I couldn't help but retort, "Let's hurry up and leave. It's not good to be blocked by people later." The other girls thought the same. They looked at us pitifully. The girl who was almost hit by the ball whispered to me, "Thank you for what you did just now."

What was there to thank? They were originally in the same class. Although I did not remember her, I said, "You don't have to be so polite to a student from the same class. Let's go." Dragging Brother Hua back, Brother Hua said: "We can't do it now. We'll have to wait for a while. I'm guessing they're definitely waiting for us outside. They'll leave if they get impatient later."

I said, "Where was that bravery of yours? Are you scared?" Brother Hua said with a smile, "Wasn't it on the spur of the moment? If a man can yield, let's hide for a bit." Those girls were so scared that they busied themselves at home. Thinking about it, those hooligans wouldn't do anything to those girls, right? A girl walked over and asked me, "Why aren't you two leaving yet?" It was the girl who was just about to be hit by the ball.

I said, "It wasn't easy for me to come out for a walk, so I decided to stay for a while. There's no point in going back." The girl answered with an 'oh' and said, "My name is Qin Xuemei, from the next class." After saying that, I extended my hand over. My face reddened. So, it turns out that they're not in the same class. I pretended that I understood what they meant by 'there's no need to be courteous'. I hurriedly grabbed her hand and said, "Oh, oh, how are you?" She looked at my embarrassed expression and smiled. "I know what the two of you are worried about. How about this, the two of you come with me. I know a path out."

This is a sandy road, it's not an easy road, it's full of holes. Qin Xuemei accidentally twisted her leg, and almost fell down, but fortunately, I was behind her, so she quickly let go of me and squatted down, rubbed her ankle, and said, "It's okay, it's not easy to walk here, you guys be careful."

As soon as we walked out, we saw a few people sitting in front of us. They were the ones that started the conflict with Brother Hua. The leader stood up, pointed his stick at us and said, "Okay, I knew you would come here." Then, he took out his phone and called a few people. They were all seven people from the disgruntled society with sticks in their hands. I thought to myself that they were already enemies. I turned around to look at Brother Hua, but he was so scared that he didn't know what to do.

I sighed to myself. I really had gotten myself into a lot of trouble. I silently activated the fox's blood and thought to myself, "If there's really no other way, I'll just pull the two of them and run. However, I'm not a tricycle. How can I carry the two of them on my shoulders?"

While he was lost in his thoughts, those hooligans walked over. Brother Hua's legs and stomach began to shake as he muttered, "What the f * ck are we going to do about this?" The leader of the hooligans pointed his stick at Brother Hua and said, "Weren't you quite capable just now? Ah, what happened this time?" I said, "Well, let him apologize to you, okay?" That hoodlum was stunned for a moment before laughing out loud: "Are you stupid? You just apologize and everything will be over?" I said, "So what else do you want?" "It's simple, just kneel down and kowtow three times for me," said the hooligan.

When Brother Hua and Qin Xuemei saw my actions, they pulled at my clothes, meaning that we must not make a move. Otherwise, what if we just add another girl and we get beaten to death? Qin Xuemei nervously bit her lips, and I said, "I'll give you one last chance. Like this, he'll smash the ball at you, and you'll smash the ball at me, fair right?"

Before his stick could even hit me on the head, I pushed him aside with a kick and pushed him and Qin Xuemei aside. At the same time, I grabbed hold of the hair of the person closest to me and pulled him into my arms, who was in pain and came to me with both hands. I strangled him, placed my fingers on his eyes, and threatened, "Stay away from me, or I'll gouge his eyeballs out."

With this scare, those people became scared and slowly backed away. I wanted to laugh inside, I'm not a madman, how can I cripple someone in broad daylight? Then, I really don't want to live anymore. I said to Brother Hua while backing off, "You two, hurry up and leave." "I can't leave you behind," Brother Hua stammered. I said, "I'm begging you, hurry up and leave. I still have my heart at ease with you here." Qin Xuemei pulled the weak Hua-ge and ran away. Soon, it was gone.

At this point, the person I kicked stood up, clutching his stomach, his face pale. It seemed that my kick was enough for him.

I said, "Bro, let's just forget about it. Alright, I have some money in my pocket. I'll use it as compensation for you." After that guy got kicked by me, he was obviously unhappy and refused to let me leave even if he was dead.

Just when I was wondering if I should knock these guys out before running away, I suddenly heard a girl "It's them". I turned around, it was Qin Xuemei and Brother Hua, followed by a few security guards in blue clothing.

