Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 469: The Power of'Through the Sky'

Seeing that Bao Kaiyu and Zhai Zhihua agreed, Chai Ren was truly relieved, and finally pulled Tang Qing into his own "interest circle", not just the previous "familiar relationship".

As long as he has a good relationship with Tang Qing, he believes that he will benefit greatly in the future.

Chai Ren happily said: "Well, since everyone has no problem with the equity distribution and the capital contribution ratio, then we will operate this matter as soon as possible. You should also know that there are a lot of real estate people in Beijing, and the background is very complicated.

Although our respective families are very powerful, it is not too easy to bite a piece of meat in it. However, at least our starting point is high. Now the capital city is expanding outwards. Soon, the suburbs will definitely To become a city, these meats have already been topped by countless people, but I believe that with our joint efforts, everything is not a problem."

After a pause, Chai Ren’s "nonsense" was of course not addressed to Bao Kaiyu and Zhai Zhihua, but to Tang Qing, mainly to explain to him how deep the real estate industry in the capital is and how difficult it is to participate. Don't have too much resentment for the extra 200 million yuan.

Although Chai Ren felt that Tang Qing was very sensible and should understand, he had to talk about it.

Seeing Tang Qing nodding his head in agreement, Chai Ren was also relieved, not making up this nonsense.

Chai Ren went on to say: "We have set up the company in the past few days. The company procedures are handed over to me, and we will settle it in three days. However, your money does not need to be received within three days. It will be fine at the end of this month. , Should be enough for you to prepare, after all, it is not needed now.

I have also matched three pieces of land. They are all old factories in the capital, occupying a large area. I am responsible for contacting and purchasing to ensure that I get them. As for the conversion of industrial land to commercial housing land, as well as construction and sales approval, it includes Brother, you do it.

As for Brother Zhai, don’t worry about the loan. I’ll talk about it when we get these pieces of land. Then I will find a new land to buy with a loan. This billion yuan should be able to take down these three pieces of land, and then mortgage the loan. Buy a new land."

After listening to Chai Ren's words.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Next, several people discussed the name of the company again, and one person picked one. Finally, after voting, Chai Ren's "Jingcheng Huatian Real Estate" got the highest number of votes and passed unanimously.


They discussed the details of the company, who will manage it, how to supervise it, dividend rules, etc.

Finally, at Chai Ren's suggestion, Tang Qing asked Tianyan to join him as a third-party finance company.The operating supervision company is responsible to the four shareholders of "Jingcheng Jinghua Real Estate" within the scope of their cooperation, and the real estate company pays corresponding remuneration to "Sky Eye".

Yes, Tianyan has to recruit people again. Tang Qing guessed that Dou Jiao would call and talk about him again.

See things finished.

Seeing that it was late, Bao Kaiyu and Zhai Zhihua left in a hurry, because they were both family members, unlike Chai Ren, eh..He will have a family in two months, so the two rarely stay away overnight.

to be honest.

When the two of them were young, what tricks and ways did they not play?Now they are all people in their late thirties. They are not hormonal eruptions in their early twenties. They don't have much interest in going around looking for excitement.

At this time, although there is still a bit of playfulness, but think about the homework of the children at home, the lovely daughter is arguing to see her father, they incarnate the role of father in two moments.

"Master Chai, come on, this time next year, I will be ready to come and eat the full moon wine." Chai Ren will also go home tonight, will not live here, Tang Qing followed him to the car.

"Uh, I can't guarantee this. It's impossible to have children without getting married." Chai Ren didn't have a good air, and he was pregnant in October and the full moon. Eleven months, that is, one month before marriage, he had to make Zhan Xi pregnant.

Chai Ren didn't dare to think about the difficulty of this hell level, because he hadn't had anything to do with Zhan Xi, thinking about it, I felt awkward, but there was no way. Mission, running around, thinking about a lot of things, not a lot of time to think about men and women, secondly, it is not in a hurry, and it is not that I have never touched a woman, I am in a hurry.

"Nothing is impossible, plan it out." Tang Qing laughed.

"Let's try our best. How many red envelopes are you going to pack?" Chai Ren asked about the red envelopes proudly.

"What's our relationship? How vulgar to talk about money." Tang Qing joked.

"...Are you not talking about money, are you going to come here again?" Chai Ren was very cooperative,'angry' said.

"Yeah, they are all fathers. I can't bear a meal after such a happy day." Tang Qing said naturally.

"Go, go, make friends accidentally, you go back quickly, pay attention to'safety', otherwise, whoever's baby is born first." When he walked to his car, Chai Ren made a final counterattack.


Chai Ren was struck by this counterattack.

"... Friends, goodbye."


Tang Qing turned and left.



Why hurt each other.

"Hahaha... see you tomorrow." Chai Ren laughed and pulled back a round in a good mood.

He liked the atmosphere of chatting with Tang Qing very much.

Pressing Tang Qing and disappearing at the entrance of the'Autumn Palace'.

Chai Ren took the car and went home.

After one hour.

Chai Ren returned home.

This is a heavily guarded compound. There are extremely strict security measures inside and outside. Monitoring, patrols, and police dogs are uninterrupted 24 hours a day. Obviously, they are all important tasks for living inside.

