Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 834: Those who come out of a thousand, die (seeking subscription!)

Just when Tang Qing was watching the rain.

United States.

Las vegas.

The sun has just set.

Now, it is the busiest time in this city.

Faircross Imperial Hotel.

The casino is very lively.

There are basically casinos in Las Vegas hotels, and the scale of this hotel's casino can also be ranked in the top five here. The daily traffic is huge, and gamblers and tourists from all over the world gather here.

it's here.

There is no weekend.


The rich can come anytime.

You don't need to wait until the weekend to rest. Because this is an American holiday destination, the hotels are almost full on weekends. In order to avoid crowding, the rich prefer to come during non-weekend hours.


A hustle and bustle broke the hidden prosperity.

"Help, someone wants to kill me, call the police, hurry."

I saw a white young man running around in the casino, rushing, and pushing several people, causing a scream. The young man's hand was still in a cast, as if he was injured.

Seeing this young man's face panicked, many people retreated to safety.

Gamblers talked a lot.

But no one ran around.

Because the person chasing him is the security here.

This young man was chased by the security guard, he must have committed a crime.

As for what happened, Las Vegas has been open for so many years and can be chased by the casino security. What else can happen? It has violated the interests of the casino or the interests of other gamblers.



Out of a thousand.


Anyway, it will not be a good person.

Although there are more security guards and fewer bullies, no one has come forward to'reach justice'. Here, money is justice, and the hotel side is justice. The background of these hotels does not need them to doubt.

I saw the gamblers all watching the play.

Ignore him at all.

The white young man was in a hurry.

He knew that once caught by these hotel security, he might not be able to go out completely. The young man secretly cried out and learned how to count cards with probability on TV. But the first time he did it, he was arrested. Up.

He didn't know what went wrong until now.

His name is Bell Caswell.

A few months ago.

He just watched a movie when he was admitted to a university.

It is a mathematician with extraordinary talents. Using his powerful mathematical brain, he was able to make a lot of money by using knowledge of probability and statistics in the casino, and the casino did not treat him well.

Because this is not a thousand, after all, you can't let others come in without thinking.


The man was invited out respectfully.

After watching the movie.

His brain is also active.

Calling a few friends together, it took several months to finally come up with a mature'solution'. He knew that real casinos would not be so easy to talk about.

It is impossible to kill people, the most likely is to take back the winning money and not let them in for life.

Compared to risk.

The benefits are greater.


After the test.

The first actual combat today.

Excited and turned into a rat crossing the street.


After a staggering, Caswell accidentally fell, and fell to the ground like a dog eating shit. The plaster in his hand was broken, revealing the mechanism inside. Seeing this scene, the gamblers instantly understood.

At this moment.

The security guards rushed up, pressed Caswell to the ground, and held it backhand.

"Help, don't let them take me away." Caswell roared.

He was just a student who had just entered university, and he was also interested in doing this. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and with a little luck, he finally has the courage to implement it. However, he has no'on-the-spot experience' for the things in front of him.


The baton of the hotel security poked him in the waist.

The painful Caswell was sweating and wanted to scream, but found that his mouth was also blocked. At this time, a man in white manager costume came up and explained with a smile to the surrounding guests:

"Everyone, you have all seen, this person brought in things that shouldn't be brought in, and undermined the fairness of the casino. We just want to talk to him and let him stop this behavior. I hope to understand the inconvenience caused to you. ."


The manager took Caswell to think about the special passage. The security guards picked up the broken machine parts on the ground and took them away. The noise in the field was restored for a while.

Looking at the back of the young man.

Gamblers can't help shaking their heads. Young people are bold. This kind of trick is not new. If you still play, you are really crazy for money, and you are still playing in such a world-class venue.

They can only admire Caswell's courage.

"Poor child, they wouldn't do anything to him?" a sympathetic woman said, covering her mouth.

"Of course not, so many of us watched, and the plot is not too bad, at most let him pay back the money." The male partner next to him took a sip of wine and smiled.

"is it?"

"of course."


The 15th floor of the hotel.

Caswell was brought here.

The stick just now made his head dizzy. Caswell didn't know where he was taken. He only knew that the security guards were very powerful. His whole body became weak due to pain and fear.


Caswell was thrown to the ground.

Lie on the ground.

