Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 803 Resident (please subscribe!)

He Liang didn't know this until he was abroad.


When He Liang first joined the company.

He knew of a headquarters in Qingyan City. The headquarters was not large. It was located on the edge of the Qingyan City Development Zone. It was a two-story small office building, a single-story indoor training ground, and a three-story accommodation building.

Next to it is a large training ground.

After joining the security company, everyone has to undergo a half-month recovery training.There are also a few small cars and an ordinary bus. The others are just passable.

This is all he saw.

I think it’s not easy for the company to survive, and that’s the core assets. Apart from these, there are only people like them. If that’s the case, the company’s future is really hard to say. Suddenly, there is no salary if the security is uneven.


He learned that his boss turned out to be the chairman of Shengtang Group, so he relaxed a little, at least not to worry about the salary not being paid.

But my heart is still not at ease.

After all, it is not easy for a security company to make money.

An industry that is not profitable, how can the boss pay much attention to it, and finally it is regarded as a non-quality asset, and it is possible to sell it, although the general manager has repeatedly said that the boss is very rich and will not sell it.

But he was still worried.

Until he was sent here.

He has thoroughly seen the company's wealth and extensive business, and since then, he has no longer worried about not being able to pay wages. With this size, there is no shortage of money.

It’s just that there are more and more doubts in my heart. Why is their boss doing this?

Is it just admiration for soldiers.

Arrange a job that pays them well?


After He Liang explained.

When the team members are looking at the car, their eyes are bright. Bulletproof equipment, as long as they bring the word "bulletproof", it has a huge attraction to them.

Although they have not taken a car worth more than ten million.

For those advanced equipment, ten million is just the starting price.

However, they had never taken a bus with a value of at least 10 million yuan. Sitting on the chairs, they felt the low roar of the high-horsepower engine, dragging the moving iron bump.

After half an hour.

They came to the company premises in the suburbs.

After two levels of security, they discovered that this place turned out to be the wealthy area of ​​Kinsa, with various villas covering a large area on the left and right, which was completely different from the messy, messy situation outside.

Asphalt road.

Lush greenery.

Masonry sidewalk.

There are also sanitation workers in clean clothes.

He Liang explained: "Because of the serious security problems in Kinsa City, the company bought a large villa here and rebuilt it. In the next few days, your pre-job training will also be here. get on.

The villa has all the daily necessities. You don't need to go out to purchase. You can't leave alone during the training days. Before you set off, this car will take you around the city specially, but you can't get off..."

He Liang kept talking about the rules.

The players listened carefully.

This place, coming from the airport, is all in a mess. There are black military police everywhere. They are not interested in going out for excitement. It's so nice in the villa.


Come to the villa.

They saw the dense barbed iron nets on the surrounding walls, as well as panoramic monitors. At the door of the villa, the door was not the thin iron gate of other rich people's residences, but an electric motor with a thickness of five centimeters. door.

of course.

It can also be opened mechanically by hand.

At the door there were also two men in company uniforms on guard, with bulging waists, apparently guns.

This makes them feel that they are not at the company's premises, but at a heavily guarded base, which is completely different from the domestic base. The domestic base only has cameras and the doors are thin-skinned iron doors.

The door opened slowly.

The two at the door saluted them and expressed their welcome.

Enter the villa.

It is a green area with a lot of vegetables grown on it. There are some poultry in the corner of the wall. Poultry is less, mainly vegetables.

"The vegetables here are very expensive, and there are very few types, but the ocean-going vegetables are not fresh, so we grow a lot of them here. They are not available here or are very expensive. When you go to the mine, grow them. Vegetables and breeding are also your work content."


He Liang pointed in another direction and said: "We will put two hounds in every corner and in the middle. These hounds are specially trained. You usually don't provoke them. Although you have not bitten anyone so far, it is better to be careful. ."

Following what He Liang pointed out, they saw two large-sized hounds in a cage in a corner. These hounds were lying there quietly, without being tied up, and the cage was open.

There are two types of hounds, one is the Chinese police dog, and the other is the Pitbull, which is motionless. Even when the car comes in, it only looks up, but the eyes never leave them.

Their eyes tell outsiders.

As long as it is a living thing in the field of vision, it is under its supervision.


The so-called barking dog will not bite.

These are the words handed down from the ancestors.


The car stopped slowly in the parking lot.

The players went down quickly.

Formed into three teams.

He Liang continued his work.

"If the general manager is not here, this training will be hosted by me. I will take you to the place where you live. You should be thankful that the conditions in this place are good. I have learned that even those large central enterprises do not have our office environment and Security level.

Even the mines are the same. They have what they have, we have them, and what they don’t have, we have them.

Haha, there was a state-owned enterprise next to a mine. Many of their daily necessities were bought from us, and the surrounding tribes did not allow them to hunt and fish. We generally did not care."

He Liang is a little funny when he talks about this.

Differential treatment.


State-owned enterprises are the boss, everything is the best.

But when you go abroad, you can only become a cat.

The local gangsters dare to go up for blackmail, and generally they will give some relief.

What the local tribes are not allowed to do, they can only obey.

But their companies are different. As far as He Liang knows, almost every company in Africa contracted by their security mines belongs to the'first-class' people, and no one comes up to blackmail at all.

Even if there were, they would probably be stopped by the surrounding tribes on the way.

Under the influence of an unknown force, what they want to do, as long as it is not excessive, the surrounding tribes and forces will try their best to cooperate.

Life was quite comfortable.

of course.

They did not dare to relax.

All security guards are not stupid. The company must have done the work behind the scenes and paid the price.

Otherwise, these tribes and forces will never be so honest.

But things are not absolute. Even if the nearby troubles are resolved, there are still many potential dangers.

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