"Go to the place where my brother works, it's more suitable for you.

Hearing this, "Matsuno Aoi" turned his head and glanced at Matsuno Yingan who was not far away, and then said: "I checked on the Internet, they say that killers all ask for commissions, brother, if I ask you to kill grandpa, how much commission do you need?"

Lu Xiangxi tilted his head, thought for a while, and then replied: "If it's someone else, it's not much, if it's you...... His life was worthless.

"Why? I don't understand.

"Because his life doesn't deserve you to spend so much money on it." Lu Xiangxi's tone was soft, "What's more, wouldn't it be better for you to do it yourself?"

"Matsuno Aoi" thought about it, and felt that Lu Xiangxi seemed to be right, but she was a little disappointed: "However, I don't have the ability to kill him now."

Lu Xiangxi replied: "So, if you go with me, I can teach you." He stood up and stretched out his hand to the little girl, "Would you like to go with me?"

Matsuno Aoi looked at the hand that reached out to her, and then put it up, her hand was gently held, and when she looked up, the young man smiled at her: "Let's go, let's get out of here." "

Organize the base.

The place where the Lord was located, in the deepest part of the entire base, was accessible only to Rum, Gin, and Belmode.

And if Lu Xiangxi wants to see the boss, he also needs to contact Rum first to get permission.

"Brother, where are we going?"

"Go see our boss. Lu Xiangxi opened the door in front of him through iris recognition, there are many ways like this, he glanced at the little girl who was being held by him, "Don't worry, the boss is a kind person." In

a sense, the adult was indeed very kind, and of course, kindness does not mean that he is a good person.

In front of the last gate, Lu Xiangxi saw Rum, who was waiting there.

"Smirno, the mission is well accomplished. Rum praised first, and then went to look at the little girl who was being led, "This child is?"

Lu Xiangxi nodded: "It's her." Aoi-chan, I'll be waiting for you outside. The

gray metal door opened, and Aoi Matsuno walked in alone, the last test she had to face alone.

"This collaboration with the Matsuno family is really an unexpected gain, if you hadn't discovered those secrets of Matsuno Hidegishi. Rum said to Lu Xiangxi, "It is more convenient for the organization to have such a person in the neon political circles."

Lu Xiangxi leaned against the wall and replied: "Actually, I was just interested in that kid at the beginning to investigate, but I didn't expect to dig up something more interesting." "

I've seen her report. Rum said, "At the age of seven, the IQ of 130 is still two points behind, but it is already considered a genius." Merely...... The psychological problem is quite serious.

Lu Xiangxi glanced at the closed metal door and said with a smile: "If it weren't for this serious psychological problem, I wouldn't have noticed her." As long as she is taught well, she will be the main force of the new generation of the organization. "

You seem to think very highly of her?" said Rum, curious.

"Really?" Lu Xiangxi curled the corners of his mouth, "Probably because she is more in line with me?"

Rum didn't continue to ask, and only he knew what Lu Xiangxi was thinking in his heart.

At this time, the metal door opened from the inside, and "Aoi Matsuno" appeared at the door, she raised her head and said, "Brother, the boss called you in."

Lu Xiangxi and Rum glanced at each other, and walked into the room covered with metal plates together, and the center of the room was still the huge metal electronic eye.

“BOSS。 The two said in unison.

"Smirno. The voice of a middle-aged man with an electronic voice sounded, "This kid is very good. You brought her back, what do you think of her arrangement?"

Lu Xiangxi bowed his head slightly and replied, "Xiaokui is young, and there are still many things to learn.

"Indeed. The electronic eye blinked symbolically, "Then who do you think is appropriate to be her guardian?" Most

of the children in the organization are sent directly to the Juvenile Training Department, where they will receive systematic and comprehensive killer training. Very few children are assigned to a member of the organization as a guardian.

Children who can have guardians are basically carefully cultivated because of their high value, such as Shirley. It's the same as the regular class and the elite class in a school.

It's just that as guardians, some guardians only have names, such as Gin is named to Shirley, because most of the time Shirley is studying abroad.

Of course, there are also serious guardians, which is equivalent to personal training. Then the relationship between the guardian and the ward will inevitably be more intimate, which is equivalent to cultivating a confidant.

Lu Xiangxi didn't know if this question was if Karasuma Renya was testing him, or if he really wanted to hear his opinion. The reason why he brought "Aoi Matsuno" back, in addition to the untraceable compassion that moved after investigating her life experience, Lu Xiangxi's biggest purpose was to cultivate a real henchman to prepare for the future.

Akemi Miyano has always had hidden dangers, and it is difficult for Kimime Shimabukuro and Aso Shuori to be promoted and get the code name in a short period of time. And "Matsuno Aoi" is completely different, she belongs to the organization that brings capital, and the entire Matsuno family is her capital, as long as she lives, she can threaten Matsuno Eian at any time.

Then why did Matsuno Yingan dare to give people to Lu Xiangxi? Because he wanted to give favors, but secondly, he never took "Matsuno Aoi" in his eyes, and he didn't even know the true face of this little girl who was bullied by everyone on the surface.

Lu Xiangxi thought for a moment, and then replied: "What does the boss think, how are his subordinates

?" "Oh, you?" The tone of the electronic voice did not fluctuate.

"Yes. After all, it was his subordinates who brought Xiaokui back. Lu Xiangxi's tone was reasonable, "The cooperation with the Matsuno family is a great achievement for the subordinates, and if you don't want other rewards, just hand over Xiaokui to your subordinates." After all, his subordinates also want a henchman.

Rum looked at the young man who had always bowed his head slightly, he didn't expect the other party to say his thoughts clearly. Is there no heart or ...... The city is too deep, first raised and then suppressed?

He felt that Smirno was the latter.

"Hahaha......" The electronic voice laughed, "Smino, you are frank, just say it, aren't you afraid that I won't agree?"

Lu Xiangxi curled the corners of his mouth and raised his head to reveal an innocent expression: "How could it be?" The boss has always known that his subordinates need people the most, Sister Chrissy, Brother Formation, and several other A-level members have younger brothers, if I don't, how faceless it is." Although Xiaokui is still young, she is smart, I am very optimistic about her, and she will definitely be my help.

"I can't help you, okay. Then you will be the guardian of this child. The electronic voice seemed to be a little helpless and said, "This time the affairs of the Matsuno family have been done well, only such a reward has wronged you, what else do you want

?" Lu Xiangxi beckoned to "Matsuno Aoi", and the little girl ran towards him with the doll in her arms: "BOSS, can I give my reward to Xiao

Aoi?" "Give it to her?"

"The subordinates asked Xiao Kui and the BOSS for a code name, the name Matsuno Aoi is too obscure." "

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