Seeing the light on his father's study, Chai Ren knew that his father Chai Guoqiang was waiting for him.

Come in.

Walked into the study and sat on the chair opposite Chai Guoqiang.

"Is it done?" Chai Guoqiang asked casually, not looking up.

"Yes, Tang Qing injected 400 million yuan in capital, accounting for 25% of the real estate company." Chai Ren replied.

"400 million? He has so much spare money?" Chai Guoqiang raised his head in surprise.

Chai Ren nodded and said: "Yes, he said that his friend helped him invest in futures, gold, exchange rates, etc., and he would get dividends every month, which would make a lot of money. He even said that there would be three more in a week. I want to come, this is what his friend helped him invest and earn."

"300 million dividends a month, what do you think?" Chai Guoqiang asked.

"I... feel a lot better." Chai Ren smiled bitterly, 300 million yuan, although not necessarily every month, but one year later, 1 billion 800 million yuan should not be a big problem, otherwise Tang Qing will not have so many. Money opens various companies.

"..." Chai Guoqiang's face turned black.

"Who asks you that there is not a lot of money, but whether the business is legal and how it is made? Do you really believe that it is made from futures and gold?" Chai Guoqiang glared at Chai Ren and said.

"I'm a little skeptical, but there is no trace showing the source of Tang Qing's money." Chai Ren had already checked Tang Qing's bank account, but found that there were only a few hundred thousand yuan in the bank account under Tang Qing's name. There are hundreds of millions of yuan in the accounts of various subsidiaries, but that is the operating capital, and Tang Qing can really use only about 10 million yuan.

As for the four billion yuan promised by Tang Qing, he has no clue at all.

I want to hide it.

"Strange people, strange things." Chai Guoqiang bowed his head and muttered.

Chai Ren said in a hurry: "Yes, I feel that both Tang Qing's friends and Tang Qing are a bit mysterious, and Tang Qing doesn't seem like a high school student, but sometimes she is silly and cute."

"Tang Qing... Tang Qing... He must know something." Chai Guoqiang took off his reading glasses and tapped the tabletop lightly, making a sound of'dong dong'.

"Know what?" Chai Ren asked curiously.

"His friend's affairs, and the'black prison' in Africa, and even the unknown website-'Tongtian'." Chai Guoqiang raised his head and listened to Chai Ren's eyes.

"Tongtian? What's wrong with this website?" Chai Ren questioned. He remembered that he had logged in before, but it didn't seem to matter, so he hadn't taken care of it for a long time, so he was very confused when Chai Guoqiang mentioned it..

Chai Guoqiang shook his head and sighed: "You, really don't pay attention to your partners. Didn't I ask you for the account of Tongtian last time. Do you remember the business inside?"

"I remember, it seems to be currency exchange, information consultation, and task release. What's wrong, it's still very useful, but I don't need anything." Chai Ren thought for a while and said.

Chai Guoqiang chuckled and said, "Hehe, you, too, your intelligence source is still too narrow, in your opinion, it is of little use, but you don't know what it has done in this period of time."

"Oh? What did you do?" Chai Ren responded very cooperatively.

Chai Guoqiang slowly said: "I don’t know about currency exchange. I haven’t tried it. I tried it for information consultation. Generally, it’s less important information, but it’s useful for ordinary people. But the third item of the task is released. Provoked a lot of things.

Did you know that during this period of time,'Tong Tian' took on a large number of debt collection tasks, although not all of them were under the banner of Tong Tian, ​​but the method of behavior was the same, that is, to force people to pay back the money quickly without fail."

"Debt collection agency?" Chai Ren said in surprise, how can I still play the task release?

"It can also be said that the remuneration they collect for debt collection is 50% of the debt. As far as I know, their income will not be less than one billion yuan last month alone, and it may be far more than that. "Chai Guoqiang introduced again.

"So many? How do they collect debts, threaten?" Chai Ren exclaimed.

"Smart." Chai Guoqiang said the same as his son was white, but he was actually saying: You are not talking nonsense, if you honestly tell the debtor, who will pay the money.

"Isn't this just grabbing?" Chai Ren grasped the'point' a little vaguely.

When Chai Guoqiang heard this, he shook his head and said: "No, I admire them, because their debt collection tasks are not always accepted. They are very principled. For example, if unjust don't accept it, it's like usury, not under 10 million yuan. Furthermore, even if the debtor owes more than the total debt collected, they will leave a certain amount of living expenses to the debtor.

This is what an old friend of mine in Australia told me, just to collect his friend’s debt with another person, “Tongtian” can get a commission of nearly 300 million yuan, but they do not publish tasks through the website, but It is because there are agents in the local area. They get in touch with the bosses, and they can find them if they need them.

To put it bluntly, what I know now is probably the tip of the iceberg of "Tongtian". I don't know what is the relationship between "Tongtian" and "Black Prison", nor whether there are other types of missions for "Tongtian". But Tang Qing, a high school student, can treat rights as equals and has no fear of you at all, so three things can be certain.

First, Tang Qing knows many things, but he didn't tell the truth to us.

Second, his friend's power is so strong that he doesn't fear our family at all.

Third, he has a very good relationship with his friend, so good that he can shoot any of us at any cost.

These three points may be the source of Tang Qing's confidence."

PS: It's the end of the month, ask for votes.

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