Reborn Super Bank System

Chapter 843 The Flowing Money-Making Machine (Subscribe!)

Brody will never accept such'accusations'.


Things really can't be good anymore.

Although he is a cruel man.

But it also depends on the target, facing Apache in front of him, facing the Finnish military behind these people, and the Finnish government, he can only pretend to be a grandson, no, he is now a grandson.

"Sir, I don't know the Finnish martial law zone here, nor do I know that it is Finnish national property. As for the armed forces, they are only used for hunting." Brody hurriedly took the responsibility out.

"is it?"

"Really, this is a misunderstanding." Brody nodded quickly.

At this moment.

The talking soldier walked to Brody, leaned in his ear and said softly:

"One million euros."


Brody was shocked.

What followed was a joy.

Use money to buy peace?

It looks good too.

One million euros is a bit of pain for him, but a few votes can recover the cost. It is much better than being sued by the Finnish military and government. Freedom is priceless, but it is still a bargain.

this price...


The cold muzzle pressed against Brody's forehead.

"We do not accept counter-offers."


Brody nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Three minutes later.

Calm is restored here.

Although there is no threat.

Brody still had a cold sweat on his forehead.

He didn't expect that the other party actually found his bank account and asked him to transfer money directly from the computer. After trembling to enter the password, he was a little afraid that these people would swallow him up.

It now appears that the other party is very trustworthy.

Did not make them abrupt.

Seeing his subordinates are still in a coma.

Brody was alone and kicked, because the people just said that the pain can wake them up. Sure enough, the method worked very well. All of his men woke up. The first thing to do when waking up was to find a weapon.

"Where is my gun?"

"Why are we here?"

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"FUCK, who attacked us so special?"

"Where is the treasure?"

"Yes, where's the treasure?"


Brody yelled, "Shut up, this time it was the Finnish military who attacked us, which is the national property of Finland. I just spent a million euros to save us. I will go back first and find a place to suppress my shock. "

"Boss, no, is it fake? Frighten us." One of the subordinates doubted.

Brody glared at the subordinate irritably.

"You can drive an Apache full of ammunition here, you show me the whole one, even if there is something there, we can't make an idea. Remember, don't talk to the outside, otherwise we don't want to enter the country in the future."


Similar things were also found in two other places.

Both Borjen and Jackie were separated to prevent them from fighting. Jackie was let go after being warned. Borjen, like Brody, paid a million euros in'save money.' '.

They also promised to keep it confidential, and promised not to set foot here in the future.

As for true and false.

never mind.

Because one hour later, the cave was completely sealed.


The next night.

Tang Qing once again personally visited the underground "island".

Saw the soldiers were installing a huge device.

Water sample testing found.

The water here has a high gold content, and many small particles of gold will disappear in the water outlet with the water flow, and flow to nowhere. In order to avoid waste, he decided to build some filtering devices here.

The first filter unit has been installed and put into operation.

This equipment has been finalized.

Specially used for'polluted water treatment', it can filter all kinds of large and small impurities and pollutants in the water, and the effect is very good. In the future, it will be mainly used for sewage filtration in chemical plants and other enterprises.

It can also be used to filter domestic sewage.

It is the key product to be re-launched by the'Myanya Special Economic Zone', but it is not yet on the market. The final pre-market test is being carried out in the territory, and all sewage companies have installed it.

When the overall test is complete.

The listing process will begin.

After the trial operation of the first set of equipment.

Found gratifying results.

Under the'waterfall' where the filter is installed first

The amount of particulate matter collected per hour is one ton. Although the gold is only less than 30 kilograms, the win is long-lasting. As long as the device is placed here, energy will continue to generate money.

If these five "waterfalls" are all fitted with filtering devices.

Even if it is only one hundred kilograms per hour.

The output of gold in one day is more than two tons.

Looking at the river in front of me.

Tang Qing's eyes are full of love.

Because this is a flowing money-making machine.

Profits are being generated all the time, and the rate of generating money is more than the sum of all the gold mines controlled by Tang Qing. Although the gold cannot be used out, it can only be burned by scientists.


April 30th.


After more than three days of day and night excavation.

The height of the entire underground "island" has dropped by nearly three meters, forming a shape that is high on all sides and slightly lower in the middle. Otherwise, it drops three meters as a whole and the land area will be reduced by half.

if that's the case.

It becomes working in the water.

Excavation work is still ongoing.

To complete, the command room estimates that it will take more than a week.

With the harvest of these three days, Tang Qing laughed from ear to ear every day. The gold reserves used to increase at a rate of tens to hundreds of kilograms, but in the past few days, it has increased by tons.

Six hundred and seventeen tons.

It was smelted in these three days, and this is not the transportation volume of these three days, because the smelting capacity of the smelter is limited, and I never thought that there would be so many gold mines.

As a result, the warehouse of the current smelter is already full.

Tang Qing doesn't know how much gold he will get in the end, he only knows: this year's budget has fallen.


Shanghai stock market.

Fudan University.

Although today is Sunday.

But tomorrow is May 1st Labor Day, and there will be a week off. After class adjustment, classes will also be held this weekend. Tang Qing had no class in the afternoon, so he followed Lin Jiaxue to their class to listen.

This is not the first time Tang Qing has come.

The classmates in Lin Jiaxue's class met Tang Qing, and even the teacher knew him. The reason was not because of Tang Qing's looks, but because the teachers sometimes asked Tang Qing questions, and he was able to answer them likewise.

Many insights are also unique.

One last question.

I found that there was no such person in the class.

It was accompanied by his girlfriend, so after a few moments, Tang Qing was remembered by them. Although Tang Qing is not in the journalism department, Lin Jiaxue’s teachers sometimes still like to ask Tang Qing.

Because they found that Tang Qing's perspective on the problem was completely different from the other students below.

That is the gap in the height of the field of vision.

Can often point directly to the essence in one sentence.


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