Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 1805 2008 GDP (please subscribe!)

The next day.

Xin'an City.

The Sun Also Rises.

a new day.

Business in the city’s shops is as good as ever, but tourists have not seen much joy from the faces of locals. This situation has lasted more than a month since the disappearance of the three scientists.

To this.

Can only express sympathy.

A month.

What should happen must have already happened.

"No news yet?"


"Damn gangster."

"Damn it."


To zero.

Many people were quite critical at first, but public opinion quickly turned around, because Zero One said at the beginning: Avoidance is an act of cowards, and you must trust Swedish security.


The target can only be directed at Sweden and the gangsters.


Sweden has recently donated some money. Although it is not much and it is not donated to the people, it is at least a meaning. It does not say that the biggest catharsis is the kidnapping of the scientist.

More than a month.





Many people can't sleep. After such a big incident, the support rate for zero has not dropped at all, and even the prestige is higher, because many people have figured out the foundation of a happy life.



Do not.


It is a strong leader, and this leader will think for them. Now, if they have it, it is zero, and they believe that life will be better.





The expression on Blumo’s face revealed these three words. He thought that the disappearance of the three sciences would dampen the reputation of Zero in Burma. After all, Zero ordered the three scientists to go.


Quite the opposite.

No blow.


It really made him upset.Now, all people are one mind, the same hatred, and the panic has only lasted for a few days, and it has become support for zero, resentment against gangsters, and accusations against Sweden.

Say it.

Are you "normal"?

The protest.

When he protested, he felt helpless. Originally, he wanted to organize some people who were dissatisfied with zero on the Internet and march for a while. However, after the money passed, there was no one in the end.

con man.

A bunch of crooks.


He scolded for half an hour.



three times.

After organizing five times, their people have completely given up looking for opponents in online speeches and started looking for them offline, but as soon as the negotiation was made, all those who were looking for were arrested.

By the way.

Go and pick up another person.

That day.

His whole person is not good.

Lead people.

Lead people.

Have been in office for so long, 20 or 30 times?He can't remember clearly. In short, he finds someone to protest, plans to make a big mess, and he will die without even giving him the chance to die.


Still the zero.


Still so difficult.

At the end of last year.

In order to strengthen the influence of the United States in Myanmar, they also invited major entrepreneurs in Myanmar to spread "American democracy" and inculcate "advanced systems" in a seminar.


There were very few participants.

Move closer?

There is no one at all. Only some foreigners doing business in Myanmar expressed closeness, but this is not what he wants. What can these people do?Can it affect Myanmar's economy?


A few months ago.

Substitute events.

Many people believe that Myanmar’s economy will have problems, and the large-scale withdrawal of foreign capital will almost deplete Myanmar’s foreign exchange reserves. At that time, Myanmar’s major entrepreneurs took over, minimizing the impact.

after that.

Burma Bank Group repurchases.

Since then.

The influence of foreign capital has been cut to a very weak level. Even if they are bundled together, they cannot shake the economy of Burma. There are a dozen such guys. What is the use?

"Let’s eat Sichuan food at noon!"



Run away.

Blumer gave himself a look.


Too idle.

Let him get used to having lunch just after breakfast.



Sichuan food is really good!

At this time.

The content on the TV caught his attention. As an envoy, watching the news of the country was also a task. I saw that the face of Kanqin appeared in the screen, and the content was very exciting.

"In 2007, our GDP growth rate was 403%. Last year, under the wise leadership of President Zero and the joint efforts of all sectors of society, we achieved good results again."

"08 years."

"Myanmar's GDP is 683.0 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 102%."


Finished listening.

Even with preparations, Blumer was still shocked.

A few years ago.

Less than 20 billion. A few years later, it has doubled several times. The year before last was an increase of more than 400%, which I thought was high enough.A double-digit growth last year is not bad.


Early last year.

'Oasis' came out.

The treatment area of ​​100,000 square kilometers has a contract price of more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, which has blinded many people. In addition, the construction of infrastructure such as cities, roads, and railways has not stopped.

Eight years.

Myanmar has once again achieved triple-digit growth.

Nearly 700 billion.


It should be possible to rush to the top 20, 500 billion dollars in the world, and then qualify to swing around the 20th place, more than 68 billion yuan, and be able to rush forward two or three places in the top 20.


By the sixteenth and seventh, almost all are trillion-dollar scales. The stronger the stronger. Except for China, it has stepped into the top three. Over the past few decades, there has been little change, and developed countries have taken turns.

"This year, it depends on how you support it."

Blumer pouted.

last year.

It was'Oasis' that pulled it.Even if it is sold out this year, it will be at least the same as last year. Moreover, it may not be sold out. If there are other growth points, there will only be mixed liquid.


"No way."

Have seen miracles.

Blumo didn't dare to say anything to death. The effect of the preparation has been spread around the world. If all are true, then it may be a product that is no weaker than an'oasis'.



These guys are so lucky.


One day, this technology will be American, and maybe it won’t take long. The disappearance of the three scientists, and his suspicion, will first fall to other consortia and the Swedish royal family.

No matter who.

As long as people fall into the hands of Western world forces.

Work hard.

It's not necessarily impossible to find it.


on site.

Kan Qin kept reading the data.

Read more.

The more excited, in fact, the GDP this time has been revised. According to the original report, it exceeded 700 billion US dollars. He was still happy for a while. The next day, there was no meeting.

Said to receive a report.

State data is not true.


The investigation team went down and checked. All of a sudden, many people were beaten to the end. Regarding the truth of zero, Kanqin supported them. Afterwards, they asked all provinces and states to report new data, which frightened many people.


And the first count is tens of billions of dollars less.

despite this.

Kanqin is also content, the zero-giving goal is 50%, and now it has increased by 100%, and it has been over fulfilled. I only hope that next year's goal is ---no negative growth.

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