Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 840 Discovery (please subscribe!)

A few minutes later.

The sky above the cave.

The light flashed.

"Boom... Puff through..."

A huge blue container crashed into the water.

There is no distinction between the transmission direction of the transmission node.

Just put the teleport node on the top of the hole, and the teleported item will appear wherever you want.

The door of the container was opened, and water was continuously poured in. Soon, the container sank, and a burst of undercurrent and bubbles were rolled up where it fell. If a person is on it, it will definitely be swept away.

One hundred meters.

If it is in the air.

The fall time is only four or five seconds.

But in the water, it dropped for more than half a minute.

At a distance of two meters from the ground, the container stopped, Tang Qing thought, and the gold bricks on the ground flew towards the container under the action of invisible neurological force.

After confirming that there are no gold bricks below.

The container dropped slowly.

More than thirty centimeters in the silt.

The soldiers began to put the gold bricks into the containers, and the submersibles were recovered.

And Tang Qing.

Started to spin around.

He is going to help.

But not to help gather the gold bricks.

It's about packaging and transportation, reducing one process, don't forget, he is a person with'space equipment', a full thousand cubic meters, really want to help pick up gold bricks, where is the container and fighters.

He can do it alone.

Just a few minutes while waiting for the container.

Tang Qing peeled away the thick silt underneath, wanting to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net. When the more than one meter thick silt was peeled away, Tang Qing found a lot of broken gold in addition to fragments of rubies.

This is not rough.

But gold ore fragments.

This aroused Tang Qing's curiosity.

That Duke Miyi shouldn’t be thinking about it. There is so much gold and he threw down such unrefined ore particles. If there are a lot of gold ore particles here, it means that there is an upper reaches of the underground river. A gold mine.

As for here.

Tang Qing did not hold out hope.

With the mining conditions at that time.

It is simply impossible to extract gold ore from here. Even with the current technology, mining at a depth of 100 meters is not easy unless...The water level here was not so high before.

Tang Qing suddenly had such an idea in his mind.

"Tang Yi, lower the detector and draw a topographical map below the water surface." Tang Qing ordered immediately.

"Yes, commander."

Three minutes later.

The top of the cave flashed again.

A probe like a gyro was dropped.

One meter long.

At the moment of falling.

The upper and lower two ring devices start to rotate. Each ring device has a laser emitting head on the left and right. The principle is also simple. It continuously rotates at a high speed and determines the underwater terrain through the reflected information.

The two ring devices above and below the detector use two lasers with different spectral frequencies.

A probe.

A confirmation.

However, the scattering and refraction ability of water is too strong.

The maximum detection distance is only 400 meters, which is dozens of times shorter than the ground detection distance, but that's it, it's already strong against the sky, and the cost of the fucking thing is also against the sky.

160 million yuan.

This is still the cost price.

It's more expensive than building a satellite. Fortunately, this thing is not only for detecting underwater terrain, but also has the function of exploring and positioning underwater moving targets for nearly ten kilometers. It can find submarines and fish.


With so much money, Tang Qing would never let scientists make it.

Tang Qing made distressed.

This is also one of the reasons why Tang Qing is making money wildly, that is, as time goes by, scientists in the scientific research area have become more and more scientifically involved and use more and more powerful materials.

The crazy growth of its research and development costs made Tang Qing want to tear it up when he saw the budget table.

Too scary.


It is still the whole system, all types of scientific research are carried out at the same time.

It's really burning money with a boiler.

Still throw in a handful.

The probe fell slowly at a speed of one meter per second, and on Tang Qing's watch, a projected topographic map from the surface of the water was continuously generated. After more than a minute, the entire topographic map was generated.

The detector floats automatically after its work, and is recovered by the soldiers above.

Looking at the projection in front of me.

Tang Qing found that his guess was not wrong. It was really not filled with water before, because during the detection, there was a wooden bridge from top to bottom in the distance, but the wooden bridge was decayed and only some traces could be seen.

Since the wooden bridge is still more than ten meters below the water surface, it has not been found before.

Tang Qing discovered that the underground river had two outlets.

One is at the bottom, blocked by stones, and there are obvious artificial traces, because they are huge gravels, which are by no means naturally formed, but there is no blockage, and the water is still flowing to the gap.

And the other is the current water outlet, almost flush with the water.

Tang Qing understood immediately.

The lower outlet was previously open.

Thought of this.

Tang Qing floated under the water.

Come to the outlet.

Due to the high water pressure, undercurrents continue to flow around the gap. If it is close, it will definitely be sucked over, but the gaps are very small, even if it sucks, it is impossible to suck Tang Qing over.

"What will happen if these stones are opened?" Tang Qing's desire for destruction began to rise.

Do what you think.

Tang Qing touched a stone.

Nerve thought force slowly covered and penetrated, less than a second, when the nerve thought force covered the whole stone, suddenly, the stone disappeared in front of him and was taken into the ring by Tang Qing.

After the stone disappeared, the original place was instantly filled with water.

Then thousands of tiny bubbles emerged from the place. This is a phenomenon caused by the air in the water coming into contact with a vacuum environment. When the ring collects things, it collects all the particles in the area into the space.

It looks quite interesting.

The stone just now was not a support point, so it didn't cause anything.

Tang Qing started the next one.

The next minute.

Dense bubbles continue to rise, and Tang Qing also thought about using explosives, but he was afraid that something unexpected would happen, so he should just move away the stones that others had moved, anyway, he didn't worry.


When Tang Qing removed a large stone with a diameter of one meter.

The entire smooth structure was destroyed.

Some of the stones in front of them began to shift and tremble.

At the same time, a huge thrust came from behind him, and Tang Qing knew that it was the acceleration of the water flow. He stood on the mouth of the water flow and felt a lot of power, but the magnetic resonance was connected with the earth's magnetic field.

Want to push Tang Qing.

Then it depends on whether the force is stronger than the adsorption force of the neurological force and the earth's magnetic field.


This kind of suction that ordinary people can't resist at all, can't shake Tang Qing for the time being. Watching the shaking of the stone grow bigger and bigger, Tang Qing insists on standing here against the current.

Tang Qing gave an order: "Tang Yi, let the soldiers start to float."

"Yes, commander."


Tang Qing walked about 20 meters to the left, left the range of the blocking rock, and stood by its side, because there were still rocks to support, just in case, if he was accidentally involved.

Although he couldn't die, he could return to the command room at any time, but it was shameful.

When the soldiers all floated up.

Tang Qing began to collect rocks on the edge.

When the third stone weighing several tons is collected.


The blocking structure in front of him completely collapsed.

Under the tremendous pressure, the stones rolled towards the deeper place, and the surrounding water suddenly increased. After feeling it for a while, still unable to shake himself, Tang Qing released his hand holding the rock.

Looked at the projection on the watch.

He saw that the water level in the pool was dropping, but it was very slow. According to the calculations of the command room, it would take more than four hours to drain. It was too slow. For four hours, Tang Qing should get up.


Where the stone was washed away.

Tang Qing saw something.

The expression was stunned.

How come there are railroad tracks here?

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