Chapter 1200 Daily Gathering

  After Lu Xiaoxiao washed the cucumbers and tomatoes, she returned to the main room, then handed a cucumber to Liu Ermei and said, "Second sister, eat a cucumber to relieve the heat."

   "Xiaoxiao, you'd better save the cucumbers for cooking, I'll just drink water."

   "Eat it. I don't grow cucumbers for cooking, but to eat them raw. Fruits are too expensive to buy, so I grow cucumbers and tomatoes as fruits."

Second Sister Liu stopped being polite to Lu Xiaoxiao after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She reached out and took a bite of the cucumber that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, and then she immediately said to Lu Xiaoxiao with bright eyes: "Xiaoxiao, this Cucumbers are crunchy and sweet, so delicious."

   "If it's delicious, you can eat more, if it's not enough, there's still more in the backyard, as long as you can eat it."


  After Liu Ermei finished eating the cucumber, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, please tell me about Liu Meihua's wedding."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing what Liu Ermei said, and then told Liu Ermei everything she saw at Liu Taohua's house today.

   "Hahaha...It's so funny. I wish I could see it with my own eyes. People really can't do bad things, otherwise they will be rewarded like Liu Taohua."

"You're right."

   "Xiaoxiao, do you think Liu Taohua will come to take revenge on you?" Second Sister Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Why do you think so?"

   "When I heard Liu Taohua say that her mother was sorry for her that day, I saw that Liu Taohua was very vengeful, so I was afraid that after she got married, she would instigate Cripple Liu to take revenge on you.

  Although lame Liu is a lame man, he still has some skills. Once I saw him and the captain’s second son calling him brothers, so if Liu Taohua asks lame Liu to help her take revenge on you, then you will be in danger. "

   "Don't worry, they dare not come to retaliate against me, don't forget that I am covered by someone."

  Second Sister Liu was stunned for a moment when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then she patted her head with her hand and said, "Why did I forget that you have a backer, now I feel at ease."

   "Eat at my house in the evening, the vegetables in the backyard are basically edible. I promised you that I will treat you to a meal when the vegetables in the backyard are cooked."

   "Okay, let me help you."

  After more than an hour of hard work, the dinner was finally ready. After Lu Xiaoxiao put the steamed buns on the table, she said to Second Sister Liu, "Second Sister, let's eat."


   "There are two handfuls of smoked chicken legs, one for you and one for the other. They were made during the Chinese New Year. Try it if you like it." Lu Xiaoxiao put a chicken leg into Liu Ermei's bowl and said.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ermei Liu picked up the smoked chicken leg and took a bite. The meat of the chicken leg was firm, moderately salty, and had a faint smoky taste. It was really delicious.

   "Xiaoxiao, your smoked chicken legs are really delicious." Second Sister Liu said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "If you like, I can teach you how to do it. You can make more at home in winter. After the smoked chicken legs are cooked, they will not go bad in the barn for a year."

   "Let's forget it, it's hard for my family to eat meat, but I don't have chicken legs to smoke."

   "It doesn't have to be smoked chicken legs. When hunting in winter, you can buy some pig heads and pig legs to smoke. The taste is not worse than smoked chicken legs."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Second Sister Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao in surprise, "Really?"

   "Of course it is true. After the winter hunting is over, I will go to your house and teach you how to do it."

   "Thank you Xiaoxiao."

   "Hurry up and eat, Qingcai won't taste good when it's cold."


  (end of this chapter)

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