Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 2285 Eye-catching

Just one month.

Six percent.

It's almost a big drop.The euro started its downward trend last year due to the European debt, and fell by a full 12% throughout the year.

Plus this year's six.

That's 18%.


There is a continuing downward trend.


European debt.

United Kingdom.

Three uncertain factors are stirring up European financial markets.A large amount of capital began to hedge, and with that, the value of the US dollar strengthened again.

It can be said.

Every global economic and financial crisis will give rise to capital hedging, which will deepen and consolidate the dollar's currency hegemony step by step.

This game.

No solution.

Unless a new currency appears.It has a strong currency value, strong strength, huge liquidity, and loose currency controls.

To challenge the dollar.


It will only keep looping and cannot escape the dollar vicious circle.


Asian dollar?

Not yet.

-Currency value.




The four major indicators are far from being met, and there is still a long way to go.Fortunately, the task indicator is international trade settlement, excluding financial activities.

No matter what.

Running a country to invest in stocks is not entirely a trading activity.The index of the system, the transaction is related to the national economy and people's livelihood and other commodities trade.

And it must be a real and effective trade behavior.

Non-financial game.


An American company buys 10 billion European bonds.In the next second, the European company bought it back again, repeating this, once every second.


An hour's trading volume can far exceed the global total of a year's merchandise trade. If that's the case, the Asian dollar would be really good.

Just brush the transaction volume.

Ten thousand transactions per second, one trillion transactions.

Rush to ACE every minute.


Tang Qing couldn't drill this'hole'.


The next day.

January 27th.


Much attention.

"Finally sailing."

"look forward to!"

"For such a big guy, I really want to see what it looks like when it starts up. It is estimated that this will be the world's most fuel-consuming marine equipment."


"We burned one month's salary every minute."


"Why not get a nuclear power?"


This question.

Ushered in countless eyes.


Nuclear power?

What do you want?

This is civilian equipment. There are not many military ships in our country that use nuclear power. Not to mention whether it is expensive or not, you have to buy it.

"That thing, he dare to make it, dare you to sit?"


"I really dare not."



The answers were almost the same.The main reason is naturally that they are afraid of nuclear leakage. No matter how safe they are, they will have some concerns.

It is like building a nuclear power plant.


China's nuclear power plant technology can be regarded as the world's forefront, in terms of safety, the world's leading.Living around will not cause harm to people.


Still no one wants this thing to be too close to him.I think it’s best to cultivate to a deserted place, and even think it’s best not to cultivate.


It is the safest.


This is questioning the efforts of countless scientific researchers for decades.Not to mention nuclear power plants, even signal base stations find many people dangerous.Are the people wrong?

Do not.

That's right.

It is human instinct to stay away from danger. It is true. Talking about ignorance or stupidity is all right, but we cannot say that others are wrong.The researchers are not wrong.

Technological progress benefits the country and the people.

Avoid harm.

It's just human instinct, and there is only one solution.

---Stay away from them.


The contradiction between the two is based on the difficulty of reconciling human nature.


"It's better to burn oil."



"It's safer to burn oil. Even if it explodes, there will be a bit of thick smoke. The danger is visible. If a nuclear leak is invisible, it would be terrifying."


After discussing motivation.

They looked at the picture again.


Since it is Sunday, many people have time, and even set up an alarm clock, just to take a look at the sailing ceremony of such a behemoth.


More than a dozen drones sent back high-definition videos from all angles.The screen cuts to the control room for a while, and cuts to other functional areas.

Everyone is busy.

On the screen.

There is also a countdown clock, as the remaining time decreases.


The atmosphere is a bit tense.


at last.

There are ten seconds left in the countdown.


The huge whistle sound resounded through the floating horn.At the end of the countdown, white smoke came out of several exhaust ports, which was a product of the engine.

After filtering.

Has been harmless.

In less than a minute, all the six engines of Floating had started and started self-checking, but each fan blade did not rotate because it was separated.

Just like a car.

start up.

It doesn't mean that the car is just driving, but the power must be transmitted to the wheels.Now it belongs to the preheating stage, and it can run stably for a period of time before the next step.

Six engines.

Four masters.

Two preparations.

The huge redundant design, even if there is only one engine left in the end, it can push this behemoth forward at full power.


All engines are capable of 360 steering.

Control room.

After starting the self-check, disconnect all fixing cables.

"Output power."


Some operations.


The engine's kinetic energy was output to the fan blades, and the entire floating ship trembled slightly, and then began to move, not dare to output too much at first.




The six engines all output power in one direction and head south.There are more than a dozen ships following, which is considered to be an escort.

This is a necessary protective measure.


I can't get the sailing documents.



"It's really like an island drifting."


The number of viewers is skyrocketing. In order to avoid monotony, the live drones often switch some swept angles, as opposed to general ship sea trials.

This can be regarded as a documentary.

In fact.

Last time.

The tests of aircraft and submersibles have also been edited into documentaries and broadcast on the Comet Group’s official website, although many people have watched the live broadcast.

But still can't help but watch it again.


The number of hits is very high. Relatively speaking, such a "documentary" gives them a sense of participation. Many pictures are witnessed in real time.

It feels very different.


in the afternoon.

Three o'clock.

Arriving at the exploration area, which is far away from the navigation channel, and has a radius of 15 kilometers, and the terrain ranges from 100 to 2,000 meters. This is the first stage of testing.

Not at the junction of plates.

There is no volcano in history.


You can drill at will.

Compared with prospecting on the ground, the difficulty in the sea has increased too much. Fortunately, humans have already overcome it, otherwise there would be no oil rigs.


Not drilling, or even large-scale digging, but exploring valuable mines.Copper and iron are valuable for mining on the ground.

But under the sea.

The cost has soared, which belongs to the "waste mine". At least under the current copper and iron ore prices, how much is mined and how much is lost is just wasting oil.

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