Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 2297 Congratulations



at this time.

Looking at the staggering numbers in the news, many people hate their teeth.The appearance of fruit wine smashed the jobs of many people.

A good day for too many people.

It was gone in a blink of an eye.

Look more.

More angry.

The more I think about it.

The more annoyed.One by one underground forces, the biggest source of profit disappeared, and only lending usury, extortion, or skin and flesh business remained.

How dismal!


It's all caused by Burma.


"The higher you jump, the harder you fall." Some people cursed in their hearts, believing that one day, they could see the building collapsed because of'too jumping'.

Take a look to the north.

The eyes are complicated.

They all say they are too close to the United States.At this moment, I have to expect that the United States will take action and give a lesson to Burma.Take revenge on them.

Folk in Mexico.

Always think.

The reason why the United States has not moved is because it wants to "raise sheep."They shouted in their hearts: "If you are so fat, you should shave your hair and eat meat?"

Why haven't you done it yet?

What are you waiting for?

Raise again.

The meat is all fueled.


It was at this time.

In a slum in Mexico City, in a room guarded by a dozen people, there was a faint laughter.People outside couldn't help but shake.


What is the madman howling?

Forget it.

who cares.

It's none of their business anyway, their task is to stay here and protect the safety of the laboratory.In addition to them, there are more than one hundred people in ambush around.

Man has two weapons.

To be foolproof!



A middle-aged man in a white coat had a deep joy on his face, his mouth grinning to the back of his head.After several years of painstaking research and development, it was completed.


Since then.





Will be swarming.

"I'm really a genius, haha!" Thinking back to his years of hard work, he felt a little bit crying, it was too difficult.But in the end, he saw the light.

Hand inside.

It was the brainchild of his years.



The door was pushed open, and a voice came, "Congratulations."

These words.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. Why hadn't he heard of this sound before, he turned his head and looked at him, and he was stunned.The test tube in his hand crashed to the ground.

Smashed to pieces.

The liquid inside spilled all over the floor.

I see.

A group of people rushed in, holding weapons in their hands and wearing masks. At first sight they were not good.Although he is not a good person, he is also afraid of bad guys.

"Who are you?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Good people."

The headed person smiled lightly.

Words fall.

I saw a few people carrying oil drums and pouring them everywhere in the laboratory. Seeing that the middle-aged man had a canthus, he shouted in his heart: Is this a good thing?




Forget it.

The experimental equipment, although precious, is estimated to have been beaten up.Besides, the most precious thing in the entire laboratory is his brain.


It's all second.

"What do you want?"



The middle-aged man's mouth twitched.


I saw the person heading up slowly, patted him on the shoulder, and said a chilling remark, "Congratulations, please mention life imprisonment."

It made him go wild.


Congratulations just now.

Do not!

He absolutely does not accept such a fate. Years of reason told him not to be ashamed, "I am willing to join you, please give me a chance."

"it is good."


The middle-aged man's eyes were dark.

The light flashed.

Those who came in disappeared.Then a fire broke out in the laboratory, which completely burned the inside.There was a place outside the door.


A large number of people came.


"Who is it? Where is Ecodo?"

On the side of the fire, only roaring remained.



a slap.

Ai Kedo woke up suddenly, and he saw a ring of strange faces.This taste, obviously, he is being watched by a group of people.



Could it be.

Was it really caught by the Mexican authorities and put in prison?But even so, there will be no trial and trial, just go to the place of sentence.


The skin tone here is too complicated.

"Hi, new here."


"Haha, I probably haven't reacted yet."

"poor guy."

"We are not yet."


A group of people.

Whispering and teasing each other, one of the sturdy big black guys grabbed his collar and raised them directly, "Why did you come in?"


"I want to ask you something."

"I don't know." Ai Kedo said in fear.


The people around you obviously don't believe it. Whoever can come here has not committed a'not small' crime.It is estimated that the other party has not yet clearly recognized the reality.

Loosen the collar.

lay down.

Just about to keep asking.

"Aikedo?" Suddenly, a voice rang in my ear, so familiar.Ai Kedu turned his head and couldn't help but grow his mouth. He was an old acquaintance.


The two companies work for different companies.


No contact for more than a year.

"Why are you here?" Ai Kedo asked in surprise.

Hear the words.

The man smiled helplessly.

"Did something bad."

"What's the matter?"

"Created a very destructive virus."


Ai Kedu was stunned. This person was indeed a virus expert. He had worked in a pharmaceutical company. As for his integrity, he was not quite sure.

Just because of this?


The other party is not in Mexico!I have been doing research in Canada, why would I be a supervisor with him?

"Did you make anything destructive?" the man asked.


Ai Kedo hesitated.

"There's nothing to say, I'm not surprised to be here, even if you create a doomsday virus." The man curled his lips and came this year.

It was broken.

He found.

I really don't mean anything, there are too many crazy people here, and the things he developed, one by one, can only be regarded as medium.

of course.

The most powerful ones are those who arrested them.



He all doubted whether it was an earth protection organization formed by countries around the world to deal with acts of'endangering humanity'. It was very possible.


How could it be so powerful.


No interest in their scientific research results, which obviously confirmed his conjecture.

"I... have created a biological drug that can break the inhibition of fruit wine on nerve stimulating substances. It was just developed."

"Just caught me."


I wanted to get a wave of'wow'.

What material.

The reactions of the people around him were rather mediocre, and his acquaintances were just a dazed expression, there was nothing else, "Aren't you surprised?"

Ai Kedo can't stand it.


But the only one in the world!This expression is too hurtful.


There are more hurtful ones.

The acquaintance smiled, "It's nothing, you are not the first to develop it, nor is it the first to be caught in this prison because of this."

"as far as I know."


"It can only be ranked... after five."

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