Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 612: Problem Solving (Happy Chinese New Year)

The released necromancer left the camp and did not immediately go to find his colleagues. Instead, he found a place and meditated for an hour or two. After fully recovering his mana, he used a few for himself to prevent detection. And the spell of tracking, only to set off to find other undead.

Of course he had a way to contact other undead, and in less than half a day, he found the undead hidden in an underground cave.

Different from the mighty group of several hundred people at the beginning, there are only a dozen or so undead left in the vicinity at the moment. Because of the failure of the war, the brigade had already returned to their stronghold, leaving these people just for the convenience of contact.

"What? Those human beings want to do business with us?!" After listening to his introduction, a high-level necromancer in charge of this stronghold was shocked, only the chin of the skeleton almost fell to the ground, "Is there something wrong with their brains?"

"Probably yes, but I think at least their thinking is very clear. They only talk about business, not war. I also asked at the time, what if there is a fight while doing business? They said, if you want to fight, welcome; if you want to do business, Also welcome."

"...The way of thinking of living people is really incomprehensible! When we were alive, we never thought about things like this."

"God knows, we've been dead a long time after all."

The two (dead people are also human?) discussed it for a while, and basically decided on this matter, and then they used magic to contact the high-level necromantic forces and asked for instructions to apply for supplies by the way.

To treat 7,000 people, the amount of drugs needed is not a small amount. This base is not large, and there is no way to get so many drugs.

I heard that the traversers wanted to do business with themselves, and the high-level necromancers were also overwhelmed by lightning. They kept asking them, turning a few simple questions over and over and asking them many times. If it wasn't for the undead being not affected by illusions , they even suspected that the captain was hit by a spell.

But in the end, they agreed to the deal.

Anyway, it's just an antidote for 7,000 civilians, and it's not a loss to be able to exchange for more than 20 necromancers who have already become preliminary.

Moreover, they also have good intentions for the power that can summon huge monsters and repel the legendary powerhouse head-on.

The current undead forces are not the behemoths that will shake the world in the future and make all the countries in the Western Continent terrified. Although their strength is already very strong, they are divided into several organizations and have not been truly unified, not even a preliminary covenant. The organization "Walking Dead Wasteland" is not particularly strong among the necromantic forces, because their specialty is to train a large number of low- and middle-level arms. As for those high-end arms, they can't train them, even themselves, in the undead. The profession is not high-end.

In the entire "Walking Dead Wasteland", there are only two legendary powerhouses in total. Naturally, there is no confidence to fight against the traversers.

And... they also felt that what the transmigrators said was very reasonable.

War is war, business is business.

They are willing to do business with Thracians, and they don’t mind doing business with Thracian enemies. Besides, this business is very safe, as long as they refuse to admit it, even if the travelers claim that the antidote comes from them, Thrace There is no evidence over there, and there is no way to take them.

But when their messengers went to visit the temporary camp of the traversers, they still emphasized "don't spread the word about this business."

Of course, the transmigrants said that they would never spread it out—others weren’t as open-minded as they were. It was very taboo for a living person to do business with an undead, and they didn’t want to cause trouble.

With the sincerity of both parties, the deal was successfully negotiated. The traversers used those prisoners as a price in exchange for an antidote that could remove the poison from the seven thousand strong men.

As for the issue of spells... it's not a problem with spells. There are more than one necromancer in the traversers, and it is not difficult for them to cancel the spells.

It's just that if you don't detoxify first, it's useless after the spell is lifted, and it may make these people panic or even fall ill. That's why they thought about detoxification first and put the detoxification later.

The antidote was some viscous potion, dissolved in a lot of cold water, and then given to the poisoned, dumbfounded Thracians, who, after some vomiting and diarrhea, were able to relieve the poison.

Two days later, the poison and the curse were lifted, and standing in front of the traversers were seven thousand civilians from the eastern and southern border regions of Thrace.

Yes, only civilians, not even militias.

Although they had initially returned to normal, and they had just eaten a full meal, but one by one, their spirits were lethargic, their eyes were dull, and they didn't look much better than before.

Because the traversers have already announced that those caught this time will be severely punished for their criminal acts of invading Tarakhan.

In Xilu, if we want to say "severe punishment", it is probably nothing more than three choices: whipping, chopping or hanging. Even if the whipping is the lightest among the three, there are often cases where the victim died due to wound infection, chopping the hand. Not to mention, bleeding to death is commonplace. These civilians are not very courageous. When they heard the word "severe punishment", they panicked in their hearts. They were able to barely stand, and they had already benefited from the meal they had just had.

Sanyu stood on the temporarily set up platform and glanced at the group of people with majestic eyes. Even if the Thracian civilians he saw did not meet his eyes, they felt terrified, and many people just stood unsteadily. , fell to the ground.

Sanyu's pair of jackal-like eyes is a very important talent for him. With these eyes, he can use several special skills, "Coercion" is one of them.

In the face of his coercion, these civilians will be afraid even if there is no ghost in their hearts, not to mention they are already afraid.

After a while, in the midst of trembling, Sanyu announced his punishment plan.


"Your crimes will be converted into servitude." Sanyu said, "Until the servitude is completed, you will have no vacation, no salary, let alone start a family. All of this will be discussed after the servitude is completed."

"Considering that you are only accomplices in this invasion, we can deal with it leniently and reduce the original ten years of hard labor to five years. But don't imagine that you can escape or resist... To be honest, I actually have some expectations. I want to see one or two people who don't know what to do, so that you can see our methods..."

On the stage, Sanyu smiled maliciously with a very vicious expression.

Under the stage, the captured Thracian civilians looked at each other in disbelief, without the slightest panic on their faces.

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