"Sun Hao, come up on stage and try to solve this question." Looking at the teacher's eager gaze, I tried to lift my stiff legs and walk towards the stage.

The more I read, the more confused I became. Not to mention the things that I study now, I even lost all the knowledge that the teacher taught me last semester, today is the first class today, the math teacher usually doesn't ask me any questions, I don't know what's going on today, but the first question I get asked is the first question.

I slowly walked towards the podium. In these few seconds, I had almost forced out my Fox Blood, and everything around me had slowed down. I saw the math teacher slowly raise his eyes, and behind his gold-rimmed glasses, his kind eyes revealed a hint of hope.

I stood stiffly in front of the blackboard with chalk in hand. Looking at the densely packed questions on the blackboard, I felt a sense of desolation in my heart. What and what was this? Other than a few numbers, the rest were foreign languages.

"Teacher, I don't know how to …" A mosquito-thin voice came from my mouth, and I almost wondered if that was what I had said, but when I said it, I couldn't help but lower my head. I had always thought I was pretty thick-skinned, and now I was blushing white.

After a long time, the teacher finally spoke, "Oh …" Then, there was a dead silence. I looked over in the corner of my eyes and saw the book in the teacher's hands frowning slightly, I couldn't be angry and was prepared to teach a lesson here, "Sun Hao, this question is pretty basic, you can leave first."

Hearing this, it was as if I had received an imperial decree, I almost kneeled down to knock on the door. I hastily walked back to my seat in a flustered manner, and when I reached it, my face was still burning. The teacher found a good student with good math and quickly solved the problem. Speaking of which, I thought that I had a thick face, but in reality, my face is still short. I have never seen the world, so I can't get any exercise, and I can't compare to other people's children in big cities. Looking at that Brother Hua, when she was called by her teacher, her expression didn't change at all, and with a slight smile on her face, she said 'no' so quickly, much better than me.

"Students, let's put down the textbooks in our hands first. I want to free up some time to listen to your opinions on studying. Why do you think you would sit here listening to an old lady? What are your plans for your future first?"

What did that mean? After a minute of silence, the teacher began asking, most of the students who were asked were shy, and the answer was always to study hard in order to find a good job, earn money, support the family, and the future. Isn't the future clear? Looking for a job and then finding the right person, getting married and having children, then raising children and watching our own children learn and get married and have children? Isn't that how our parents came here?

It was unknown whether they were truly ambitious or just bragging. They talked about how great their dreams were, and what kind of people they wanted to be. They talked about it so passionately that even a resident director would feel wronged if they didn't act like it.

The teacher looked at us and said, always maintaining a smile, that kind of calmness and calmness that is incomprehensible at our age and far from achievable. When I got here, I stood up and said, "Learning is to master knowledge, to master knowledge so that one can become a useful person to society and to the people." I gave myself 60 points for this round of answers. I don't think that there are any flaws. I have never sought anything good, but I have never wished for anything good. There shouldn't be any problems answering the question with this standard and positive attitude.

Seeing that it was almost time to end class, the teacher asked us to stop and answer, "Students, you are all right, some of you are not happy, some are even pessimistic, but I can understand, this is the truth, you can say this clearly, this is a good thing, indeed, a few of you came here according to your will, a few are willing, to put it bluntly, a few do not hate this, you treat this as a prison, you as a place to suffer, and as your teachers, I can also tell you clearly, no matter how hard you try, you can't catch up with some people. There was some laughter in the class, and the teacher continued to say, "But, there's no other way, the world is always unfair, all you can do is face it, God didn't give you an outstanding appearance, a good family background, a beautiful voice, a strong body, even if you don't have that, don't be unwilling because of it, even if you don't have anything, you still have to feel good about it. Children, remember, what you can bring to you is not worth cherishing, I hope that my students can achieve something in their studies, but I hope even more that you can experience the happiness and happiness of life."

The teacher's words gave me a lot of inspiration. It was a long time later that I found out from the other students that at that time, a classmate of mine had a divorce from his parents, causing that classmate to be depressed. During that time, it was our teacher who helped her in her life and studies, allowing her to smoothly enter the ideal high school.

"Sun Hao, you really don't have any talent in science at all." After school started, Qin Xuemei once again took on my supplementary mission, but this tyrannical student had no choice but to face me. It has already been a few days, and I don't even know the simplest of questions. I wiped off my sweat and said, "You can't blame me for this.

Qin Xuemei said, "You're right, but it's very difficult for you to get into a good high school like this." "Then let's give it a try." "Then it would be even harder to get into a good university." "Then, let's give it a try."

She put the book down and said, "Sun Hao, your way of thinking is very dangerous." Seeing her pretend to be serious, I couldn't help but want to laugh. I reached out to take the pen in her mouth and said, "Alright, genius, I'm not in danger. Your appearance is really dangerous. Be careful of lead poisoning." It was great to say that he was young. Earlier, he was sweating profusely because he could not solve the problem. In a moment, he would become a laughingstock.

"I say, am I stupid in your eyes?" She shook her head. "No, no, I don't think so. Sometimes, you seem pretty smart." "But I'm not as smart as you." "Isn't that very normal? There are a few people who are as smart as me. Don't use my standards to ask for your help, it will be very tiring." Beauty Qin, you aren't so arrogant in school. " As the two of us were having fun, I suddenly heard a sigh mixed in with her parents' conversation in the living room. This sigh made me raise my ears to eavesdrop on their conversation, so I signaled Qin Xuemei to be quiet.

His parents seemed to intentionally lower their voice, but I still heard some things. It seemed to be related to Qin Xuemei's little brother. I asked Qin Xuemei. She didn't know at all that I had left the day after tutoring.

After a few days, when Qin Xuemei was giving me supplementary lessons, I could tell that she had something on her mind.

Her brother was called Qin Shutong and was not her uncle's biological daughter. Her uncle and aunt did not have any fertility ability, and this child was adopted in an orphanage, most of the children were born with disabilities or diseases, otherwise they would not be abandoned, but this child was not, and the people at the orphanage also said that they did not know why the child was abandoned. Qin Xuemei's uncle and aunt carried the child back as if it were a treasure.

His parents didn't think much of it, they only thought that he was tired. However, this situation continued for several days, his parents brought him to the hospital, and after seeing nothing, the doctor only ordered his children to take a rest. It could be because of the symptoms of puberty, which made them easily scorched and uneasy, which was very normal.

This time, it was not the same doctor from last time. This time, the doctor inspected the patient and found out that it was meningitis, scaring his mother to the point where she was about to cry, but after conducting an emergency treatment, her condition improved greatly. Originally, she thought that would be enough, but the day before she was about to be discharged, Qin Shutong suddenly suffered from a serious illness.

His parents had accompanied him by his side every day, and even when he slept, they didn't leave. They only treated him as if he had never been a father or mother's life, didn't say that he couldn't have children, and even if he wanted to take care of his children, he would leave. Every night, Qin Shutong's parents would put him in the middle, and every second that he looked at him would mean that Qin Shutong's only life was still breathing, and that he was getting weaker and weaker every day.

But a miracle happened. When Qin Shutong's parents woke up one morning, they were surprised to find that Qin Shutong had disappeared, and hastily got up from their bed to look for someone. Qin Shutong saw that Qin Shutong was sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch by himself, and when he saw his parents panicking, he said, "Mom and Dad, I couldn't even prepare food for you two because I was anxious to go to school."

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