The chubby security guard in the lead walked over. With a red face, he pointed at me and said, "Hurry and let him go." I let go, and the guy scrambled back, and I felt something furry in my hand, a few strands of colorful hair, and then I looked at that man, who I had been so focused on just now that I didn't even know he was doing it, and whose hair had been pulled down by me so many times that he was now looking at me with hatred, and if I wasn't wrong, there were tears in his eyes, and it would be a long time before I realized how important hair was to these people who killed Matt.

The fat security guard pointed at me and said, "You ignorant bastard, all you can do is come to the school to scare the students. Hurry up and leave. If you don't, I'll call the police." Qin Xuemei said to him, "He is a student with us." The fat security guard felt rather awkward. He pointed at the scumbags and scolded them for a while before they left dejectedly. The fat security guard said, "You students, you don't know to stay away from these people." The three of us quickly nodded, and the fat security guard taught us to leave after a while.

This weekend passed just like that. I thought that going to school was still an important matter, so I went there early in the morning, only after much difficulty did I manage to find my class. When I went in, I was in my morning class.

I said, "I'm a student of this class. My name is Sun Hao." The homeroom teacher and the rest of the class looked at me with amazement. After a while, the homeroom teacher said, "Oh, Sun Hao, you're out of the hospital?" I hastily nodded my head. The homeroom teacher arranged for me to sit alone in the last row because my original seat had long since been occupied by the newbies. Now that Brother Hua was in front of me, the homeroom teacher said to me, "You have to hurry up and study.

After class, Brother Hua came over to me and said: "You little brat still know to come to class? It's almost the end of term. If it were you, I wouldn't have come." I said, "That won't do. If I don't pass the exam, who knows what tricks Master will come up with to deal with me." Brother Hua said, "I didn't expect you to be so good. Ah, right, yesterday you scared me. Who knows that those bastards will try to stop us. You must hold a grudge." I said, "If you don't hit him with the ball first, he won't hold a grudge like that." We talked nonsense for a while before class began. I sat up straight all day and listened attentively, but because there were so many classes missing, I couldn't understand a lot of what the teachers were saying.

I walked with Brother Hua at school tonight and asked him this question. Brother Hua said, "What's this? If you don't understand, then that's it. Come to my house. I'll show you something new." He didn't try to force me to do it when he saw that I wasn't interested in anything at all. In the evening, he returned to the shop and took the math book and went upstairs to read. His master muttered, "What's wrong with this kid's personality? When did he start studying like that?"

After reading for a while, my first two big ones, what the heck is this? Why do you think a good math book even has Arabic characters on it? What is this Arta Beta, what is this? After reading for a while, I felt as if I was reading from heaven, so I threw the book away and lay down on the bed.

At this time, his Master and Senior Sister came up. His Master said, "What's wrong, good disciple? What are you worrying about?" When I said that I couldn't keep up with my studies, Master picked up my book to read it and also threw it away and muttered, "What is this?" The Senior Sister said, "Junior Brother, don't count on Master to help you. Our Master has spent a lot of effort reading a newspaper, holding a newspaper here, a dictionary here, and a book here. On the cover of the book, there are five big words." Senior sister's words made me laugh out loud. Master said, "Go teach your junior brother." The Senior Sister said, "I can't do that. I'm a liberal arts student."

At this time, my phone rang and sent a text message. My phone was given to me by my master, so I didn't need it, it was an old computer, and it looked silly, and at first I didn't want it, but after thinking about it, I decided to accept it. This phone can only send messages on the phone, so it wasn't useful, but it had one advantage, it was sturdy, so strong, so many times I accidentally knocked it off the floor when I fell asleep, but it was fine, so when the phone rang it was as loud as a loudspeaker.

I opened the message and saw that it was a stranger, 'You must be Student Sun Hao, I am Qin Xuemei, I want the number of your phone from Qi Fenghua, save it, it's convenient to communicate'. She was rather passionate, so we started chatting on the cell phone, and when she heard that I was troubled with learning and couldn't keep up with her, she proposed to give me supplementary lessons. I was just about to be polite, but thinking that it wasn't a bad thing.

Soon, a phone call from Brother Hua arrived. "How is it, Hao Zi? You have a good time chatting with this little girl, right?" I thought to myself, this kid is really boring, "Fire is hot, the two of us have been having academic exchanges." Brother Hua smiled maliciously and said, "Just drop it, you brat, you're so malevolent, academic my ass, are you trying to fool this little girl? Let me tell you, this guy was conquered by your performance yesterday, so he's too embarrassed to ask you. He asked me about your cell phone number and it seems like he fell for you."

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