Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 836 Suspect Life (Please subscribe!)

The basement.

After a brief silence.

Crazy cheers erupted from the stands.

"Broken face... Broken face... Broken face..."

The rich screamed the name of "Shamian".

Every new resident fighter is born, no matter which side they supported before, no matter who bet, they will cheer the audience, because this means that there will be more exciting programs to watch in the future.

They are a group of rich people who seek excitement.

Not a gambler.

Come here just to see the excitement and have fun by the way.

Boxing matches are just one of the amusement items in this manor. There are also many "interesting" programs, such as cat girls in the audience, just grab them and don't need money. Of course, you have to give tips.

In addition, there are many special interest services.

Service items are updated throughout the year, with new surprises every week.


Boxing matches only.

Even if you lose.

Winning or losing hundreds of thousands and millions of euros will not make them too painful. The betting amount of more than two million euros is very small. Tu Yile, who can make them happy, money is a small matter.

Few people called their names below.

The coyote became irritated.

"Hawk..." roared.

Enduring the pain, the tail wolf waved his fist and rushed towards the "Broken Face".

Two seconds later.

"Kang Dang..."

The tail wolf flew back again, and then, like a tenacious fighter, attacked again, hoping to find a way to crack it.

"Kang Dang..."

"Kang Dang..."


the reality is cruel.

With the same posture and the same attack method, the "face-breaking" in front of him only used one move---kick, and kicked the tail wolf back again and again. So far, the face-breaking has never been punched by the tail wolf.

"It's great, face off, attack, take the initiative to attack, hit him so he can't stand up again..." Karnes in the audience was already crazy, shouting at the stage, this desperate effort, it seems It is really possible to turn over.

"Hit... hit him... hit him on the head..."

Karnes waved his fist as if he was the one in the game.

But the bad face on the stage ignored him at all.

Just stand like this.

Waiting for the next attack of the tail wolf.

It stands to reason that such a'quiet' game is far from the excitement.


The rich here eat this set.

Such a handsome action has never been seen before.

It is more exciting than the punches they fought before. They already know that this is the difference in strength. The tail wolf seems to be big, but the speed is not as fast as the new face.

In the face of absolute speed.

You can't hit the enemy.

No matter how strong an attack is, it makes no sense.

"Broken face... Broken face... Broken face..."

In the field.

There is no other voice.

A corner.

The organizer Andre Wardham was watching with great interest the ineffective attacks on the court. With a Brazilian cigar in his mouth, the wine glass in his hand was gently shaken, and the red wine flowed in a beautiful arc in the glass.

"Where did this man come from?" Wardham asked.

"This person was introduced by Karnes, and the others were not introduced." A steward next to him replied immediately.

Wardham smiled and said: "Interesting. I haven't seen such an interesting person for a long time. Focus on it. After the end, I will take it from Karnes. Then I will see his true strength. If possible, he is suitable. A bigger stage."



At this moment.

No one in the court felt that the tail wolf would win.

The tail wolf felt the same, his whole body was sore, and his mentality was very hurt. His pride had collapsed in the blink of an eye after being hit dozens of times, and now he had no hope of victory, but he wanted to fight the opponent dignifiedly.

The tail wolf stood up with difficulty.

"Do you want to end the battle like this? I want to see your true strength." The coyote stared at the opposite person's eyes, his eyes full of eagerness. Even if he were to lose, he could not be defeated by others' defense.

"Are you sure?" Shamian spoke for the first time.

The voice was cold.

The tail wolf smiled with joy.

Nodded sharply.

"I confirm."

"as you wish."

After finishing talking, he made a defensive action that was very low similar to free kick. In the solemn eyes of the tail wolf, he attacked for the first time and then...There's no after that.

A whip leg.

The tail wolf crossed his hands.

This kind of defense is the most effective and perfect way to deal with the whip leg in free combat. While blocking it with your hands, move your head back a bit to increase the buffer distance.

Even if Tyson came...

"Kang Dang."

Thought of this.

The tail wolf just felt like he had been hit by a car on his wrist.

Then his hand and his face came into close contact, and then he flew out gorgeously, and fell to the ground with darkness before his eyes, unconscious, and heard the last voice...

It was the sound of hitting the iron fence.

The tail wolf crashed to the ground.

Silence the audience.

One by one opened his mouth wide.

Looks like a ghost.

What did they see just now?

The coyote's two-handed crossbar was broken by force, and it broke through in a crushing manner. If it weren't for the coyote to release the water, then the power of the whip leg was too great.

And the tail wolf's posture just now was indeed kicked out by someone, so there was no way to fake it.

Even Karnes below was stunned.

He knew he would win.

But I didn't expect to win so shocking, this time I really picked up a treasure.

Waldham trembling hands.

Pointing to the court as if it hadn't happened at any time just now, he stood up and said excitedly: "This person, he wants to come from Karnes, no matter how much money, he belongs to us."




With these three at the same time, it will be a perfect boxer.


In the field.

The tail wolf was judged to be incompetent.

The host's voice sounded at this time.

"The fighting thorn just now was not exciting." In driving the atmosphere, the host is professional, his voice is broken, but such a voice can make people feel the excitement of the broken sound

"Excitement." The wealthy were very cooperative and let out the loudest roar.

See the game here.

It's worth it.

"Isn't it that bad?"


The host’s broken voice continued to yell: "Okay, I announce that in the sixth game, we will win the game and become our new sixth resident fighter. According to the rules, once a new resident fighter is born, he can have a chance. .

A chance to challenge other resident players. Failure without penalty. Once successful, you can get a higher order of appearance and a prize of 100,000 Euros. Mr. Shamen, please tell me, what is your choice?"

He said indifferently: "I want to challenge Sequence One."

"What are you talking about? Are you talking about player number one?" The host was blank.

Think of the size one.

The host froze.

That's a real heavyweight player, his body is simply more than a lap bigger than the face.

Such a battle.

It's not fair in itself.

For example, Muay Thai fighters attack fiercely, but their thin body shape determines that they may not be able to beat fat people sometimes. Although it is a joke, the tonnage bonus is not just a blow.

"Yes." Bromian nodded.

Supporters are not nonsense.

"I would like the number one player, Roshan."

Off the court.

There was a disdainful expression on the face of the number one fighter.

Just stood up.

Stepped onto the stage.

The height of two meters three to five.

Enough to make ordinary people desperate.

The high bulging muscles weighed nearly 300 kilograms, which was the weight that could really crush a person. As the No. 1 resident fighter, he had occupied this position for nearly three years without losing.

Also these three years.

He has enjoyed women from all over the world.

Night life.

But he is also diligent and never relaxes in exercise, just to avoid being kicked.

Roshan looked at his face.


Seeing the indifferent expression on his face.

"Wait a moment, I will make you cry." Roshan secretly said.

Rushed up.




"Kang Dang."

One minute later.

Roshan lay on the ground.

Count the stars in front of you.

Began to doubt life.

The smile on his face has long since disappeared.

Instead, they were horrified and unbelievable. In one minute, in just one minute, he was beaten as a grandson by the "face". He was beaten like a sandbag, causing multiple fractures throughout his body.

Several ribs were broken and hurt everywhere.

Especially the face, which is already swollen and non-human.

On the other hand, the face is broken.

Even the clothes are not messed up till now.

just now.

He has broken his leg and wrist, and so has his wrist.

Losing one hand and one leg, he can't stand up anymore, lying on the ground, panting heavily, his eyes are hollow, and his heart is sad. Is his good life coming to an end?



The pain told him.


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