Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 614: spring ploughing

It was the end of February of the 781st year of the continental calendar when the traversers had completely settled down the Thracian prisoners.

This time is the beginning of spring ploughing. Several major crops are ready to be sown. In particular, cassava, the most important food crop in the Tarakhan area, needs to be bred now so that it can be grown on a large scale in April. planted.

The breeding of cassava is a technology developed by the travelers themselves. Naturally, there is also an agricultural tradition of breeding in the Westland region, but traditional breeding is all for rice. No one has ever thought that cassava can be bred.

Among the traversers, there are still many talents who have some understanding of agriculture. Uncle Volibear has been farming for many years. Although he mainly grows vegetables, he is familiar with all the work in the fields. Sean grows melons and fruits at home after he was discharged from the army. Liu Daoqing and others came from the countryside... Combined with everyone's experience, this group can barely be taken The traversers, called the "Agricultural Group", have researched a lot of agricultural improvement plans, which have been gradually verified and are gradually being promoted.

Surprisingly, the best in the promotion of agricultural technology is the northern region of Tarakhan.

Locke used his violence to establish a rural self-help cooperative organization, and through the relationship between Jian Shisan and Xingzhao brothers and sisters, he eased the relationship with the barbarians in the northern forest. At present, the northern border of Tara Khan is quite peaceful, and it can be said that the house is closed at night. , The road does not pick up.

Really, because he and his subordinates often wandered around in the dark, once they found out that they were criminals, they would basically be arrested and sent to hard labor.

The most common hard labor is to farm in barbarian villages. In the face of a group of barbarians who do not understand the language and have the habit of eating raw flesh and blood, those thieves can't wait to cry for grandfather and grandma, but it is useless, because the barbarians in charge of supervising them don't understand what they mean - Jian Shisan, this unscrupulous Fudge these honest people, the tradition of those outsiders is that the more happy they are, the more sad they are...

In fact, even if these thieves can deceive the barbarians who supervise them to release them, it may not be a good thing. The "prison locations" arranged by Locke are all villages deep in the forest. A person without any tools really needs a little protagonist template if he wants to escape the vast forest alive.

Obviously, none of them have something as high-end as the protagonist template, so the security situation in the north is getting better and better.

In fact, there is another factor that hinders law and order, that is, the lord and his subordinates, but the lords in the north of Tarakhan really dare not make trouble-they are eager to turn into tortoises now, hiding at home every day, lest something happen He provoked the rampant Demon King Locke and was hanged and beaten to death.

Locke's words mattered, and he promised not to kill the lord casually, that is, not to kill casually. At present, his method is to hang up those lords who have provoked him, use a cane to draw, and use magic treatment while drawing, until the cane is broken, it is "one". Depending on the severity of the circumstances, the most serious ones were even punished with "twelve sticks".

That time, it took more than ten days to beat, and I didn't know how many executioners were changed before and after. All the lords who came to visit voluntarily or who were forced to visit, all had a pale face, fighting with both sides. After returning home, they became more honest and did not dare to cause trouble at all, lest they would also be hanged up and beaten like this - that unlucky guy, it was just him. The flesh that fell off was piled up on the ground...

For Locke's method of solving problems purely with violence, Anthony was very disdainful, saying that "violence cannot solve problems". And Locke's answer was "Violence is the foundation of everything, and it must be supported by violence before we can talk about other things"... Anyway, the two of them often quarreled when they were talking, and everyone was used to it.

Violence has proven effective. For example, when competing for important resources, when conditions are on a par with each other, a person with sufficient violence clearly has a much better advantage than a person with insufficient violence.

The group of prisoners assigned to the northern border of Tara Khan were arranged by Locke to various villages, and basically every village had some, and they were completely scattered. They will work and live together with local farmers.

Locke did not treat this group of people as prisoners. In his view, these people were just victims of the war. Even if they were guilty, it was those who started the war who committed the crime. They were also victims, so they were only busy for more than half a day. In January, when the spring ploughing was over, he announced that because of their good behavior, their sentences ended early, and they would not be included in the file.

Anthony's approach was different from him. The Earl of Tarakhan gathered the prisoners and arranged for them to work in mines, logging fields, etc., and also arranged for guards to monitor them. Although he is not stingy in terms of diet, he is quite vigilant about these captives and does not mean to relax at all.

After the spring ploughing was over, Locke came to visit the castle again.

This time, he brought the wishes of those former captives.

"What? Are they going to bring their own family?" Sanyu asked in surprise, "Are they having problems with their brains? They can't live a good life in Thrace. What are they doing here?"

"The living conditions in Thrace are not good." Locke had talked with them a lot during this time, and he naturally understood their thoughts, explaining, "The tax in Thrace is higher, and agriculture is also behind us. The most important thing is Their laws are more stringent, and due to the years of war, they are also more ruthless in the plundering of the people... The lords have already felt the heavy pressure, and the farmers who have been transferred by them, the days can be imagined."

"But... hasn't the territory of Thrace expanded a lot?"

"Territory expansion, it is the lords who benefit, what does it have to do with the peasants?" Locke sneered and shook his head, "Besides, they are the poorest among the peasants, neither have the courage to join the army, nor dare to jump out to resist... These people are the most oppressed. In contrast, our life is stable here, they can really live and work in peace and contentment, and of course they want to bring their families over to enjoy themselves.”

"Can farming also be called 'enjoyment'?" Sanyu asked suspiciously.

"Whether you are happy or not depends on who you are comparing with. Before we crossed over, we were naturally unfortunate when compared with the rich men of the Haitian Festival; but compared with the refugees in the war-torn regions of the Middle East, of course we were happy."

Sanyu thought for a while, agreed to Locke's request, helped him contact people, went to the Thracian border, looked for the families of the captives, and tried to take them to the north of Tarakhan.

However, before that, the traversers still have a problem to deal with.

That is... a group of messengers from the capital of Terrera.

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