Feeling the soft and warm carpet, Caswell reluctantly stood up and looked around. It seemed to be an office, but it didn't seem to be. After all, this is a hotel, and many senior suites have study rooms.

"Boss, we found that this person used the communicator in the plaster to send and receive messages, and when he was taken away just now, he disturbed other guests, sorry." The manager's voice sounded in Caswell's ears.

The front is in front of the high table.

He was lying on his stomach.

Can't see the person at the table.

"It's okay, now it's a special situation. I was seen by someone and reminded the person in the dark how he passed the security check." A middle-aged man's voice came from the table, and Caswell quickly sat upright.

See the man's face clearly.

A lean white middle-aged man.

The eyes are sharp and cold.

With this pair of eyes, Caswell felt like being watched by a poisonous snake.

The manager quickly said: "When he came in, he said he had a steel needle in his hand and provided a certificate from the hospital, so the security let him in. Later, when he saw that his eyes were wrong, he focused on observation and found this person soon. It may be out of thousands."

After listening to the manager's explanation.

Caswell couldn't help trembling physically, and he finally realized where he had failed, not in technique or method, but in psychology. Due to the tension, his eyes were unconsciously cast and exposed.

"Oh? Newbie?" The man looked at Caswell with a sneer.

Caswell quickly said: "Yeah, I did it for the first time, I'm sorry, sir, I was wrong, I shouldn't come to your casino, nor should I cheat, please forgive me this time, I don't dare anymore... "

Caswell tremblingly pleaded.

It's different from ordinary splashes.

Caswell is young and energetic, and he is a college student. He doesn't compromise his life so deeply. It makes him burst into tears, and he really can't do it.

This also leads to the view of others.

Caswell's apology was insincere.

The middle-aged man goes around the table.

Squatted down.

Suddenly smiled kindly.

"It's okay, the first time I do it, I will be nervous."

Seeing this smile, Caswell breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that things were not without leeway. He squeezed out a smile and said, "Yes, just want to try if it works. Don't worry, I will never come ."

It seems to approve this answer.

The middle-aged man patted Caswell on the shoulder and smiled: "I believe you, but we still like the guests to come to play, as long as you don't bring this next time... plaster, ha ha.

By the way, your companion, you know, I run a casino, just want to meet promising young people, or call them out and sit down, let’s have a good chat, and I also learn anti-cheating methods ."

Caswell is not deeply involved in the world.

Think about it.

It seems that the reason also makes sense.

"Good." Caswell nodded happily.

"Tell me the address and I will have someone pick them up."

"Okay, they are on the fifth floor of your hotel, E511." Caswell said truthfully. When the middle-aged man heard it, he gave the manager a wink, and the manager immediately took the people out.

After half an hour.

A black freight car left the city.

The original office.

"Boss, it's all taken care of."

After hanging up the phone, the manager said respectfully to the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man nodded slightly.

Dealt with.

Of course it's a few people from Caswell.

This kind of corpse collection has long formed an industry here. Some people specialize in this kind of thing. These "professionals" can solve all the troubles, even if the last place of consumption for the dead is here.

However, within the scope of American law, they will have nothing to do.

Although several people died.

However, the middle-aged man's face was not at all happy, but frowned.

"It's not them, who are these people, and where are they?" the middle-aged man murmured, tapping his fingers on the tabletop, making regular tapping sounds, and the more he thought about it, the more irritable he got.

In the casino accounts of the past few months, it is hard to see that he wanted to kill, not only him, but he also secretly investigated and found that other casinos in Las Vegas are the same. The accounts in the past few months are very ugly.

In his opinion.

This is definitely a gambling master in the game.


The secret has been investigated for a long time.

Frozen, there is no clue.

everything is normal.

But the profit of the casino was not normal. He knew that he had met a master this time, a master who made the game and made them into the casino as well as other casinos.

He didn't make a big announcement.

the reason is simple.

Such a master.

find out.

It’s not better to use it for yourself, why should you expose it, and these people must have made a lot of money, once they find the other party and know the other party, then you can get a lot of the hush money.

It’s just that the dream is beautiful.

The reality is very slim.

The investigation has stayed at the very beginning so far. In order to deter the other party and to thoroughly confirm the speculation of being made, the middle-aged man made the decision from the moment he saw Caswell.

From now on.

Inside his casino.

Thousands out.


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