, the excavation work there will begin, and the soldiers in the training area are stepping up to make protective covers.

ten minutes later.

They came back from shopping.

"Tang Tang, I bought it for you."

Lin Jiaxue handed a beautiful box.


Tang Qing smiled.

Took it.

turn on.

a scarf!

Zeng Rou said first: "I saw a pair of sunglasses, but Jiaxue said you would definitely not like it, so I didn't buy it. There is also a watch. In other words, why do you like electronic watches so much."

Hear the words.

Lin Jiaxue's mouth curled up.


Tang Qing's glasses are not ordinary things. You can watch TV and surf the Internet. This is a function she knows. As for the watch, I heard that it is equipped with a signal transmitter to measure body temperature and heartbeat.

In short.

Tang Qing never wears and buys these two things. Even if he gets along day and night, Lin Jiaxue feels that she can't see through this man, but as long as Tang Qing is by her side, it is enough.


It doesn't matter.

"Get used to it." Tang Qing said with a smile.

His answer.

It was the answer Lin Jiaxue wanted.


Used to one thing.

Get used to a person.

Don't want to change.


Twenty days.



In Neibidu, after reading the invitation, Kan Qin was puzzled. They are not members of G20. What does this invitation mean?Of course I was very happy, just wondering why.


Group of Twenty.

Is an international economic cooperation forum

It used to be G8.

European and American countries played their own games, and later discovered that excluding emerging market countries is not suitable for the development of the times. Only then has the G20, the 20 countries’ GDP accounted for 90% of the global economy.

Very representative.

Once a year.


In the past, the G20 was a meeting of finance ministers.

this year.

The global financial crisis triggered by the United States made the financial system the focus of the world and began to hold the G20 summit, that is to say, Zero must go to Washington to participate in person.

It can be said.

This is an admission.

Acknowledging Myanmar’s status in the world’s economic power, however, this invitation is only an invitation to zero. It does not mean that Myanmar has joined the G20, otherwise the G20 may become the G21.

Two days.

There will be more than two weeks left on the 8th and 9th of next month.

So suddenly.

Kam Qin estimated zero and was not prepared.

look up.

Kan Qin looked towards zero.

"What are you going to prepare?"

"No need to."

"must be careful."


Kanqin’s worries are not unreasonable. The consortium’s heart for obtaining the original transcribed liquid has not stopped since its appearance. Various methods have been used.

this time.

I have to be cautious when I go to other people's homeland.


"Zizi! Click!"


Equatorial Guinea.


The large drilling machine with a diameter of nearly 20 meters keeps downwards, and the sharp alloy blades scrape the ore layer by layer. This is different from blasting mining, which can only be used in underground mining.

The cost is not high.

The only cost is the equipment.

The blade wears quickly.

It is changed every two hours. However, once there is a spare transfer node, there is no need to stop work for long. The old drill pad is directly transferred back to the training area and the new drill pad is transferred.

The interval is less than one minute.


Every turn.

According to the gold content here, more than one hundred grams of gold can be extracted, worth nearly 20,000, and there are ten such drilling equipment in the entire underground space, about ten meters apart.

On one device.

Tang Qing looked at the screen.

Complex data keep flashing past.


He knew it.

Tang Qing is also the designer of some parts of this equipment. Although only part of it is designed, he knows all the parts and technologies of the whole equipment, let alone looking at the data.

just now.

He is also a scientist, in terms of the amount of knowledge, all the engineering doctorates are given to him, and he can afford it. It is a pity that many things designed cannot be seen, at least for now.

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